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38% Thank You George Bush! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Recently, the Presidents approval rating dropped to 38%. The lowest of his presidency. With the prospects of going even lower. This is the second lowest rating in the history of our country. Its so bad, that the only president that got a lower rating was........you guessed it, Trickey Dick, at the height of Watergate!

Bush can look at the bright side though, the economy appears to be rolling along (for the moment). I'll give him that. No sense in arguing against the obvious. I'm not a NEO! Which means, Never Ethical to Others. And that brings me to the second point the Bushey Boy can sleep at night. As long as the neo's and their ilk look the other way whenever he lies, breaks the law or keeps putting our GI's in harms way over faulty intel, he won't have his Watergate.

He should. God knows he's done enough to warrant a Congressional investigation on many issues. But more than half of Congress thinks its OK to be lied too. It use to be over half the nation. But its not anymore!

The closer it gets to those mid-term elections, the more Republicans will be breaking ranks with Bush. That is the ones that want to keep their jobs. No sense in supporting a lame duck.

They ought to make it a National Holiday the day that happens.
Convinceme this a debate and shouldn't be moved to The Basement.
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cnredd...Assistant District Attorney for the forum, your honor...

Please mark "exhibit #1"....A partial list of prior threads started by the defendant....

We Got the Government We Deserve!

Republicans DO NOT Support Our Troops

Bush Approves use of Torture

Are Conservatives UNFIT to run governments!

If a Conservative Reaches High Court, say goodbye to Bill of Rights

Al Quaida Man of The Year: GEORGE BUSH!

PROOF Bush LIED about Iraq!

How Bush-leage can go from Surplus to Deficit Boggles the Mind!

The Price of War is anything but Conservative!
Originally posted by Simon W. Moon:
Convince this a debate me and shouldn't be moved to The Basement
"Convince this a debate me..."

Not to sure what your saying there. But it is a fact is approval rating is pretty low. He has also done several impeachable acts (DSM being the most obvious), by starting the air war against Iraq in April of 2002. This was according to Lieutenant-General Moseley in a meeting at a Nebraska air base that is referenced in DSM. That is a full nine months before Congress declared war. That is impeachable.

However, when you talk to a lot of Bush supporters, mostly the ones refered to as neo's, they seem to look the other way and act like it didn't happen. Hypocrisy happens to be one of my buttons. That's why the creative english was chosen. No excuses though.

But it is true Republicans are starting to break ranks [Frist on stem cell...]

Congress is not doing too much to hold Bush accountable [If they can impeach Clinton over a sex thing, then they can impeach Bush for...]

I think it is un-ethical to engage in debate without a desire for the truth. You know there are a lot of posts that do not show an interest in getting relevent facts and evaluating them without a pre-disposition towards the outcome. That's not being objective.

People commenting on sources that they requested, but when provided, didn't take the time to read them. Yet, they rebut anyway. To me, that's un-ethical. I haven't seen a single neo that's not been guilty of this.

I make it a point to at least understand another persons point of view before I comment on what they said. I'm not saying that I haven't been guilty of the same thing. But I am concious of it, and make it a point not too.
Originally posted by cnredd:
We Got the Government We Deserve!
[A government is merely the reflection of its people]

Republicans DO NOT Support Our Troops
[Not when they cut VA funding]

Bush Approves use of Torture
[With the Justice Dept. memo in 2002]

Are Conservatives UNFIT to run governments!
[Just asking the question. Its not the same as, "Liberals have a Mental Disorder". One raises a question, the other is stated as a fact.]

If a Conservative Reaches High Court, say goodbye to Bill of Rights
[In light of the Patriot Act, how could not think this way]

Al Quaida Man of The Year: GEORGE BUSH!
[There having the best recruitment year ever. They didn't post these numbers when Clinton was running the country]

PROOF Bush LIED about Iraq!
[Just what it says, I provided proof he lied!]

How Bush-leage can go from Surplus to Deficit Boggles the Mind!
[Clinton left with a budget surplus, Bush has a big debt.]

The Price of War is anything but Conservative!
[5 billion a month is not froogle.]
Not to sure what your point is. So I included my reasons below the bold.
Billo_Really said:
Not to sure what your saying there.
That came out a little dyslexically.

What I want to see is how this is a debate. As far as I can tell, this just your attempt to make folks aware of something. I couldn't find a debatable premise.

Feel free to convince me otherwise. I'm open to it.

In the mean time, off to The Basement.
Originally posted by Simon W. Moon:
That came out a little dyslexically.

What I want to see is how this is a debate. As far as I can tell, this just your attempt to make folks aware of something. I couldn't find a debatable premise.

Feel free to convince me otherwise. I'm open to it.

In the mean time, off to The Basement.
I see what your saying. There might be some truth to that.
Well there is plenty of room for debate Simon.
What's debatable is the validity of not only this, but all polls in general.

What most people seem to pass up is the most important number - understandable as it is the smallest print- and assume their poll props up their own views.

Polls are a subversive tool (used to geat effect unfortunately) that give a distorted view for people who don't want to do their own leg work.

Both sides of an issue use them and completely ignore the all important small print: Number of adults polled .

The average number of adults polled is usually 1000 to 1500.

In a country of nearly 300,000,000 I hardly find less than one percent being a legitimate analysis of what America feels.

Another factor to consider is demographic:
Eaxactly Who is being asked? If you're the right leaning type, my guess is you'll ask in the Red states; the left in the Blue.

Not a very savvy tactic, but for some reason very effective.

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VTA said:
Well there is plenty of room for debate Simon.
What's debatable is the validity of not only this, but all polls in general.
That certainly could be a debate topic. However, it's not really broached by the OP, not does the OP express any interest in it. I made my decision based upon the content of that alone.

VTA said:
The average number of adults polled is usually 1000 to 1500.

In a country of nearly 300,000,000 I hardly find less than one percent being a legitimate analysis of what America feels.

Another factor to consider is demographic:
Eaxactly Who is being asked? If you're the right leaning type, my guess is you'll ask in the Red states; the left in the Blue.
This is all subject to mathematical analysis rather than your sentiments. The most crucial issue for polls is their sampling. If the sampling is not truly random then the results are worthless.

Unless you're gonna start popping out some equations to demonstrate you findings about the inadequacy of polls I ain't interested.
Simon W. Moon said:
That certainly could be a debate topic. However, it's not really broached by the OP, not does the OP express any interest in it. I made my decision based upon the content of that alone.

This is all subject to mathematical analysis rather than your sentiments. The most crucial issue for polls is their sampling. If the sampling is not truly random then the results are worthless.

Unless you're gonna start popping out some equations to demonstrate you findings about the inadequacy of polls I ain't interested.

Well I wasn't really appealing to you so it'd be moved, but nonetheless...

It's hardly sentiment when I point out the fact that less than 1% of the population is polled. That's a pretty glaring equation, and not one subject to how I feel.

The idea that in theory 'the objective is to present the opinions of a sample of people that are exactly the same opinions that would have been obtained had it been possible to interview all adult Americans in the country.' as stated by the Gallup Org, based on 'equal probability of selection' is not very convincing.
Originally posted by teacher:
Please list these lies and well debate them.
Check out Post #77 on the "War President" thread.

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