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5 more countries to leave? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
Like I said earlier.....the dominoes will fall......

I did not like the concept of the EU when I heard about it in 1999, from friends I visited over there.....they didn't like it either.

Nationalism and Pride beats socialism and globalization any day! ;)
Nationalism and Pride beats socialism and globalization any day! ;)

Nationalism doesn't beat anything. It's an infantile disease; the measles of mankind.
Like I said earlier.....the dominoes will fall......

I did not like the concept of the EU when I heard about it in 1999, from friends I visited over there.....they didn't like it either.

Nationalism and Pride beats socialism and globalization any day! ;)

I fail to see "globalization" but I see lots of Corporatism/fascism and covert control.
Nationalism doesn't beat anything. It's an infantile disease; the measles of mankind.

Maybe it doesn't, if that is all that matters, there shouldn't be a reason to be upset. The left is upset because they are losing a contrubuting country's treasure. A couple more and Greece starves. Obviously the dues to be a member of the EU eclipses the benefit.
Nationalism doesn't beat anything. It's an infantile disease; the measles of mankind.

and liberalism is the cancer......much, much worse.

I fail to see "globalization" but I see lots of Corporatism/fascism and covert control.

Better to control your own destiny, than have some people in ivory towers dictating it to you.

Maybe it doesn't, if that is all that matters, there shouldn't be a reason to be upset. The left is upset because they are losing a contrubuting country's treasure. A couple more and Greece starves. Obviously the dues to be a member of the EU eclipses the benefit.

There ya go.......................
and liberalism is the cancer......much, much worse.

Not really. Nationalism is an ideology that lends itself to violence and conflict. It serves nothing more than to divide people and encourage bigotry and arrogance.
Maybe it doesn't, if that is all that matters, there shouldn't be a reason to be upset.

On the contrary. Nationalism and economic decline has historically been quite a negative combination. I fear the same might happen to the UK.
It's very unlikely the politicians/parties named in the OP will win majorities in the respective countries in the foreseeable future.

True, Marine Le Pen and her Front National might become strongest party, at between 30% and 40% of the votes at best -- but in the French system, a second turn is required when no candidate wins more than 50%. And in that second turn, Socialists and Conservatives have always overcome their differences and supported each other, in order to prevent the FN from winning. I just don't see the FN winning 50%. That just won't happen anytime soon.

It's even less likely in the Netherlands. Sure, Geert Wilders' Freedom Party might become strongest party -- but that means 30-40 out of 150 seats in the Netherlands. Same situation. They would have to form a coalition. And nobody would be willing to cooperate with them, if they demanded leaving the EU.

So ... the domino theory is premature... so far.

However, the (rest of the) EU now bitterly needs a reform. It needs to win back the trust of its populations. If it just goes on like before, the anti-EU forces will only continue to grow.

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