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3 missing women met same man online, Arizona police say (1 Viewer)


Land by the Gulf Stream
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3 missing women met same man online, Arizona police say | Fox News

When she left Kingman the morning of June 2, 2015, Hartz had a moment alone with her daughter.

"She said, 'Don't worry, baby. We'll keep in touch,'" daughter Denise Baggs recalls.

Baggs spoke to her 72-year-old mother once on the phone three days later and hasn't heard from her since. Now authorities are trying to figure out if Hartz was the victim of a serial predator.
He's being held on unrelated charges, but evidence found in his home links him to all three missing women. He must be one smooth talker.
Evil is everywhere. Truly sad for these three women - and I hope they are the only ones.
The suspect is an illegal immigrant....from Canada.

"...In his possession were several aliases and firearms. Mohave County Sheriff's Chief Deputy Rodney Head said fingerprints confirmed the man was Carnochan, a Canadian citizen who fled to the U.S. illegally more than 20 years ago..."​
Wait till the Donald gets in office. The Canadians will pay for that wall.
The suspect is an illegal immigrant....from Canada.

"...In his possession were several aliases and firearms. Mohave County Sheriff's Chief Deputy Rodney Head said fingerprints confirmed the man was Carnochan, a Canadian citizen who fled to the U.S. illegally more than 20 years ago..."​
Wait till the Donald gets in office. The Canadians will pay for that wall.

I'm sure the Canadians would love to hear that. lol It's a theatre of the absurd.
Wait till the Donald gets in office. The Canadians will pay for that wall.

Yea, Canadians are rapists and murders. Some of them are good people too. :mrgreen:
It is harder to get into Canada from the US than the other way around.
He's being held on unrelated charges, but evidence found in his home links him to all three missing women. He must be one smooth talker.

Absolutely. He got all three to drain their savings, probably transferring their money directly into his accounts, before they disappeared. As far as I know, no bodies have yet to be discovered. So, getting a conviction may take some effort.
At least they are polite.

Polite, yes, but that is all a facade. As soon as they gain your trust, they invite you to a curling match, and you end up dying of boredom. What a horrible way to go. I'd rather be blown to bits by an ISIS bomb. :mrgreen:

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