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[W:718] The west must hold its nerve on Ukraine (1 Viewer)

Just like Garry Kasparov who used to be the chess chempion and turned into nobody
Just because Putin says so doesn't make it so. Same goes for you. Kasparov is now world famous as a force for reform in Russia and elsewhere and as a champion for human rights.

Putin is now world famous for being a murderous maniac who has ruined his country's economy and reputation.
LOL. )))) He is famous everywhere except Russia ))
LOL. )))) He is famous everywhere except Russia ))
He is still very famous in Russia. He just can't go there or be on TV there, because of the murderous dictator in charge.
He is still very famous in Russia. He just can't go there or be on TV there, because of the murderous dictator in charge.
It would be much better if he were famouse in Ukraine. Perhaps he could use his political "weight" to persuade Ukro-nazis to stop shelling Donbass and murdering innocent peoples including chidren. In Russia he is useless.
It would be much better if he were famouse in Ukraine. Perhaps he could use his political "weight" to persuade Ukro-nazis to stop shelling Donbass and murdering innocent peoples including chidren. In Russia he is useless.
This might work better if the CinC wasn't Jewish and his forebears weren't literally burned alive by Nazis.

But, Russian stooges gotta stooge, so you do you. All that fashy trashiness nerds out, right?
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It would be much better if he were famouse in Ukraine.

Putin is infamous in Ukraine and the civilized international community.

Any chance of you being mobilized now and fighting in Ukraine for your Stalin wannabe?
This might work better if the CinC wasn't Jewish and his forebears weren't literally burned alive by Nazis.

But, Russian stooges gotta stooge, so you do you. All that fashy trashiness nerds out, right?
Aint ukranian stooges being the same ? What the hell is the difference ? Go to your puppet clown and tell him to stop the slaughter.
Thats because you know it. Ukro patriots were killing their compatriots for more then 7 years running.
Its ridiculous that you pretend to be ignorant .

You mean the Ukrainians fighting the Russian backed "separatists" many of whom were thinly disguised Russian forces?
It would be much better if he were famouse in Ukraine. Perhaps he could use his political "weight" to persuade Ukro-nazis to stop shelling Donbass and murdering innocent peoples including chidren. In Russia he is useless.
Your murderous god-president is the only one who can stop that. But I know you can't say anything g to him, because he will disappear you. Enjoy!
Thats because you know it. Ukro patriots were killing their compatriots for more then 7 years running.
Its ridiculous that you pretend to be ignorant .

Russians would be doing exactly the same - and did so during WWII - to liberate occupied Russian lands.

A 1995 paper published by M.V. Filimoshin, an associate of the Russian Defense Ministry, put the civilian death toll in the regions occupied by Germany at 13.7 million.

KGB otkryvaet tainy / [sostavitel M.V. Filimoshin ; redaktor I.D. Noskov] (The KGB reveals secrets / compiled by M.V. Filimoshin; editor I.D. Noskov)

Any country worth its sovereignty will do whatever is necessary to expel an invader.
Yes, women and kids surely were "thinly disguised Russian forces"!

Moscow certainly had no qualms about how many Russian civilians died during the Red Army's battles to expel the German invader from Russian lands.

How quickly you forget about your own sins Mr. Russian!
Nope. They were Ukrainian citizens caught in the crossfire of a proxy war of Putin's making.
It’s not “proxy war of Putin making” it’s a LIE!!!!. It’s proxy war between Ukrainians and US Ukrainian stooges led by nazy thugs like Azov and other similar detachments .
It’s nationalists who performed military coup , and started crusade against their eastern neighbours , Donbas people originally had no intention to fight , all they wanted was just self governance and autonomy .
Everybody was agree to stay within the borders of Ukraine, but what did they get finally ?
Shelling , explosions , tanks , brutal murders, abuse.
The people of Donbas have their constitutional right to protect their lives and freedom against Ukranian nationalists .
The problem is that only one country in the world , the US claims right to determine which people deserve independence ( like folks in Kosovo ) and which don’t (like Donbas)
It’s not “proxy war of Putin making” it’s a LIE!!!!.

Yes, it is. Putin has armed, supplied and supported the "separatists" in a proxy war with Ukraine.

It’s proxy war between Ukrainians and US Ukrainian stooges led by nazy thugs like Azov and other similar detachments .

Stupid and childish claims.

It’s nationalists who performed military coup , and started crusade against their eastern neighbours , Donbas people originally had no intention to fight , all they wanted was just self governance and autonomy .

Another lie. There was no "military coup" the people rose up and the Rada worked to impeach the Putin puppet.

Everybody was agree to stay within the borders of Ukraine, but what did they get finally ?

The 1991 borders.

Shelling , explosions , tanks , brutal murders, abuse.

Russia is to blame for that.

The people of Donbas have their constitutional right to protect their lives and freedom against Ukranian nationalists .

The UKRAINIAN citizens have their constitutional right to protect their lives and freedom against Russian intervention and proxy war .

The problem is that only one country in the world , the US claims right to determine which people deserve independence ( like folks in Kosovo ) and which don’t (like Donbas)

UKRAINE retains the right to Donbass.
When the Ukraine decided to break away from the USSR, almost all the people from the East And South of "Ukraine" were against separation. However no one was interested in their opinion. Just like now , the crazy Ukraniane Huns can not understand that the Donbass lands belong to Donbass residents first hand, and the local folks JUST DO NOT NEED UKRAINE AND ANYTHING UKRANIAN. They want to be able to freely speak their native language which is RUSSIAN, they dont want to worship this war criminal thug, Stepan Bandera, they dont want to learn Ukranian MOVA, they want Ukraine to leave them for good !
And American folks need to understand that their business is in America, and NOT IN UKRAINE!

This isn't 2012 anymore.

Southeastern Ukraine has done a complete flip since your cult leader began killing and torturing innocent people. Actually.....the people have been trending away from Russia since 2014.

In comparison with earlier IRI polling data going back to 2012, the scale of the shift in public opinion on these issues is striking. In March 2012, over a year away from the anticipated November 2013 Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, only 17 percent of respondents in southern Ukraine said the country should enter into an economic union with the EU. Meanwhile, a clear majority of 60 percent preferred the idea of a Customs Union with Russia.

Today, these positions have been completed reversed. Only about one percent now say they would choose a Moscow-led Customs Union, with almost 80 percent of respondents across southern Ukraine voicing their support for EU membership.

There's a big world full of journalism outside of your beloved Pravda!

No one was making it illegal to speak their language.

Stop lying.
And American folks need to understand that their business is in America, and NOT IN UKRAINE!

Our "business" is wherever our allies are located on this planet. Unlike Russia, the US has a true "blue-water" Navy and USAF bases all around the globe.

And chew on this. Ukraine took Russia to court (The International Court of Justice at The Hague) over Moscow's charges concerning Ukrainian "genocide" in Donbas.

Guess what? When the day came for the Kremlin to present its case before the court, Moscow was a no-show. Why? Becase the Kremlin's "genocide" charges are nonsense and not supported by any facts.

I'll bet your government never told the Russian people that it avoided its court date in the Donbas "Genocide" trial.


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