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9/11 Conspiracy?[W:1551] (2 Viewers)

You aren't interested in any evidence that destroys debunked fantasies.:peace:lamo

They were watching the towers and the ball was edited out, in this one. Why would it be edited? You have no response, no witnesses, and no answer for how black images are real boeings. You have assumptions and beliefs, but no proof of real planes.

This video and these 2 witnesses prove your belief in 911 fiction.
Ironically for the idiotic failed fantasy of no planes? The invisible part of electromagnetic radiation (oops, science stuff, not used by 911 truth) proves no planes are a failed fantasy. Called radar, which is beyond the comprehension skills of no plane cult members spreading the anti-intellectual lies of no planes. Thus, for no plane cult members the no plane fantasy is safe in their minds. No plane cult members are unable to do things which use the invisible part of electromagnetic radiation, as they destroy with ignorance the visible parts of electromagnetic radiation.

How will you get that part of your anatomy bad back after you laughed it off? :peace:lamo
Why do you laugh at the murder of thousands? Better look up electromagnetic radiation.

I realize all your evidence is safe in this gif, :lamo

When will you team with a newspaper with all your Pulitzer Prize winning evidence, and get the Pulitzer?

Let me answer the question. Never.
"Then all of a sudden a smaller airplane slammed right into the other tower. It was a smaller, a much smaller plane."

She saw the ball and pretended it was a smaller plane, but it was simply the ball that chopper 4, ny1, and wb11 aired live.

9/11 Eyewitness Carrie Feinstein Says Military Plane Hit WTC2 - YouTube

Did it ever occur to you for a moment that she might be wrong?


Yep, sure looks that way. Anyway, she is one of my 'friends' and she does her job rather well. ;)

I never will be anywhere near here. :bolt
4:41 Clifton Cloud "I didn't see any plane, I saw it happen."

4:55 Clifton Cloud "I didn't see a second plane."

NIST FOIA: Clifton Cloud Clips 10-12 - YouTube

I supposed it would be a waste of time to point out that someone saying they didn't see something is not proof it wasn't there - just that they didn't see it. Maybe he was looking the wrong way.
I supposed it would be a waste of time to point out that someone saying they didn't see something is not proof it wasn't there - just that they didn't see it. Maybe he was looking the wrong way.
7's posts show no comprehension of how evidence is assessed and weighted. If he was in court charged with a serious crime and the prosecution was allowed to use 7's own "Rules of Evidence"...conviction would be certain. All the prosecution would need to do was find one single witness to say that he did it.

THEN ignore all evidence for the defence.
7's posts show no comprehension of how evidence is assessed and weighted. If he was in court charged with a serious crime and the prosecution was allowed to use 7's own "Rules of Evidence"...conviction would be certain. All the prosecution would need to do was find one single witness to say that he did it.

THEN ignore all evidence for the defence.

Well actually you would only need 1 single person to say they did not see Frank do it, therefore B(l)ob would be convicted.
I supposed it would be a waste of time to point out that someone saying they didn't see something is not proof it wasn't there - just that they didn't see it. Maybe he was looking the wrong way.

That's a good point for using your excuse, or by anyone else. Your problem is that he did see something, the ball and mistook it for a chopper.

Clifton Cloud saw the same ball floating toward the south tower that chopper 4 filmed along with three other broadcasts. All aired live except CBS- NY1, nbc, and wb11.

"There was a police copter like near it...(I swear), I don't know what happen to him," This was Clifton's way of questioning whether he really saw a chopper.

"Ya, the second one I'm tellin' ya..was...I didn't see a plane...I was watching it...I didn't see a plane.

All I saw was a helicopter and I didn't see the helicopter anymore. It just looked like it exploded from the inside."

"Ya, but I don't think it was a plane. No, because it happened like 20 minutes later. I think it was a bomb on the second building. I think they had that bomb in there and they were like alright let's maximize it. Hit it with a plane, and then hit the bomb."

"There was a police copter like near it...I swear, I don't know what happen to him, but. But when the second one exploded there was a helicopter not too far away."

"Ya, I tell you man, I saw it in slow motion, that second building just went boom, just exploded from the inside out, just like a movie, like a cheap movie which was really weird...it was like a 1970's Charleton Heston movie."

