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The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many[W:77] (1 Viewer)

Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

You are oversimplifying things, worse then they already are.

People pronounce Jews as both a race and religion, because its simple to do and its nearly hassle free. This is proven to not be the case.

History does not care for your feelings.
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

First off its an internet chat group therefor they have no liability concerns.
Secondly being ant-semitic is not the same as white supremacist.
Oh, the group can be sued, alright. And they can be criminally prosecuted for their connection with this guy, too. Plus they can also be called a terrorist group, which would have happened if Trump wasn't in their corner.

A black person can be anti-semitic and also not a whit supremacist.
Instead of spouting this irrelevant garbage how about you talk about how the Right Wing is going to take action to deal with people like Cruz and prosecute their ilk as a terrorist movement?
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

You are oversimplifying things, worse then they already are.

People pronounce Jews as both a race and religion, because its simple to do and its nearly hassle free. This is proven to not be the case.

History does not care for your feelings.
Facts do not care for your garbage arguments. And the facts are, on a genetic level, they are both a race and religion. You can only be a Jew if your mother was. It's literally inherited. That's how they found literal Jews in Ethiopia - by genetics!

You're the one whose understanding of this is overly simplistic. And downright wrong.

Instead of standing your ground in a swamp of tragically laughable ignorance how about you talk about how the Right Wing is going to take action to deal with people like Cruz and prosecute their ilk as a terrorist movement?
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

Seeing as we have no proof Cruz was a white supremacist, you cannot make that claim.

While what supremacist are also such a minority, that they couldn't threaten human life at a Denny's.

"Show where I admitted to lying and where I lied for that matter."

Both the right and left have much to answer for, but you choosing one side over the other isn't helping.
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

so they are fine people just misguided and their totally not racists? their just allied with them to defend the honor of the defenders of slavery?
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

Just because someone has a different opinion from you. Does not give you the right to physically harm them in any way.

Antifa are terrorist, plain and simple.

Their actions and tactics have both lined up with every claim I have made of them.

At least BLM just ends up with cops getting killed, though I am not saying that is any better.
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

I'm just going to let that sit there for those who understand the sublime irony to enjoy.

I should have made a bet.

I was so damn right about my suspicion.
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

Seeing as we have no proof Cruz was a white supremacist, you cannot make that claim.
It's already been settled here that he is a white supremacist.

While what supremacist are also such a minority, that they couldn't threaten human life at a Denny's.
Except for the fact that Cruz, a white supremacist, murdered 17 people. That was 17 human lives right there. To go along with another white supremacist, Dylan Roof, and several more of their ilk who have killed people. This defines them as a terrorist group.

"Show where I admitted to lying and where I lied for that matter."
Your failure to show Antifa is a Neo Nazi group is admittance.

Both the right and left have much to answer for, but you choosing one side over the other isn't helping.
The right wing is pure insanity, from top to bottom. They are violent, bigoted, hateful, and regressive, down to the last man. I choose sanity over insanity, and the left may not be perfect, but it is more sane than it is insane. Sorry that refusing to choose your side isn't, in your misguided opinion, "helping", but yeah, not sorry. Choosing sanity over insanity is exactly the kind of help this country needs.
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

Just because someone has a different opinion from you. Does not give you the right to physically harm them in any way.
We killed Nazis during World War II. Fact. Which proves you are wrong here.

Antifa are terrorist, plain and simple.
Name one person they've killed.

Their actions and tactics have both lined up with every claim I have made of them.
If Antifa is a terrorist group then America during World War II was a terrorist group.

Please define Antifa as a terrorist group by standards that exclude America's military during World War II from the definition.

At least BLM just ends up with cops getting killed, though I am not saying that is any better.
Again, you spout unsupported lies. BLM has not gotten any cops killed.
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

so they are fine people just misguided and their totally not racists? their just allied with them to defend the honor of the defenders of slavery?
LOL the delusions of Oborosen's argument are so huge they have their own gravitational field.
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

Just because you are genetically of Hebrew decent. Does not make you a member of the Jewish faith. Such a way of thinking is frankly, rather racist.
You are conflating custom with something entirely different.

Cruz will be subject to the full extent of the law, as he should be.
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

so they are fine people just misguided and their totally not racists? their just allied with them to defend the honor of the defenders of slavery?

