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21 percent of voters say they would get a no-cost vaccine as soon as possible: poll (1 Viewer)


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21 percent of voters say they would get a no-cost vaccine as soon as possible: poll | TheHill

Just over 2 in 10 Americans say they would attempt to get a free coronavirus vaccine immediately were it released this year, according to a poll released Sunday.

In a CBS News/YouGov survey, 21 percent of Americans indicated that they would go out and be vaccinated as soon as possible should a no-cost COVID-19 vaccine be released, while more than half (58 percent) said that they would wait to see how others were affected by the injection before getting one themselves.

The same percentage as would get it immediately, 21 percent, also said that they would "never" get a COVID-19 vaccine. That number could prove challenging to health experts who have sought to slow the virus's spread and have warned that many public activities and large-scale gatherings will not be possible until much of the population is vaccinated.

The majority of respondents expressed skepticism on the time frame of a vaccine being produced as being their reasoning for not getting the vaccine immediately. Sixty-five percent of respondents said that they would consider a vaccine before the end of 2020 to be the result of insufficient testing or the vaccine otherwise being "rushed" through production. Just 35 percent said that a vaccine before the end of 2020 would represent a scientific breakthrough.

A party split exists on this issue, with 77 percent of Democrats saying that a vaccine in 2020 would be the result of it being "rushed through," while only 48 percent of GOP respondents said the same.
I don't think that forced vaccination would be legal, or even possible. For kids just entering school, I see a justification, and for teachers as well. Getting vaccinated in order to get your car inspected or your drivers license renewed might work.
i'd need to read a bit about it as well as the company producing it. i'm the opposite of an anti-vaxer, but if i get the impression that the vaccine has been rushed to market in order to kiss Tweety's ass, i'm going to take that into account.
None of the vaccines in development are meant to confer life time immunity, so you'd need to be revaccinated at least annually like with the flu shot.
This thread right here is a classic example of what happens when too many assume truth in every word the President utters.

The vaccination could be nothing more than iced tea but useful idiots will assume lifetime immunity.

(About those things Darwin was going on about...)
Yet the democrats in Virginia are already saying they are going to mandate this non-existent vaccine as soon as it is available.
Yet the democrats in Virginia are already saying they are going to mandate this non-existent vaccine as soon as it is available.

Or as soon as it has completed trials according to established clinical protocols and has been proven to be both effective and safe. You missed that bit.
This thread right here is a classic example of what happens when too many assume truth in every word the President utters.

The vaccination could be nothing more than iced tea but useful idiots will assume lifetime immunity.

(About those things Darwin was going on about...)

If reputable pharmaceutical companies are involved, it won't be useless. That would sink the company, and they wouldn't let that happen. I can't really go into detail, but I can say that I trust that some companies put their products under enough scrutiny to make an OCD scientist throw up from the stress of it. Literally. As for fly by night companies that i don't know much about, I'm more skeptical.
i'd need to read a bit about it as well as the company producing it. i'm the opposite of an anti-vaxer, but if i get the impression that the vaccine has been rushed to market in order to kiss Tweety's ass, i'm going to take that into account.

Tell it, brother. Me too.

So far everything Trump has or hasn't done COVID related is screwed up. If anything, Trump, his dull and completely unqualified family members and Pence, and politically hand-picked friends have buggered the US response to and mitigation of the virus from day one. In doing so, they have dangerously destroyed public trust in the Trump Administration's ability to properly produce an effective and safe vaccine.

Does anyone trust the Trump Administration's ability to distribute an effective and safe vaccine in a manner that is available to all people on an equal basis for free or at low cost? Chaos, thy name is Trump. The entire planet is well aware of the current administration's inability to properly plan anything. Trump has half-assed damn near everything. Does America trust Trump, his family, and his unqualified syncophants to suddenly get it right with precision, forethought and focused planning and followthrough? Not bloody likely.

I will take a proven, effective vaccine, but ain't no way I'm going to be at the front of the line. I simply do not have any confidence in President "COVID denial, Hydroxychloroquine, bleach drinking, Lysol injection, UV light butt plug, if we don't count the number of contacts and deaths the numbers go down" Trump's ignorant, self-serving, mad rush, to a cure.
Tell it, brother. Me too.

So far everything Trump has or hasn't done COVID related is screwed up. If anything, Trump, his dull and completely unqualified family members and Pence, and politically hand-picked friends have buggered the US response to and mitigation of the virus from day one. In doing so, they have dangerously destroyed public trust in the Trump Administration's ability to properly produce an effective and safe vaccine.

Does anyone trust the Trump Administration's ability to distribute an effective and safe vaccine in a manner that is available to all people on an equal basis for free or at low cost? Chaos, thy name is Trump. The entire planet is well aware of the current administration's inability to properly plan anything. Trump has half-assed damn near everything. Does America trust Trump, his family, and his unqualified syncophants to suddenly get it right with precision, forethought and focused planning and followthrough? Not bloody likely.

