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2008: A Democratic Odyssey (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
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Note: Title should read "ODD YSSEY"

Just when you thought John Kerry was toast, guess who is working towards being the Democratic nominee in 2008? Thats right. Mr. Wooden Bobblehead Himself - John Kerry.

As much as I cant stand the Republican Party right now, I will vote for any of them - John McCain, Condie Rice, even Jeb Bush, before I vote for Kerry. Face it Dems. If Kerry is the best you guys can throw up (and I mean that literally) in 2008, your party deserves to lose. LOL.

From this article.
Yeah I heard that he was thinking about running. Urgh... I know there has got to be someone better. I supported Kerry in '04, but I can't say he was my first choice. We'll have to do better. A lot of people are talking about Hillary in '08, but most of those people seem to be talking about how they would never vote for her, so I don't know how successful her campaign would be. But Kerry again? There has definitely got to be someone better.

Good news for 2008? Anyone the Republicans nominate will be better than Bush.
The Primaries are by far my favorite elections. You have candidates from the same party insulting and knocking each other. Then when one wins the others claim to support them 100%. I'm not saying they should not support the party but it's just funny as hell.

Personally I want to see Kerry and Hillary go at it. That would be an entertaining debate.
ANAV said:
The Primaries are by far my favorite elections. You have candidates from the same party insulting and knocking each other. Then when one wins the others claim to support them 100%. I'm not saying they should not support the party but it's just funny as hell.

Personally I want to see Kerry and Hillary go at it. That would be an entertaining debate.
I still remember the Demo primary debate where the question asked was..."Will you support whomever is nominated?"...

Only Dean raised his hand...

Wanna take a guess as to who was leading at the time?...:cool:
Ah, my poor Kerry Werry. Yeah, he wasn't my first choice either, but I really didn't see anyone else who had a better platform. I was thrilled when he picked Edwards as his running mate, but as I got to see Edwards more, I wasn't very impressed with him, particularly when he went up against Cheney. This guy is a trial attorney who has won millions for his clients. I expected someone who was more on-the-ball.

I think Kerry has lost his momentum, but you have to admit he didn't do so bad. I love it when people say that Bush got the highest # of votes than any other president in a presidential election. Oh really? Guess who got the second highest # of votes? Yeah, you guess it--John Kerry. Bush won Ohio by a couple of hundreds of thousands of votes. Had he lost Ohio, he would not be president. So the election was close.

That being said, I am interested to see how Mark Warner does. He is definitely putting his hat in the ring. He is a moderate democrat, which is the kind of candidate our party needs.
Mark Warner is impressive. Romney is pretty good, too.

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