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7% (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
DP Veteran
Jan 21, 2013
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Post-Trump America
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That's the number of voters who support Trumps great border wall idea to end the shutdown as it stands right now. It also appears the GOP is grappling once again with DACA and Amnesty to end the shutdown instead since nobody wants Trumps idea. What a shocker.

I believe more people approve of the job congress is doing.

Another 72 percent of voters oppose putting funding toward a wall if it's the only way to end the government shutdown, according to a new Politico/Morning Consult poll.

Poll: 7 percent support building border wall if it's only way to end shutdown

EDIT: Yup 11% congressional job approval.
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Nancy hand over the 5.7 billion now. You are hurting working people across the nation.
Why don't you want our Southern border made more secure with physical barriers
at keys points? Nancy is pushing the Resist plan used against president Trump.
Damage our country to try to damage president Trump! The democrats are beginning
to crack, more are agreeing with the president that walls work.
That's the number of voters who support Trumps great border wall idea to end the shutdown as it stands right now. It also appears the GOP is grappling once again with DACA and Amnesty to end the shutdown instead since nobody wants Trumps idea. What a shocker.

I believe more people approve of the job congress is doing.

Poll: 7 percent support building border wall if it's only way to end shutdown

EDIT: Yup 11% congressional job approval.

I'll bet if each of those 7 percenters donate $1000 they will have $5 billion in no time. Trump, who has "billions and billions of dollars", can kick in the rest.
Nancy hand over the 5.7 billion now. You are hurting working people across the nation.
Why don't you want our Southern border made more secure with physical barriers
at keys points? Nancy is pushing the Resist plan used against president Trump.
Damage our country to try to damage president Trump! The democrats are beginning
to crack, more are agreeing with the president that walls work.

That's right! Hand over the dough or I'll cut the bitch! Trump will get his $5.7 billion or he will burn this country to the ground.

Now that's what I call a negotiation.
I'll bet if each of those 7 percenters donate $1000 they will have $5 billion in no time. Trump, who has "billions and billions of dollars", can kick in the rest.

They were already halfway there! Those gofundme execs are libural kooks!!!!!!!
That's right! Hand over the dough or I'll cut the bitch! Trump will get his $5.7 billion or he will burn this country to the ground.

Now that's what I call a negotiation.

A bit violent this morning? Not healthy for you bud!

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