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To our La. Neighbors, please keep an eye out. (1 Viewer)


Klattu Verata Nicto
DP Veteran
May 19, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
There is a case that started here in Lafayette but is starting to become more troubling. A local college student named Michaela "Mickey" Shunick has gone missing and the latest is that a bicycle matching the description of the one she was riding was found around the atchafalaya basin area, this to me looks like an abduction and people are looking for any clues we can find. Here is an ABC piece about her dissappearance.

Mickey Shunick Disappearance FBI, Police Exhausting Resources in Hunt for Missing Co-ed - Yahoo! News

If anyone happens to see anything suspicious around the neighboring states any help would be appreciated, the whole city here is hoping against the worst but things look pretty bad. She has a bicycle tattoo on her right ankle, is 5'1" and about 115 pounds, the police are looking for a couple of vehicles and who knows what happened at this point, but Arkansas and Mississippi possibly may be areas of interest based on where the bike was found.

Just thought I'd pass this along and do my small part.

EDIT - The police haven't issued other states officially, I'm asking people to be on the lookout because of the direction of the basin in relation to where Lafayette is versus access to those states.
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