"It was unbelievable, I mean it exploded from the inside, that second one."

NIST FOIA: Clifton Cloud Clips 7-9 - YouTube


"And then heard this noise that seemed to come from everywhere but didn't...had no idea what it was and then the south tower just exploded, it just it just, it just blew up. And somebody said that was a plane and I was like, "I was underneath it, I was looking at the tower, I had my camera in my hand, I heard the noise, I never saw the airplane."

David, did not hear or see an approaching plane and did not photograph one. He would have heard the roaring engines and plane coming in at over 500 mph. NO AIRLINER HIT THE SOUTH TOWER.


911stealth David Handschuh Propelled in Air a Block by Explosion & Saw No Plane - YouTube

"And then heard this noise that seemed to come from everywhere but didn't...had no idea what it was and then the south tower just exploded, it just it just, it just blew up. And somebody said that was a plane and I was like, "I was underneath it, I was looking at the tower, I had my camera in my hand, I heard the noise, I never saw the airplane."

David, did not hear or see an approaching plane and did not photograph one. He would have heard the roaring engines and plane coming in at over 500 mph. NO AIRLINER HIT THE SOUTH TOWER.


911stealth David Handschuh Propelled in Air a Block by Explosion & Saw No Plane - YouTube
I know people who were right below the tower and saw the plane. You are Debunked by eyes. Radar saw the plane, and while we use the visible part of Electromagnetic Radiation to see, RADAR uses the invisible part of Electromagnetic Radiation to see. Your fantasy is busted by the invisible and visible spectrum of Electromagnetic Radiation. You have been illuminated by Radiation as a pusher of failed fantasy. Science wins, 911 truth no plane fantasy crashes and burns. Why do you lie about the murder of so many? Is it your hobby?
I know people who were right below the tower and saw the plane. ?

No you don't. Clifton Cloud was standing right there filming and saw no plane in real-time. What eyewitnesses do you have like him? POST THE LINKS.:2wave: That is what matters, eyewitnesses who can be corroborated by video.
No you don't. Clifton Cloud was standing right there filming and saw no plane in real-time. What eyewitnesses do you have like him? POST THE LINKS.:2wave: That is what matters, eyewitnesses who can be corroborated by video.
I know people who saw the plane hit the WTC. Darn, you got hearsay, I have first-say. You lost this round forever.

Yes I do. You are debunked by one person, radar, and reality. What happened to the passengers in your fantasy?
It surprises me not one bit that someone standing right below the tower would not have seen the plane. They would not have had any chance to see it until the very moment before impact due to restricted field of view so simply glancing in the wrong direction for a moment would have been sufficient to miss it.

In a normal investigation if a witness said "I didn't see it" the usual response would be to move on to the next witness. You know, the witness that did see something and therefor has something useful to add.
I know people who saw the plane hit the WTC. Darn, you got hearsay, I have first-say. You lost this round forever.

Yes I do. You are debunked by one person, radar, and reality. What happened to the passengers in your fantasy?

You don't know any person who saw a plane hit T2, because none did. Darn, you don't even have hearsay, Clifton has first-say.

You are debunked by one person, radar, and reality. The ball was identified on radar coming over the Verrazano bridge at under 5k feet altitude.:2wave:

Southeast not Southwest.:mrgreen:
You don't know any person who saw a plane hit T2, because none did. Darn, you don't even have hearsay, Clifton has first-say.

You are debunked by one person, radar, and reality. The ball was identified on radar coming over the Verrazano bridge at under 5k feet altitude.:2wave:

Southeast not Southwest.:mrgreen:

Ignore radar, it proves you have fantasy.

I saw both planes hit. I would commute from NJ. Sometimes I'd take the PATH train from Hoboken, on nice days I'd take the ferry. 9/11 was a beautiful morning, and I took the ferry. I got off the ferry at the World financial center and began walking to my office on 45 Broadway. To do this, you have to walk DIRECTLY toward WTC1 As I was walking I heard a jets roar. I looked up. Now [feel free to delete this if it will make CT’ers take it out of context] I expected it to me some sort of military plane since every now and then military jets do fly down the Hudson river. IT WAS NOT. I saw a huge jetliner fly over me and SLAM IN TO THE TOWER!!! I had a PERFECT vantage point. Even then, I couldn’t actually process what I had seen. I kept thinking it couldn’t have been an American Airlines plane, sure that’s what I saw, but it just couldn’t have been. It had to be something else.

