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2016 April Job Cut Report: Job Cuts Jump to 65K (1 Viewer)


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Jan 28, 2012
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'The pace of downsizing increased in April, as US-based employers announced workforce reductions totaling 65,141 during the month, according to the latest report released Thursday from global outplacement consultancy Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc.

The April figure represents a 35 percent increase over March, when employers announced 48,207 planned layoffs. Last month’s job cuts were 5.8 percent higher than the 61,582 recorded in April 2015.

Employers have announced a total of 250,061 planned job cuts through the first four months of 2016. That is up 24 percent from the 201,796 job cuts tracked during the same period a year ago. It is the highest January-April total since 2009, when the opening four months of the year saw 695,100 job cuts.'


I'm not familiar with that source, but the best I can tell their numbers aren't a reflection of the overall unemployment rate, and aren't adjusted for normal seasonal changes, so I'm not sure that it has any value. Does this source have a track record of being able to predict changes in the economy?
I'm not familiar with that source, but the best I can tell their numbers aren't a reflection of the overall unemployment rate, and aren't adjusted for normal seasonal changes, so I'm not sure that it has any value. Does this source have a track record of being able to predict changes in the economy?

I doubt it, heck, doesn't DA use zerohedge?

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