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6 Suspected Neo-Nazis Have Now Been Arrested In Lead-Up To Virginia Gun Rally (1 Viewer)

Poor logic.

Reports do not = Incidents

There may be MANY reasons reports increase, and an increase in ACTUAL "hate crime" (a dubious category to begin with) may not correlate.
:lamo Seriously, the above idiocy is the best you can offer?
Poverty drives crime when people are poor and get desperate to survive. Telling people to get a job and taking aby the safety net doesn't solve the problem, but instead makes it worse. This is proof of what happens when there is a wide income and wealth disparity and no realistic way out of the situation.

The median income in Maine is $4,059 lower than the national average, yet its the safest state to live in. It's also the least diverse. A Harvard study showed that diversity causes people to become isolated, unhappy, and distrustful.

Look, liberals have been repeating the lie that says poverty and inequality are to blame for subhuman behavior in cities like Baltimore, for 60 years now. I think its time to admit failure, and let capable people solve the problem. Your side has proven itself to be utterly incapable.
The median income in Maine is $4,059 lower than the national average, yet its the safest state to live in. It's also the least diverse. A Harvard study showed that diversity causes people to become isolated, unhappy, and distrustful.

Look, liberals have been repeating the lie that says poverty and inequality are to blame for subhuman behavior in cities like Baltimore, for 60 years now. I think its time to admit failure, and let capable people solve the problem. Your side has proven itself to be utterly incapable.

Maine is also very rural, which makes a huge difference in the cost of living.

What subhuman behavior are you referring to? Do you also want to call them thugs? Are there other dog-whistle code words that you forgot to mention?
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No need. Indeed it is, but those dots need connecting. :thumbs:

Those dots are liberals to you. You see liberals everywhere, including your closets and under your bed.
What is the reason that she set him on fire? That is what the hate crime law is for. The fact that she did it doesn't prove that it is a hate crime. The hate crime is there is address a motive based on an innate characteristic of the victim. Can you prove that the crime was premeditated and based solely on the victim's skin color?

She didn't know the victim or his family. She chose him based on his appearance.
Maine is also very rural, which makes a huge difference in the cost of living.

What subhuman behavior are you referring to? Do you also want to call them thugs? Are there other dog-whistle code words that you forgot to mention?

Oh, so trees and grass prevent crime. Cool story Lisa.

Subhuman works quite well to describe their behavior.
Those dots are liberals to you. You see liberals everywhere, including your closets and under your bed.

Some of the dots are liberal - hysterical & fascist - in this case. Liberals aren't everywhere? (You may want to rethink that; there are LITERALLY 75 million plus in this country - that's 1 in 4 at a minimum.)
Anyone who challenges liberal nonsense = MUST be conservative


Ironic since anyone who challenges conservative nonsense = MUST be liberal. You demonstrated that quite nicely here.
Some of the dots are liberal - hysterical & fascist - in this case. Liberals aren't everywhere? (You may want to rethink that; there are LITERALLY 75 million plus in this country - that's 1 in 4 at a minimum.)

Do I scare you? :shock:
Your question has been answered above. Trying to not so subtly imply that I'm excusing past injustices isn't going to cut it. What I'm saying is that this is no excuse for the failures that have taken place. Democrats have heavily represented blacks for decades yet want to blame the people NOT making policy for their failures. If black communities in Democrat cities are drug and crime ridden and have been for a long time, we can only surmise that the people running these places have failed miserably. That conclusion cannot be escaped by attacking me.

The first thing to do is to aggressively go after criminals WHERE THEY ARE. The left is terrified to do this because they think going after black criminals is somehow racist. However, I can guarantee you that the black families cowering in their homes in these places would LOVE for that to happen. Until some semblance of safety is achieved, all the money spent on education and other things will fail and the cycle of poverty and disadvantage will continue. I live near Baltimore and they have about a murder a day in a city of 600,000. Until that is fixed, no progress will be made. It CAN be fixed. Giuliani did it in NY where murders went from close to 3,000 down to 300. But it takes will.

You don't have to wonder how black families who have to deal with gun violence feel because you're talking to one, or rather past one. The history of the police if one of chasing down runaway blacks, and then uppity blacks. Blacks trying to sit on a bus or eat at a lunch counter. That is the black experience with police officers. And that's before you unleash the war on drugs on our communities. Black people tell you how they feel every election but you're just not listening. But I don't have to convince you of anything, it's your party that's going to have start convincing minorities to vote for you or your party is ****ed.
Ironic since anyone who challenges conservative nonsense = MUST be liberal. You demonstrated that quite nicely here.

Irrelevant AND incorrect - an impressive twofer! :)
I worry about you.

I think you're a decent person who gets confused, but means well.

You're the one who is terrified of liberals. If we met at a bar, you'd find me to be a nice fella and we'd drink beer together.

You're the one who is terrified of liberals. If we met at a bar, you'd find me to be a nice fella and we'd drink beer together.


Not at all; I think they're a tragedy, but like Nazis, they'll ultimately burn themselves to ashes. No doubt. :)
Not at all; I think they're a tragedy, but like Nazis, they'll ultimately burn themselves to ashes. No doubt. :)

It's hard to tell if you're a Poe or not. But you did imply that you're one at one time. That's why I don't take you seriously. I have been having fun conversing with you. ;)
It's hard to tell if you're a Poe or not. But you did imply that you're one at one time. That's why I don't take you seriously. I have been having fun conversing with you. ;)

That you'd even bring such a ridiculous claim up is disappointing at best. You're mistaken. No problem. As I said, you seem like a good guy. :thumbs:

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