I will take a proven, effective vaccine, but ain't no way I'm going to be at the front of the line. I simply do not have any confidence in President "COVID denial, Hydroxychloroquine, bleach drinking, Lysol injection, UV light butt plug, if we don't count the number of contacts and deaths the numbers go down" Trump's ignorant, self-serving, mad rush, to a cure.

i would reiterate that most of the legitimate pharmaceutical companies that are well established engage in exhaustive testing and wouldn't go to market with a sketchy vaccine that doesn't work or worse. who comes out with the vaccine will partially influence my trust in it. i definitely don't like that there's a rush, but it's somewhat necessary. even under those circumstances, i feel that 18 months might be possible, since from what i've read in the media, they started with the developed SARS vaccine. i don't know much more about it than that, since my own scientific research has not been in developing a vaccine for COVID.
i would reiterate that most of the legitimate pharmaceutical companies that are well established engage in exhaustive testing and wouldn't go to market with a sketchy vaccine that doesn't work or worse. who comes out with the vaccine will partially influence my trust in it. i definitely don't like that there's a rush, but it's somewhat necessary. even under those circumstances, i feel that 18 months might be possible, since from what i've read in the media, they started with the developed SARS vaccine. i don't know much more about it than that, since my own scientific research has not been in developing a vaccine for COVID.

I hear you. You are much more familiar with pharmaceutical companies than I am. Let's hope a reputable and reliable company develops an effective vaccine in record time.

My second concern is distribution. I see nothing in the history of this administration that suggests it is capable of making the vaccine equally available to all Americans no matter their social status, net worth, age, race, political or religious beliefs, or where they live. I don't see the commitment.

As we all know, Jared still has not made all PPE available to all first responders, front line medical and allied health professionals, and even now tests are still not available to all Americans on an equal basis, nor are test results. Still, there is no national direction or coordination.

Will the distribution of the vaccine suddenly reflect lessons learned with previous and on-going mistakes corrected? After all, the Trump Administration has had since last February, 7 plus months, to plan and organize a national vaccine distribution. They had to have known that developing and distributing a vaccine for the entire nation would be a monumental undertaking. Surely they began planning in earnest way back then. Color me most skeptical.

The last I read Trump said that the Trump Administration has a "beautiful plan to distribute the vaccine across the country". Trump said the military will distribute the vaccine. The military responded by saying, "Huh?"
If reputable pharmaceutical companies are involved, it won't be useless. That would sink the company, and they wouldn't let that happen. I can't really go into detail, but I can say that I trust that some companies put their products under enough scrutiny to make an OCD scientist throw up from the stress of it. Literally. As for fly by night companies that i don't know much about, I'm more skeptical.

I would like nothing more than to agree, but I do not trust anything associated with promises made by President CheetoVonTweeto.
21 percent of voters say they would get a no-cost vaccine as soon as possible: poll | TheHill

Just over 2 in 10 Americans say they would attempt to get a free coronavirus vaccine immediately were it released this year, according to a poll released Sunday.

In a CBS News/YouGov survey, 21 percent of Americans indicated that they would go out and be vaccinated as soon as possible should a no-cost COVID-19 vaccine be released, while more than half (58 percent) said that they would wait to see how others were affected by the injection before getting one themselves.

The same percentage as would get it immediately, 21 percent, also said that they would "never" get a COVID-19 vaccine. That number could prove challenging to health experts who have sought to slow the virus's spread and have warned that many public activities and large-scale gatherings will not be possible until much of the population is vaccinated.

The majority of respondents expressed skepticism on the time frame of a vaccine being produced as being their reasoning for not getting the vaccine immediately. Sixty-five percent of respondents said that they would consider a vaccine before the end of 2020 to be the result of insufficient testing or the vaccine otherwise being "rushed" through production. Just 35 percent said that a vaccine before the end of 2020 would represent a scientific breakthrough.

A party split exists on this issue, with 77 percent of Democrats saying that a vaccine in 2020 would be the result of it being "rushed through," while only 48 percent of GOP respondents said the same.
I don't think that forced vaccination would be legal, or even possible. For kids just entering school, I see a justification, and for teachers as well. Getting vaccinated in order to get your car inspected or your drivers license renewed might work.

Before anyone rushes to get a vaccine, they should google "vaccine 1955".
I would like nothing more than to agree, but I do not trust anything associated with promises made by President CheetoVonTweeto.

I do trust the desire of large, established pharmaceutical companies to continue to make money and to not be ruined. Small fly by night ones, not so much.
Hey, Hey Donald J..................

Young uns gonna have to look up the reference.......

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