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4 + 6 = a disaster on paper (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 19, 2018
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Joe Biden is proposing his tax plan.To make sure and tax the rich because
they aren't paying their fair share.Anyone making 0ver $ 400,ooo will now be taxed
at the highest rate as are Millionaires and Billionaires.His proposed plan meaning taxing to
the Tune of $ 4 Trillion.
But wait ... he also proposes to Spend.His spending proposal will be for
$ 6 Trillion.That leaves $ 2 Trillion not accounted for.Which according to Larry Kudlow
will require getting that from where else ... Not the Lower class but the Middle Class.
I don't think once the Middle Class hears about this ... it will be tickled pink.
It may Tickle pink those like Old Joe and Snappy Kamala.
But then so does a lot of stuff.Joe dint like School bussing while Little girl Kamala did.
Joe don't like pink salmon while Kamala do.He prefers his dark Red.Like Alaskan
Wild Salmon.
Go Figger and leaving the driving to Hertz.
Trump=Work Til You Die
Biden=Work Til You Die With a mask on

That is a clear choice.

Trump=Work Til You Die
Biden=Work Til You Die With a mask on

That is a clear choice.


Nothing comic about taxing one.I have an Idea'r.How about taxing someone who
gets relief.Plus uses food stamps.Lives free in Section 8 housing.
You'd see Protests the likes of which would have real Witches go out and
and get makeovers and new hairdos and spend their ccokie jar money
on new outfits { clothes }.No more witchy cauldrens and ratty unkempt hair and dirty,
dusty black outfits.Brooms not even available in old General Stores { witches brooms }.
A weird form of Omen would spread across America.
Like what Biden and Kamala are attempting.
But if you add three and double it, you get an extra.
Joe Biden is proposing his tax plan.To make sure and tax the rich because
they aren't paying their fair share.Anyone making 0ver $ 400,ooo will now be taxed
at the highest rate as are Millionaires and Billionaires.His proposed plan meaning taxing to
the Tune of $ 4 Trillion.
But wait ... he also proposes to Spend.His spending proposal will be for
$ 6 Trillion.That leaves $ 2 Trillion not accounted for.Which according to Larry Kudlow
will require getting that from where else ... Not the Lower class but the Middle Class.
I don't think once the Middle Class hears about this ... it will be tickled pink.
It may Tickle pink those like Old Joe and Snappy Kamala.
But then so does a lot of stuff.Joe dint like School bussing while Little girl Kamala did.
Joe don't like pink salmon while Kamala do.He prefers his dark Red.Like Alaskan
Wild Salmon.
Go Figger and leaving the driving to Hertz.

And what about the working poor?

How much are they going to pay?

I want to contribute too.
Nothing comic about taxing one.I have an Idea'r.How about taxing someone who
gets relief.Plus uses food stamps.Lives free in Section 8 housing.
You'd see Protests the likes of which would have real Witches go out and
and get makeovers and new hairdos and spend their ccokie jar money
on new outfits { clothes }.No more witchy cauldrens and ratty unkempt hair and dirty,
dusty black outfits.Brooms not even available in old General Stores { witches brooms }.
A weird form of Omen would spread across America.
Like what Biden and Kamala are attempting.

The Amish store down the road sells witch brooms, and the Biden-Concubine ticket will cost poor people a hell of a lot of money if their agenda passes whether it is a tax or outrageous energy & insurance prices.
The Amish store down the road sells witch brooms, and the Biden-Concubine ticket will cost poor people a hell of a lot of money if their agenda passes whether it is a tax or outrageous energy & insurance prices.

Don't worry, when the vegetarian cult gets finished with us, we'll be able to fly around on them.
Joe Biden is proposing his tax plan.To make sure and tax the rich because
they aren't paying their fair share.Anyone making 0ver $ 400,ooo will now be taxed
at the highest rate as are Millionaires and Billionaires.His proposed plan meaning taxing to
the Tune of $ 4 Trillion.
But wait ... he also proposes to Spend.His spending proposal will be for
$ 6 Trillion.That leaves $ 2 Trillion not accounted for.Which according to Larry Kudlow
will require getting that from where else ... Not the Lower class but the Middle Class.
I don't think once the Middle Class hears about this ... it will be tickled pink.
It may Tickle pink those like Old Joe and Snappy Kamala.
But then so does a lot of stuff.Joe dint like School bussing while Little girl Kamala did.
Joe don't like pink salmon while Kamala do.He prefers his dark Red.Like Alaskan
Wild Salmon.
Go Figger and leaving the driving to Hertz.

Has President Trump signed a balance budget in the years he has served?
or cut 2 trillion in spending.

Things like repirations, tuition and where is the 93T new green deal going to come from?

If you can get all that for 6T?

The only way to get any of that is Democrat both Houses.

And even then essential planks of your program are going to be filibustered.
Things like repirations, tuition and where is the 93T new green deal going to come from?

If you can get all that for 6T?

The only way to get any of that is Democrat both Houses.

And even then essential planks of your program are going to be filibustered.

I have not stated what I would like to see in the budget. You brought up the 2Trillion and the middle class. I suggested making cuts to the budget till it is balanced.

You know, like most adults do for their personal budget. :mrgreen:
This would all be much easier if we just did away with wages and personal property. If we just let the government decide what's best for us, where we should live, what we should eat, how we should be educated, who we should be cared for, medically, etc. then we'd all be equal and this "income disparity" and all the tax advantages rich people have would totally go away. Just imagine, you'd never need to file a tax return again. You'd never need to worry about having a job or making a mortgage payment. There would be no crime because everyone would have everything they need. Unicorns would once again roam the streets and every day would be filled with peace and rainbows!
I have not stated what I would like to see in the budget. You brought up the 2Trillion and the middle class. I suggested making cuts to the budget till it is balanced.

