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2020 Election Ads - Good, Bad, Cringe (1 Viewer)

Aunt Antifa

Aug 19, 2020
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Wanted a thread for ad dissection/mockery/high fives. (Just accept that ads for your guy will be brilliant and cut to the bone, while ads for the other guy are terrible and will reach no one.)

Lincoln Project has a good one out today. They are conservative ****bags but good lord do their ads soothe me (I’m their demo, which is why I find it funny so many libs are so excited by them. They’re not reaching anyone who isn’t already voting against Donald Trump)


They understand the key to Trump is mockery. Deflating him. And they’re really good at it.
Wanted a thread for ad dissection/mockery/high fives. (Just accept that ads for your guy will be brilliant and cut to the bone, while ads for the other guy are terrible and will reach no one.)

Lincoln Project has a good one out today. They are conservative ****bags but good lord do their ads soothe me (I’m their demo, which is why I find it funny so many libs are so excited by them. They’re not reaching anyone who isn’t already voting against Donald Trump)


They understand the key to Trump is mockery. Deflating him. And they’re really good at it.

VoteVets also have excellent vids. Sarah Cooper mocks Trump better than anyone.
This is one reason I'm glad i cut the cable. Mail is easy to discard and email even easier.
VoteVets also have excellent vids. Sarah Cooper mocks Trump better than anyone.

One of the advantages the Dems have this cycle is there are a lot of groups creating negative ads against Trump. Joe can step into the muck whenever he wants, and extract himself likewise.

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