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$5 Mil Mardi Gras Tax Payer Bill (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
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Political Leaning
Why isn't anyone talking about the $5 MILLION Tax payer dollars recently used to throw New Orleans a party instead of for the Hurricane Relief and Re-Building it was supposed to be used for?

Don't even tell me that the event was needed for 'normalcy', that the visitors who came to the party generated MORE than $5 Mil in taxes to the city, etc! THIS is GARBAGE/AN OUTRAGE! THIS is exactly whatis going to happen to the BILLIONS of dollars expected to be entrusted to the local and state goverments for the re-building and recovery of New Orleans!

If I were Bush, I would assign 1 person/federal employee to oversee all federal funds, supervise all work there, ajnd sign all the checks to contractos/workers, etc. I would NEVER give N.O. a freakin' blank check and expect them to use the mone responsibly. I mean, they just used $5 MILLION earmarked for relief/rebuilding to hold a booze and beads-for-boobs party party! Aaaarrrggghhh! :doh
easyt65 said:
If I were Bush, I would assign 1 person/federal employee to oversee all federal funds, supervise all work there, ajnd sign all the checks to contractos/workers, etc.

I prefer a checks & balances system over an autocratic one.

easyt65 said:
I would NEVER give N.O. a freakin' blank check and expect them to use the mone responsibly. I mean, they just used $5 MILLION earmarked for relief/rebuilding to hold a booze and beads-for-boobs party party! Aaaarrrggghhh! :doh

You act surprised, as if government pi$$ing away money is something new.
easyt65 said:
Why isn't anyone talking about the $5 MILLION Tax payer dollars recently used to throw New Orleans a party instead of for the Hurricane Relief and Re-Building it was supposed to be used for?

Well what $5 million taxpayer money are you specifically talking about? The societies pay most of the cost, plus all the taxes they pay for the food liquour hall rentals etc etc, and what the city pays is made back in tax reciepts, hopefully. ALL the hotels were booked full, 10% lodging tax, and that means the resturants are feeding LOTS of people, again 10% resturant tax plus many other tax reciepts. So you'd have to show that specific money earmarked for recovery was shifted to Mardi Gras and that the city didn't profit from it.
I'm of the Mat Cauthon philosophy: you can never spend too much money on booze and babes. $5mil on that sounds alot better than some of the other crap we're wasting tax dollars on...didn't we loose billions of dollars in Iraq because people were literally hauling it away in wheelbarrows?
If you want to get all indignant about profligate goverment waste, start at the top with the most wasteful programs, and then work your way down to the paltry $5million shena****ns. Hell, when ya factor in all the repercussions that Stinger was talking about, this investment sounds much more reasonable than more reaganomic Bush tax-cuts.

What the hell? isn't censoring "ni ga" when its in the middle of a legitimate word just a little stupid? Oh their God, not like I'd want to offend anyone by saying I ate at Ben****n's last night.
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Lets party, its just 5 million, let people have fun and the money that people have earnt in this time probably make up for it in taxes etc
Do you have a link for the tax payer bill? Mardi Gras draws a lot of business to N.O. every year, and I think it was important for them to continue to tradition.

Besides, if anyone needed to party this year, it was the people in New Orleans.

We spend about $40 million on inauguration parties every four years.

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