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2 Arizona GOP delegates resign rather than vote for Trump (1 Viewer)


Chicks dig the long ball
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Jan 28, 2012
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Phoenix, AZ
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2 Arizona GOP delegates resign rather than vote for Trump - CBS 5 - KPHO

At least two of the several Arizona GOP delegates who have stepped down say it's because they refuse to vote for Donald Trump at next month's Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

Nine of the state's 58 delegates have resigned. Former Arizona gubernatorial candidate Frank Riggs and Zuhdi Jasser, a Muslim reform advocate, both said they were willing to go when there was a chance the convention could be contested.

Riggs, a former California congressman, said his main reason for resigning was to focus on his wife's campaign for justice of the peace. But he also acknowledged having "very serious reservations" about Trump as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

Riggs said he "realized that I couldn't go to Cleveland in good conscience and vote for his (Trump's) nomination."

Now if we can just get the rest of the GOP delegates to do the same........
A person needs to do, what they've got to do, I guess.

So, will they be replaced and by whom.

I'm not sure. I'm not fully versed in the Arizona delegate selection process. I've never heard of this happening before, but it must have right?
I'm not sure. I'm not fully versed in the Arizona delegate selection process. I've never heard of this happening before, but it must have right?

I will follow it and see, what happens.

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