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Texans petition perry for special session on border crisis (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 30, 2013
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The Lone Star State.
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Texans Petition Perry for Special Session on Border Crisis

HOUSTON, Texas—Activist Texans are petitioning Texas Governor Rick Perry to call a special session of the Legislature to deal with the growing crisis on the Texas border with Mexico. The petition asks Gov. Perry to bring the Texas Legislature back into a forth special session to “develop and fund a border and port security plan utilizing state and local law enforcement.”

Over the Father’s Day weekend, many Texans gathered in a Facebook discussion thread to discuss the Texas Border Crisis and look for a solution. A conclusion of the discussion was that if the federal government was not going to secure the border then Texas can and should take the steps necessary to accomplish this task. The crisis came to a head earlier this month when Breitbart Texas released shocking photos depicting the deplorable living conditions of the recent surge in unaccompanied minors who are entering the country illegally in ever increasing numbers.

The idea grew out of a discussion involving a large number of people discussing the issue on Facebook. A spokesperson for the petition, Terri Hill, told Breitbart Texas that State Representative Debbie Riddle (R-Tomball) joined in the conversation and said she has been working with the director of the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), Colonel Steve McCraw, to determine the cost of a sustained border security operation manned by Texas resources. Col. McCraw assured Riddle that Texas is capable of accomplishing the task of securing the border and executing the plan to achieve real results.

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Texas will face the same thing that Arizona did - federal lawsuits to prevent them from doing anything at the sate level about illegal immigration. Obama insists that the federal gov't can, and will, have the final say on all immigration matters - no matter what the actual law passed by our congress critters says. Obama likes his "dreamy" immigration policy which now includes allowing entry to whoever he likes.

Texas Legislature Reverses Course On Immigration Laws | KPBS

Remember that Texas gives the dreamers (young illegal aliens) in-state tuition rates at UT. It is hard to say that you are cracking down with no E-verify requirements and offering tuition discounts to illegal aliens.
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Right...it's an old argument but, the FedGov put this in motion and someone needs to at least slow this invasion.
Right...it's an old argument but, the FedGov put this in motion and someone needs to at least slow this invasion.

It would appear that Texas is now getting a good (better?) deal than Arizona gets from Obama; the younger illegals now flooding into Texas are being rounded up, bussed/flown into Arizona and dumped there - isn't that because Arizona has pissed off Obama by its attempt to buck his immigration authority?

A bunch are being housed at Lackland AFB in SA.


Perry was just on FOX saying OTMs (other than Mexican) are at a record high including ones from the Middle East.
I think Texas would be punished the way Arizona is being punished now.

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