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3 people killed, weapons stolen at Georgia shooting range, officials say (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 5, 2019
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Staten Island, NY USA
Political Leaning
The link: https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/08/us/georgia-shooting-range/index.html

The headline: "3 people killed, weapons stolen at Georgia shooting range, officials say"

The lede: "Three people were killed on Friday in an apparent robbery at the Lock Stock & Barrel Shooting Range in Grantville, Georgia, according to local police officials.
The shooting occurred around 5:30 p.m., the Grantville Police Department said in a statement on Facebook. Grantville is about 50 miles southwest of Atlanta."

The comment: Guns.


Three more people dead of gunshot.

Once again, our present laws and their level of enforcement were insufficient to avoid this tragedy.

Each day, someone in the US dies of gunshot roughly every half hour.

Three more dead.



Regards, stay safe 'n well . . . 'n un-shot.
Looked like it was an orchestrated robbery with the intent on killing the individuals. I don't agree with gun laws being as laxed as they are, but people kill people. Not guns.
Looked like it was an orchestrated robbery with the intent on killing the individuals. I don't agree with gun laws being as laxed as they are, but people kill people. Not guns.

Hi, slavblueberryjam!

I've seen that comment -- people kill people , not guns -- many, many times in one form or 'nother. My response remains the same.

It is this:

In deaths from gunshot, the coroner's reports list gunshot and the damage it produced as the cause of death, not people. It actually takes, excepting in the strangest of circumstances, three individual components to produce a death by gunshot. There are the shooter, the gun and the bullet. Reducing the number of deaths by gunshot by eliminating a number of people is not a viable option. That leave the other two components.

Regards, stay safe 'n well . . . 'n un-shot.
Looked like it was an orchestrated robbery with the intent on killing the individuals. I don't agree with gun laws being as laxed as they are, but people kill people. Not guns.
Guns raise the body count.
Hi, slavblueberryjam!

I've seen that comment -- people kill people , not guns -- many, many times in one form or 'nother. My response remains the same.

It is this:

In deaths from gunshot, the coroner's reports list gunshot and the damage it produced as the cause of death, not people. It actually takes, excepting in the strangest of circumstances, three individual components to produce a death by gunshot. There are the shooter, the gun and the bullet. Reducing the number of deaths by gunshot by eliminating a number of people is not a viable option. That leave the other two components.

Regards, stay safe 'n well . . . 'n un-shot.
Once again, our lack of strict gun control laws boils directly down to money in politics. Get the money out, the laws will change. So will the politicians.
Looked like it was an orchestrated robbery with the intent on killing the individuals. I don't agree with gun laws being as laxed as they are, but people kill people. Not guns.
Slight correction, - people kill people, with guns. ☮️
Once again, our lack of strict gun control laws boils directly down to money in politics. Get the money out, the laws will change. So will the politicians.
You really believe the politicians would change? LOL. Nope, people like Pelosi and every GOP are in it for the POWER.
Looked like it was an orchestrated robbery with the intent on killing the individuals. I don't agree with gun laws being as laxed as they are, but people kill people. Not guns.

With guns

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