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Recent content by roguenuke

  1. roguenuke

    Who to blame for government shutdown?

    He had everything to do with them because the GOP MAGAs in Congress were also doing everything they could to delay the budget, crap all over it. They own this whole thing.
  2. roguenuke

    Tech Execs Are Pushing Trump to Build ‘Freedom Cities’ Run by Corporations

    This isn't about your view of what they tried. This has been established what this group wants.
  3. roguenuke

    Tech Execs Are Pushing Trump to Build ‘Freedom Cities’ Run by Corporations

    It came from interviews of the group and their attempt to do the same thing in another country.
  4. roguenuke

    Tech Execs Are Pushing Trump to Build ‘Freedom Cities’ Run by Corporations

    It's right there, in the OP, the link.
  5. roguenuke


    Actually one of the cruelest things about this is that many on the right are likely very much in favor of leaving the decision to "normalize sex" at birth if a child is born intersex with ambiguous genitalia up to the parent(s) and/or surgeon, since that is one thing that has consistently been...
  6. roguenuke

    Tech Execs Are Pushing Trump to Build ‘Freedom Cities’ Run by Corporations

    That idea is what is being advocated for by this group, regardless of what you think you'd ask for. Just because people don't realize they are being oppressed, doesn't mean they aren't.
  7. roguenuke

    Tech Execs Are Pushing Trump to Build ‘Freedom Cities’ Run by Corporations

    The general idea is terrible. I'm watching an episode of seaquest right now that shows what happens when you allow a "conglomerate", aka business, have unfettered "freedom". They are able to create rules that restrict what they're employees can and can't do, lead to them getting away with a lot...
  8. roguenuke

    Tech Execs Are Pushing Trump to Build ‘Freedom Cities’ Run by Corporations

    The approval process is very important. I'm about as pro-nuclear power as you can find (even my name deals with that), but I'm definitely pro-approval process. The federal government does a damn good job of nuclear power when not being screwed over by "what if terrorists take the cores".
  9. roguenuke

    Tech Execs Are Pushing Trump to Build ‘Freedom Cities’ Run by Corporations

    Disney cannot ignore laws of the area and federal laws, but especially not environmental protection laws or agencies such as the NrC. Disney couldn't just build a nuclear reactor and avoid any regulation, but that is what these guys are wanting.
  10. roguenuke

    Tech Execs Are Pushing Trump to Build ‘Freedom Cities’ Run by Corporations

    This is wrong and also creepily fits with the show seaQuest. Deon International and Larry Deon seem to be the inspiration for some of our current major business owners, especially in tech. This is third season, so not exactly the best, but it takes place in 2032.
  11. roguenuke

    Do you agree with anything the Trump administration has done so far?

    Plus, it's almost certainly done for the wrong reason and likely in the wrong way.
  12. roguenuke

    Do you agree with anything the Trump administration has done so far?

    I honestly don't know because I'm not sure we know everything he's done. There could be one or two things that I do agree with, but overall the answer is definitely no. I couldn't even really tell you what I might agree with either, only that it is possible. The major things though absolutely not.
  13. roguenuke

    Military to Remove 'Enola Gay' Photos for Violating DEI Rules

    Had Sailors in my job/class with the last names Guzzler and Sampler. Due to their rate, they were referred to as "Seaman <last name>" but I do know one of them put in a special request to switch rates so it would make her "Fireman <last name>". Tester is another last name that you don't want...
  14. roguenuke

    Minnesota Teen Not Charged by Progressive Prosecutor in Deadly Crash Accused in Stabbing

    Or maybe they're actually doing their due diligence and investigating what happened, waiting until they get actual evidence for the situation to press charges. If charges aren't normal for this sort of event, the car accident with a fatality but no immediate sign of intent or influence of...
  15. roguenuke

    All children are born atheists

    Believing in gods is part of human psychology that developed, but it doesn't make it a necessary part, nor even something that itself holds any evolutionary advantage. It is part of a different thing, like confidence or social cohesion, without providing anything that is unique to religion...
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