I didn't know what to do. Should I get back on the ferry and go home or should I go to my office? I went to my office. I found a group of co-workers standing behind our building on Greenwich and Rector street looking at the burning building, and we started talking about what happened. Some saw the crash, and some just saw the fire. The ones that didn't see the crash didn't believe me and those of us that did see it that it was a jetliner. They assumed, as I did before I saw the plane, that it was a private or military plane. They couldn't imagine it was a jetliner. Of course, they didn't actually see what I and the others did.

We all thought it had to be an accident. I was talking about how the buildings are designed to survive a hit like this and how it would be OK.

Smoke was pouring out, debris was flying everywhere, we were joking around saying its like Godzilla has attacked. We were all looking up at the towers. From our vantage point we had a perfect view of both towers (google map 45 Broadway and you'll see where I was).

It was then when the second plane flew over us and slammed in to the south tower. The force of the blast knocked a couple of people standing with to the ground.
I can find hundreds who saw aircraft impact the WTC and you can lie forever mocking the murdered. The best you can do is call people liars by posting lies.
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So if I am reading you correctly what you are saying is, if we can produce just one witness who saw a plane hit the South Tower your claim will be falsified and you will have to re-think your hypothesis?

OK then, Jane Beresford

WTC witness Jane Beresford saw 2nd plane, BBC, 09:20, 9/11 - YouTube


No no no no!
1 guy who didn't see something is a far more reliable witness that 100's who did.
Just like 1 fuzzy video of a plane, err I mean ball with wings, can obviously disprove all the clear videos.
No no no no!
1 guy who didn't see something is a far more reliable witness that 100's who did.
Just like 1 fuzzy video of a plane, err I mean ball with wings, can obviously disprove all the clear videos.

got their records and depositions? the 100s that is?

You realize there is a 100,000 dollar reward for anyone who can come up with an original impact video that is not cgi.

Ignore radar, it proves you have fantasy.

Flight 175 could not have flew over the Verrazano bridge, correct? Get ready for another dodge.:lamo

The Verrazano approach is completely different from the 911 commission. It's southeast compared to the official southwest approach. The blue line represents the official flight myth and the Verrazano circle around is the closest that anyone has ever gotten to the real flight path that is backed by countless witnesses, for the ball.

Flight 175 could not have flew over the Verrazano bridge, correct? Get ready for another dodge.:lamo

The Verrazano approach is completely different from the 911 commission. It's southeast compared to the official southwest approach. The blue line represents the official flight myth and the Verrazano circle around is the closest that anyone has ever gotten to the real flight path that is backed by countless witnesses, for the ball.

Real? You spread lies about 911, have a fantasy you can't define. Claims you have but can't back up with much more than more fantasy.
Radar. oops, 911 truth debunked.

911 truth claims are so far from reality, nothing is needed to debunk 911 truth; 911 truth is self-debunking.

911 truth can't do radar. Why?

Wait till you find out about ... Chemtrails, we are the NWO, U R NOT...
got their records and depositions? the 100s that is?

You realize there is a 100,000 dollar reward for anyone who can come up with an original impact video that is not cgi.

I doubt many peopel know about this reward. I also doubt he will ever pay regardless of any videos he sees. He will just claim they are faked. You think someone is gonna waste time/money taking him to court?
remember Donald trump and his 5 million$ reward or Bill Mahers 5 Million$ reward?
These are just pointless publicity stunts.
I doubt many peopel know about this reward. I also doubt he will ever pay regardless of any videos he sees. He will just claim they are faked. You think someone is gonna waste time/money taking him to court?
remember Donald trump and his 5 million$ reward or Bill Mahers 5 Million$ reward?
These are just pointless publicity stunts.

I doubt he has the money.
I doubt he has the money.

Doesnt need the $$ he will never pay. Look at what the pic says.

ANY original unmodified video. Easy to claim it is not original as unless you have kept it secret until now he can claim it is an old video so free pass there. Now if you get past that it has to be unmodified. Most of the YouTube videos you see have been clipped, Ie modified or else they have commentary added after the fact again modified.

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