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68 Year Old Vietnam Vet Beaten for Supporting Trump (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2014
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JACKSONVILLE, Fla.—A 68-year-old man was beaten and left bloody by an unknown suspect Sunday afternoon after saying to a gas station clerk that he'd be voting for Donald Trump come November, authorities said.

The victim suffered broken bones after he voiced his support for the Republican while waiting in line at a gas station, a police report from the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office said.

The victim, Charles, told police that as soon as he answered the gas station clerk's question the person behind him, a black man, asked "Why da f--- you voting for him?"

The suspect followed Charles and then shoved him from behind, the report said. After that, the suspect punched him in the face, throwing Charles to the ground.

The police report said that the suspect proceeded to kick Charles in his stomach and arm. Charles told police that he'd suffered a severe injury to that arm in 2015. Later, the responding officer would watch the man attack Charles on surveillance video.

Charles was examined by first responders later at his home after leaving the gas station. The report said that Charles was bleeding, had swelling on his face, and might have had a broken wrist.

Man attacked for supporting Trump in Westside; Suspect on the loose | Firstcoastnews.com
This sort of nonsense is why the people of this country deserve Trump or Hillary. There's no reason or excuse to be perpetrating violence against each other. This blatant ignorance and barbarism is completely unacceptable and pathetic.
The fact that he is a veteran is irrelevant in my opinion.
It is not irrelevant in my opinion. This man risked his life, survived 'Nam, is almost 70 years old and gets attacked for exercising the rights he fought for and some schmuck beats up an old man over his choice. In fact, it pisses me off. A lot.
It is not irrelevant in my opinion. This man risked his life, survived 'Nam, is almost 70 years old and gets attacked for exercising the rights he fought for and some schmuck beats up an old man over his choice. In fact, it pisses me off. A lot.
How did his participation in Vietnam equate to fighting for his rights? Were the Vietnamese trying to take away the rights of the US people?
How did his participation in Vietnam equate to fighting for his rights? Were the Vietnamese trying to take away the rights of the US people?

This is not even worth "debating". An old man fought in a horrific war and SURVIVED it without landing on a long black wall, lives the rest of his life at home, voting, and gets beat up for his choice. I celebrate anyone that lived through such a thing. And I get angered at old people being beat up.
Make of it what you will.
It is not irrelevant in my opinion. This man risked his life, survived 'Nam, is almost 70 years old and gets attacked for exercising the rights he fought for and some schmuck beats up an old man over his choice. In fact, it pisses me off. A lot.

What Enola said! I look forward to the useless punk(and I mean "punk" in the county jail sense)being caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Can anybody come up with an excuse for this kind of blatant racism?

Oh, and God bless the useless little punk if any of the boys down at the county farm find out what he did.
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The simple fact that American politics not only allows but encourages this form of monstrous behaviour against political opponents is credence enough to the notion that we are in dire ****ing need of a revolution...
It's sad this happened to a vet, but his being a vet seems irrelevant to the story or the attack.
It's sad this happened to a vet, but his being a vet seems irrelevant to the story or the attack.

Unless it has something to do with someone labeling him a "baby-killer" or something else asinine-related like that.
Unless it has something to do with someone labeling him a "baby-killer" or something else asinine-related like that.
That's being extremely open-minded and unassuming - qualities I like.

But I suspect the context is post 1974 ...

It only goes to show that you should be careful, what you do in places, where the people my react badly. We discussed this in the case of a transvestite being mobbed in a subway, cases of girls being raped, when they dressed to the T and ventured into bad areas or got drunk at parties and now we find it is stupid to shoot off your mouth in favor of the political enemy in a line of blacks buying gas.
I don't know about anyone else, but I am fed up with tippytoeing around idiots and bullies. Which is why they act like idiots and bullies. They expect people to tippytoe.
This old woman is DONE doing that. Punch me, be ready to rumble and make damn sure I'm dead because I WILL get some paybacks soon as I get out of the hospital.
It's sad this happened to a vet, but his being a vet seems irrelevant to the story or the attack.

Maybe it was meant as a slight to Vietnam Vets. I mean it was not smart to venture that opinion in circumstances of the type the description conjures up. ;)
This sort of nonsense is why the people of this country deserve Trump or Hillary. There's no reason or excuse to be perpetrating violence against each other. This blatant ignorance and barbarism is completely unacceptable and pathetic.

On the other hand, the vet was lucky that the black fellow wasn't carrying. Otherwise the gun would have killed him.
It only goes to show that you should be careful, what you do in places, where the people my react badly. We discussed this in the case of a transvestite being mobbed in a subway, cases of girls being raped, when they dressed to the T and ventured into bad areas or got drunk at parties and now we find it is stupid to shoot off your mouth in favor of the political enemy in a line of blacks buying gas.

The story deserves to be told and discussed. The media isn't going to turn this into a national story, it'll live and die in the local Jacksonville market.

I object to telling anyone that they can't have a conversation about who they plan on voting for, otherwise we've given into the fear and intimidation that eminates from people like the scumbag that attacked this old man.

I'll also point out the obvious; if a young white guy beat up an old black man for saying that he supported Hillary, no one would be questioning who was at fault.
I don't know about anyone else, but I am fed up with tippytoeing around idiots and bullies. Which is why they act like idiots and bullies. They expect people to tippytoe.
This old woman is DONE doing that. Punch me, be ready to rumble and make damn sure I'm dead because I WILL get some paybacks soon as I get out of the hospital.

I like your spirit. If more people felt like you, this kind of thing wouldn't be happening in the first place.
I like your spirit. If more people felt like you, this kind of thing wouldn't be happening in the first place.

Before I got old, I worked at a convenience store..graveyard shift. The manager told me to be careful because lowlifes come out in the wee hours. I told him to not worry. When the morning shift comes in and happens to see blood everywhere...it ain't mine.:mrgreen:
Before I got old, I worked at a convenience store..graveyard shift. The manager told me to be careful because lowlifes come out in the wee hours. I told him to not worry. When the morning shift comes in and happens to see blood everywhere...it ain't mine.:mrgreen:

Hahaha! :)
The story deserves to be told and discussed. The media isn't going to turn this into a national story, it'll live and die in the local Jacksonville market.

I object to telling anyone that they can't have a conversation about who they plan on voting for, otherwise we've given into the fear and intimidation that eminates from people like the scumbag that attacked this old man.

I'll also point out the obvious; if a young white guy beat up an old black man for saying that he supported Hillary, no one would be questioning who was at fault.

Oh. The thing should be discussed under all circumstances. I was only pointing out that it was the same problem as the ones, where the "left" got angry, when it was pointed out that, though, the perp was criminal, the victim was also responsible by having done something dangerous.

But there is no excuse for the black man beating someone for advertising a political opinion.
I don't know about anyone else, but I am fed up with tippytoeing around idiots and bullies. Which is why they act like idiots and bullies. They expect people to tippytoe.
This old woman is DONE doing that. Punch me, be ready to rumble and make damn sure I'm dead because I WILL get some paybacks soon as I get out of the hospital.

Here's to you Enola..

The anti gun nutters and Euro's are probably sitting back right now thinking that it is wonderful that the old man wasn't armed because that black man would have been just another victim.

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