You know, like most adults do for their personal budget. :mrgreen:

Or get a second job.

I prefer to do overtime and take a few months off.

I would do better with the tax rate based on the hourly wage.

My idea of job security is to have several firms around town who'd always want to take you back.
Joe Biden is proposing his tax plan.To make sure and tax the rich because
they aren't paying their fair share.Anyone making 0ver $ 400,ooo will now be taxed
at the highest rate as are Millionaires and Billionaires.His proposed plan meaning taxing to
the Tune of $ 4 Trillion.
But wait ... he also proposes to Spend.His spending proposal will be for
$ 6 Trillion.That leaves $ 2 Trillion not accounted for.Which according to Larry Kudlow
will require getting that from where else ... Not the Lower class but the Middle Class.
I don't think once the Middle Class hears about this ... it will be tickled pink.
It may Tickle pink those like Old Joe and Snappy Kamala.
But then so does a lot of stuff.Joe dint like School bussing while Little girl Kamala did.
Joe don't like pink salmon while Kamala do.He prefers his dark Red.Like Alaskan
Wild Salmon.
Go Figger and leaving the driving to Hertz.

Lol kudlow :lamo i hate salmon period. What does that have to do with anything?
But if you add three and double it, you get an extra.

Righto! as and far as Joe calculates ...
- With Six You Get Eggroll - { Doris Day Movie }
This would all be much easier if we just did away with wages and personal property. If we just let the government decide what's best for us, where we should live, what we should eat, how we should be educated, who we should be cared for, medically, etc. then we'd all be equal and this "income disparity" and all the tax advantages rich people have would totally go away. Just imagine, you'd never need to file a tax return again. You'd never need to worry about having a job or making a mortgage payment. There would be no crime because everyone would have everything they need. Unicorns would once again roam the streets and every day would be filled with peace and rainbows!

I like the plan that Sean Hannity kept mentioning.The Penny Plan.
It was formally introduced as a bill by U.S. Senator Rand Paul in 2018.
His projections lead to a Balanced Federal Budget in 5 years.Given the
circumstance of repealing the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018.
Lol kudlow :lamo i hate salmon period. What does that have to do with anything?

Salmon is very good for one's health.It is also rich in Vitamin D.
A vitamin that is not easy to come by.Like say ... Vitamin C which comes by way
of China.Like aspirin does.
N'cest pas ?
Salmon is very good for one's health.It is also rich in Vitamin D.
A vitamin that is not easy to come by.Like say ... Vitamin C which comes by way
of China.Like aspirin does.
N'cest pas ?

US imports how many lemons, limes? | Fox Business

Vitamin C comes from fruits imported from many other countries. Another china biden link *eyeroll*. Vitamin D comes from other foods
And what about the working poor?

How much are they going to pay?

I want to contribute too.

Be careful what you ask fir or mention.Mitt Romney wishes he never used the
number 47.He had a closed door meeting with donors in 2012 where he gave a
sort of pep talk.It ended up being taped.It ended up in the possession of David Corn
at Mother Jones who wrote up a story that got him a Polk Award.One prized among
Journalist for Intrepid Reporting.It was his " 47 percent story ".The 47 percent referred to
Mitt Romney's mocking tone about just who pays taxes.That 47% of those who pay No
Federal Income tax are those most likely to vote Democrat.
Er some such blather.That leaked videotape recording of Romney with Donors
did more to cost him the election of 2012 than the story about traveling once
and putting the family dog in a carrier atop the family car.
Nothing comic about taxing one.I have an Idea'r.How about taxing someone who
gets relief.Plus uses food stamps.Lives free in Section 8 housing.
You'd see Protests the likes of which would have real Witches go out and
and get makeovers and new hairdos and spend their ccokie jar money
on new outfits { clothes }.No more witchy cauldrens and ratty unkempt hair and dirty,
dusty black outfits.Brooms not even available in old General Stores { witches brooms }.
A weird form of Omen would spread across America.
Like what Biden and Kamala are attempting.

Taxing the rich is a very Adam Smith idea, ya know the guy thats named as the founder of modern capitalism
Taxing the rich is a very Adam Smith idea, ya know the guy thats named as the founder of modern capitalism

Except when it comes to 47 % of the Electorate { population } who pay No Federal
Income Tax. Who turn out to be major league democrat voters.Then it's A-Ok.
Nothing to see or hear Folks.Now move along.Squares about as much as fitting round
pegs into square holes.Which is How Democrats square budgets.
Except when it comes to 47 % of the Electorate { population } who pay No Federal
Income Tax. Who turn out to be major league democrat voters.Then it's A-Ok.
Nothing to see or hear Folks.Now move along.Squares about as much as fitting round
pegs into square holes.Which is How Democrats square budgets.
Blue states pay more taxes. Next? The rich tend to use more government services from patent protection, to the courts, to roads, etc.
Blue states pay more taxes. Next? The rich tend to use more government services from patent protection, to the courts, to roads, etc.

So the rich don't pay their own freight.? They rely on Gov'mint for stuff.
That doesn't square with The Great philanthropist Andrew Carnegie.
Who took only a modest salary for himself.Enough to live on.
So the rich don't pay their own freight.? They rely on Gov'mint for stuff.
That doesn't square with The Great philanthropist Andrew Carnegie.
Who took only a modest salary for himself.Enough to live on.

Lol Carnegie was so bad his descendants setup all the philanthropic stuff and actually the rich rely heavily on the USPS

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