Making false emotional arguments, isn't going to help you here.
Many of the people who defended the statue being left alone, did not see it represented in such a way. So painting them as such, despite that not being the case. Is just a blatant waste.
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

Again, you are wrong at every turn here. Instead of throwing this endless tantrum just admit Cruz is a white supremacist and that we have a white supremacist terrorist problem.
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

Making false emotional arguments, isn't going to help you here.
Many of the people who defended the statue being left alone, did not see it represented in such a way. So painting them as such, despite that not being the case. Is just a blatant waste.
He's stating facts. They were racists. They were part of a racist organization. The statues are monuments to racism and also treason against the United States and neither should be tolerated nor celebrated.

You're the one making false emotional arguments here.
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

Statue of George Washington in Trafalgar Square LONDON.

Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

Statue of George Washington in Trafalgar Square LONDON.

View attachment 67228780
Kind of dumb on England's part. He's a traitor to the British Empire. That was probably a political move, considering America is a superpower.

Which, mind you, the Confederacy ain't.

Let me repeat: That is kinda dumb on England's part. George Washington is a traitor to the British Empire.

My argument is not inconsistent: that statue, in England, is a monument to treason, declaring war against Britain was the pure definition of treason. Saying it was not treason is by definition denial of reality, aka insanity.

I assume you were trying to trip me up on an inconsistency?

I wouldn't even have that statue on MY lawn - Washington was a slave owner and a rapist of slaves.
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

It's already been settled here that he is a white supremacist.

No it has not.

Still not proven to be a white supremacist so you are still building your house on the sand here.

Your failure to show Antifa is a Neo Nazi group is admittance.

Their actions already prove me to be right. No admittance of wrongdoing to be found from me here.

The fact that you are backing Antifa and BLM of all groups, yet still calling the right all of those things. Is rather telling, if I am to be honest.

Your commitment to hyperbole is fascinating however.
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

Yep. Just checking for consistency and pointing out the US isn’t the only one to do it. Granted, that doesn’t make it right.
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

No it has not.

Still not proven to be a white supremacist so you are still building your house on the sand here.
He's been proven to be a white supremacist. Your denials are invalid.

Their actions already prove me to be right. No admittance of wrongdoing to be found from me here.
You just admitted you're wrong AGAIN.

The fact that you are backing Antifa and BLM of all groups, yet still calling the right all of those things. Is rather telling, if I am to be honest.
Antifa and BLM have killed zero people. The Right has killed dozens in the last two years. Mathematically speaking you have no leg to stand on.

Mathematics. Numbers. The ability to count murders. That destroys your case. Count the deaths. COUNT THEM. Compare the body counts. You have no case.

Your commitment to hyperbole is fascinating however.
Every statement you wrote here has been thoroughly debunked. You are now in the same league as the Flat Earth society. You are defeated. You are no longer relevant. Off to ignore you go.
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

Yep. Just checking for consistency and pointing out the US isn’t the only one to do it. Granted, that doesn’t make it right.
I would rather see these statues in a museum, like they do in South Africa. I wouldn't just tear them down.

South Africa has a museum for Apartheid that randomly assigns you to the African side and the Apartheid side. From there you get to see how Apartheid worked depending on what ethnicity you've been assigned.

We need that kind of museum about bigotry in America - for blacks, whites, native Americans, Chinese, Japanese, LGBTQ, and women, to say the least.

And we need to consider the murderous track record of white supremacists and actually jail Neo Nazis and the KKK as terrorists.
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

Me: "Please define Antifa as a terrorist group by standards that exclude America's military during World War II from the definition."

LOL right wingers couldn't answer that. Let everyone see that this challenge cannot be met.
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

Again, you are wrong at every turn here. Instead of throwing this endless tantrum just admit Cruz is a white supremacist and that we have a white supremacist terrorist problem.

I cannot admit to something, that no evidence has been shown to prove is correct.
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

Claiming something, when its obvious that is not the way it is.

Is a moot statement to make.
Re: The math cannot be refuted - Antifa has killed no one, the Alt Right has killed many

Still no proof has been submitted that hold up to scrutiny, nor reality.

I admitted nothing of the sort.

BLM has more then a few dead cops that can be laid at their feet in the year of 2016. While antifa themselves may not have outright killed anyone. Their followers have been well documented and proven to be willing in drawing blood against anyone.

Seeing as Cruz isn't a proven white supremacist, your numbers are obviously being inflated with the same invisible math that pro leftists love to use.

I will already point out that instead of refuting my statements, you keep returning with the same personal attacks that you parrot over and over. While also denying information that is easily discernible for yourself.

You put me in the league of flat earthers.

You my friend ARE the flat earther.

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