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Age 80 retired on annuity.

B.A. Princeton, PolySci, Army ROTC Tiger Brigade Chief Cadet on 4 year ROTC scholarship; to Active Duty @ Military District of Washington DC; High School Army JROTC BN XO;

M.A. The American University, Washington DC, GradAsst to the Dean, School of Communications,;

Prof. Journalist Boston & Freelancer NYC, Washington DC;

ProfEdCert UGA Graduate School of Education, Athens GA, Delta Kappa Phi Educators National Honor Society 3.7 cum minimum.

Military Academy Faculty Officer of English & Debate Coach, in the USA South;

Professional Staff US Congress for Legislation & Speechwriting Washington DC;

Investigator EEOC; Senior Analyst FCC EEO Branch

Director of Foreign Services at a Univ in PRChina; Cofounder English Language School Thailand; English Language Curriculum Adviser, Ministry of Education S.Korea;

Lifelong Jogger and longtime baseball 3bman & team coach; Member The Old Guard Association TOGA of Veterans of 3d Infantry Regiment (of all ranks and times), Military District of Washington DC, US Northern Command, 5th Army.
Florida The Armband State
Journalist, Educator, US Congress Professional Staff Washingtopn DC, Veteran U.S. Army
Political Leaning


Republicans-Conservatives have become what we as dedicated Americans fought against to defeat throughout the 20th century. Now MAGA is using democracy to destroy democracy from within. This shall not stand either.


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