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Tucson politics in a nutshell (1 Viewer)

Used explicitly -
Nugent cited DL's "rude behavior displayed toward staff and a general sense of entitlement,"

Used implicitly -

From the Tucson Progressive blog. Again, implicit entitlement -
If it was cold then why not sit inside?
Used explicitly -

Used implicitly -

From the Tucson Progressive blog. Again, implicit entitlement -

If it was cold then why not sit inside?
LOL....those were the words of a bitter business....and commentors.... that just lost a regular set of patrons. THAT is your proof of DL sense of "entitlement", the wrath of a bar owner?

FFS, that is the weakest foundation for an argument.

PS....I hardly would call a standing meeting an "entitlement"......but then grasping for straws is your "right".

Wow, Tucson hasn't changed in decades. Except the burbs where the well off have built and the service industry that followed. Tucson is as it is mainly because of it's off the beaten track geography. Always will be. The Phoenix metro area is "Arizona" to most of the country. Has nothing to do with dem/rep politics. Phoenix has a dem mayor. Doesn't matter, we are still a red state.

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