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30,808 U.S. COVID deaths per month (average) since March (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
Reaction score
Political Leaning
194,092 (US COVID deaths)
6 months (let's use 6.3 since it's 9 days into Sept)

÷ 6.3

So here's the real question. Did our Federal Government respond correctly to a Pandemic?
Has there not been like 100 other similar threads?
Has there not been like 100 other similar threads?

i get that an average of 30k American deaths due to no national plan can be devastating to Trump foot "soldiers".
194,092 (US COVID deaths)
6 months (let's use 6.3 since it's 9 days into Sept)

÷ 6.3

So here's the real question. Did our Federal Government respond correctly to a Pandemic?

That's higher than the average monthly American deaths in the 1918 flu pandemic.
do any Trump voters wanna talk about this tread along with...


194,092 (US COVID deaths)
6 months (let's use 6.3 since it's 9 days into Sept)

÷ 6.3

So here's the real question. Did our Federal Government respond correctly to a Pandemic?

But 4 people died in Benghazi!
do any Trump voters wanna talk about this tread along with...



Maybe you can spice up your threads with something new. I think most people are board with these type of topics as witnessed by the very few responses.
That's higher than the average monthly American deaths in the 1918 flu pandemic.

There is 200 million more people in this country for starts. I was gonna give other differences but I don't think it's necessary.
i get that an average of 30k American deaths due to no national plan can be devastating to Trump foot "soldiers".

Ya that's been presented in the other 100 threads.

How about something new and interesting? These threads are a big waste of the forums time.
Maybe you can spice up your threads with something new. I think most people are board (sic) with these type of topics as witnessed by the very few responses.

And yet, here you is...so what are you, particle board or OSB?
There is 200 million more people in this country for starts. I was gonna give other differences but I don't think it's necessary.

So what? The 1918 flu had an infection rate of about 33%, and this virus has an infection rate of 20%. More deaths per case.
194,092 (US COVID deaths)
6 months (let's use 6.3 since it's 9 days into Sept)

÷ 6.3

So here's the real question. Did our Federal Government respond correctly to a Pandemic?

Now that we know this is genocide, it’s even more shattering and enraging.
Maybe you can spice up your threads with something new. I think most people are board with these type of topics as witnessed by the very few responses.

i'm sure Trump Republicans are board with the topic of COVID deaths.
Ya that's been presented in the other 100 threads.

How about something new and interesting? These threads are a big waste of the forums time.

but i do appreciate the bump. the more voters that know, the better.
but i do appreciate the bump. the more voters that know, the better.

Nobody is changing their mind on here.

I'm not voting because I hate Trump, but I think liberals are pretty disgusting as well!
Nobody is changing their mind on here.

I'm not voting because I hate Trump, but I think liberals are pretty disgusting as well!

information flows everywhere. it's why you don't have to listen to Rush/Sean and still here them (since it's repeated here).

now that most everyone here knows what the average is they can take it to twitter, their family, their friends, their work, etc.

again, thanks for the bump.

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