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[W:286] Are US child migrant detainees entitled to soap and beds? (1 Viewer)

Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Evil Apprentice Hitler is LITERALLY eating Latin children alive - there's no time for anything but hysterical shrieking, sir.



lol....Funny....I get it....
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

:lol: “Nancy’s Fault”

Hey, maybe they should not have locked up the kids in the first place :roll:
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Many Americans have no moral standard. Whatever moral compass they might have is spinning wildly. They cannot distinguish between right and wrong. It's a sad situation, demonstrating the wisdom and truth of St. Paul's letter to the Corinthians, the letter of the law brings death but the spirit of the law brings life.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

You're starting to sound like Republicans did back when...."We don't control all of congress so we are powerless", Then it was, "We don't have the Presidency, so we are powerless", Then it was, "We don't have large enough majorities, so we are powerless"....Pfft....I call BS on all of it.

Well, let's see...We give them billions over the years in aid, and they send their people....We cut off aid and they send their people....Sounds like we are suckers doesn't it?
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

:lol: “Nancy’s Fault”

Hey, maybe they should not have locked up the kids in the first place :roll:

Tell it to Barry....
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Hey, maybe they should not have locked up the kids in the first place :roll:

LOL, you still having a hard time? I've never seen a group so determined to make sure children don't get soap and a toothbrush, or a proper diet, it's deflect deflect, justify, justify, deny, deny, just like they did when Trump publicly supported Neo Nazis, and the KKK, or when he bragged about sexually assaulting women.

Reminds me of a Weinberg quote:

With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

What the heck are you doing man?

Links weren't working for me. Could be because I have the forums set to 50 posts per page.

I see them now that you provided the post numbers. Thanks.

Your position is slightly more justifiable than the people who are excusing everything that's going on in the tRump concentration camps, but less bad is not necessarily good. If we can't even treat children humanely, then who are we even as a nation?
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Looks like much like Trump you need a quick simplistic tutorial in how a bill becomes a law.

Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

The idiots and a-hoes in our Congress have passed laws that dictate the need for holding facilities of one type or another.

They also limit the amount of funds to support those facilities to levels that are not adequate to do the job that they have demanded be done.

Save your indignation for someone who cares.

These idiots and a-holes demand a costly process be conducted for which they refuse to allocate the cash to pay.

This indicates both that they are idiots and a-holes.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

How many American kids have you adopted?

None. What makes you ask?
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

As always, our Congress is making decisions based on anything except what the situation demands.

About 72 hours ago, the Congress FINALLY has done something about this, but the pathway they followed to reach the current accord is a twisted and broken one.

Even given this late response, though, they have passed laws demanding a particular course of action and then quibble about funding the measures demanded by the laws they pass.

Our Congress is people with idiots and a-holes. Most wear both labels.

Shutdown deal: Congress’s deal on immigration detention, explained - Vox
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Our church has welcomed and sheltered some. You might want to get involved in your own community. Most majorly religions have groups that help out. You could also go to the border and volunteer.

I live in Indiana and really have no interest in moving to Texas.

I am active in my community.

My Church has various outreach programs as well.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Be careful how you phrase that. :shock:

Excellent point!
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

It's said that some of these folks are leaving the fire for the frying pan.

What's up in Central America these days anyway?

Pretty much the same as always. Corruption in government that results in the wealth of the treasuries being stolen by the government officials.

The USA is not free of corruption and the outLAYS of the Feds seems to be increasing while the outPUT of the Freds seems to be stagnant. Since Clinton left office, Federal outLAYS have doubled.

Still, the best thing that ever happened to me was being born here and now instead anywhere else any other time.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Migrant kids''' '''tent cities''' cost more than detaining families: Report


Migrant Children: Inside The Homestead, Fla. Shelter Facility : NPR

Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Have we done something in the past 19 years more inhuman than ripping families apart and having children die in concentration camps? Please, do tell.

I sure hope you're kidding. Have you heard of Shock and Awe?
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Sliding responsibility from the state to the individual is a real garbage argument bud. It's not even witty, it's a boring, go nowhere argument out of bad faith.

We live in a Representative Republic, bud.

Until 5 days ago, the funding requested by Trump on May 1 was being held up as a political statement by the idiot a-holes representing us. If we are represented by idiot a-holes, we must be content to be recognized as idiot a-holes.

If we aren't a part of the solution, we are a part of the cause.

Senators approve bipartisan $4.6 billion emergency border deal, with restrictions - ABC News

Trump asks Congress for $4.5 billion more in emergency border money
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

not confused at all. it is obama's mess.
he 100% owns all of this.

actually they do as obama did separated kids from their parents.
he held kids in these detention centers.

he didn't return them to their home countries when he should have.

he lost 5000 or so kids 1,500 of which ended up with human traffickers.

yes he owns this by all his promises of amnesty and if you come we will just let you in.
all of these caravans started with him. you never heard about them with past administrations.

him and his open border policy was a disaster and has lead us to where we are today.
when it is simple to just enforce our border control policy.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

It's interesting that MSNBC uses NBC as the source on their $775 figure.

Following that link to the NBC story, the NBC story cites MSNBC as THEIR source.

What's wrong with this picture?

Add to those obvious shortcomings, the comparison figures are from 2014 for the "Family Detention" costs and the costs for the current children only facilities include the costs of upgrades to the physical plants like Air Conditioning.

Using only NBC and MSNBC for your information, as NBC and MSNBC do, guarantees delivery of propaganda.

That said, the border crisis is the product of the work committed and omitted by the a-holes and idiots in Washington.

It reflects the same caring and insight that years of experience with their efforts have taught us to expect.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Did you intentionally miss the third link to NPR that quoted Evelyn Stauffer the press secretary at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services with those numbers?

Why exactly would all forms of crime include family detention arrangements? First, if both parents are caught we do have social services and foster homes to take care of any children if other family members can't. Second, it's a different situation at the border because obviously it's at the border and it's unique. No problem with trying to streamline the process instead of the current process of longer and longer hold times so the detention center operators get paid more.
...and toothbrushes. The government argues 'no.' Watching Ms. Fabian argue this today, I thought I would vomit. My God, what have we become?

Are US child migrant detainees entitled to soap and beds? - BBC News

Of course they're entitled to that. Basic creature comforts.

I can't read through all 53 pages of posts in here but it shocks me that there actually ARE 53 pages of posts about this. I can't imagine anyone being ignorant enough to say they aren't entitled to it.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

We do have to take care of them, according to the law. And they should be locked up, since by law they cant be deported. I dont see any cruelty though, just typical govt operation. And its all moot, since they shouldnt be here in the first place. Stop the inflow, and both problems are solved.

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