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St. Louis Couple Loses their AR15 (1 Viewer)

breaking down a gate of a gated community is not peaceful it is vandalism and destruction of private property.

Doesn't justify a response of lethal force though...or even the threat of it.
Had Fox on earlier and there was a discussion on these people.

The husband has sued his sister, his father and his fathers care taker. I'm thinking Thanksgiving at their house consists of two people. :roll:
I've previously provided the video of the protesters entering the neighborhood. The gate was intact. The gate was broken AFTER the protesters left. Gee. Wonder who had a motivation to do that? Maybe the same person who lied about the actions of the protesters (there is video), made a false police report, and who has previously destroyed property on SEVERAL occasions (at least three), including those very no trespassing signs - Mark McCloskey. Your problem, my friend, is the failure to think for yourself. You accept McCloskey's statements as "true" because they confirm your preconceived notions. Look at the video (not faux news reports). Think. Then ignore me, please.

You have a nation full of mindless violent idiot leftists and you dont think they damaged that gate. And you want to talk about not thinking for yourself. You have numerous examples of idiot leftists protesters getting violent and you dont think the protesters could have made threatening gestures. You know it was private property but you dont think they were guilty of trespassing.

Of COURSE you defend the mindless leftists.
Doesn't justify a response of lethal force though...or even the threat of it.

sure it does. they are criminals. how knows what they plan to do in the neighborhood.
those people have a right to defend their property against trespassers and vandals.
sure it does. they are criminals. how knows what they plan to do in the neighborhood.
those people have a right to defend their property against trespassers and vandals.

So you think any citizen should be able to kill anyone they deem to be a criminal, based on what they might be capable of doing ?

In that case the (former) Minneapolis policeman was entirely justified in kneeling on the neck of a suspect and killing him

After all, George Floyd could have gone on a rampage when released and killed a dozen other cops.
So you think any citizen should be able to kill anyone they deem to be a criminal, based on what they might be capable of doing ?
Show me where i said that. If not you are strawmaning.

In that case the (former) Minneapolis policeman was entirely justified in kneeling on the neck of a suspect and killing him

that is your opinion why do you think that way?

After all, George Floyd could have gone on a rampage when released and killed a dozen other cops.

do you have evidence of this?
Show me where i said that. If not you are strawmaning.

Post #285 when you said:

sure it does. they are criminals. how knows what they plan to do in the neighborhood.
those people have a right to defend their property against trespassers and vandals.

I was assuming your post contained a typo and should have read "Who knows"

So you're saying that property owners have a right to shoot people on the basis of "who knows" what they might do ?

I mean if someone saw you on their property, "who knows" what you might do ?

Otherwise, please explain why you felt fit to add to add the phrase "who knows" what they plan to do into your post

that is your opinion why do you think that way?

Because, using your expression, "who knows" what George Floyd might have done, upon his release. He might have gone on a murderous rampage killing policemen. "Who knows" ?

do you have evidence of this?

Evidence of a possible future?
To paraphrase yourself - "he was a criminal"

About as much evidence as your home owners "defending the property against a group of protesters that "who knew" what they were planning.

Thanks for proving i didn't say that so we can move on.

Because, using your expression, "who knows" what George Floyd might have done, upon his release. He might have gone on a murderous rampage killing policemen. "Who knows" ?

so you are just making assumptions ok got it.

Evidence of a possible future?
To paraphrase yourself - "he was a criminal"

About as much evidence as your home owners "defending the property against a group of protesters that "who knew" what they were planning.

ok so you don't have any evidence to support your claim thanks for sharing.
Do you have an actual argument or going to continue to make up stuff people didn't say?
Thanks for proving i didn't say that so we can move on.

But you did

You justified citizens taking action based on possibility. Or as you put it, "who knows"

So if you've trespassed on a citizen's property, there's no way of knowing what else you might do. In the presence of such uncertainty, what should an armed citizen do ?

so you are just making assumptions ok got it.

No, you are

"who knows..." remember ?

ok so you don't have any evidence to support your claim thanks for sharing.

That's the POINT
"Who knows" doesn't work as a rationale for taking action

Do you have an actual argument or going to continue to make up stuff people didn't say?

Just that you justification of taking action based on "who knows what they might do ?"
Is utterly flaws at best.
You justified citizens taking action based on possibility. Or as you put it, "who knows"
This entire thread is full of people making unbased claims about the facts, the law, the actions of the protesters, etc. It is very difficult to carry on any kind of discussion when they just make things up to support their preferred scenario, rather than addressing what actually happened. When that doesn't work they go for ad hominem attacks and wild accusations about "leftists" and other clap trap. The lack of substance is astounding.

It is.

I think a lot of the motivation is gun owners struggling to justify the usefulness of their toys.

That couple threatened protesters with guns. The only reasonable cause you can have for brandishing a gun is a reasonable fear of a threat to your (or someone else's life), or great bodily harm (including rape.

So it really doesn't matter if the protesters were breaking a law or laws, there was zero justification for threatening anybody with a gun.
They'll immediately start changing the subject and interject "they feared for their lives" bull****. If someone fears for their life, they retreat and call for help. They weren't afraid - there's video - they were mad, they were the aggressors. But, look at the video? Nah. Look at the fact? We don't need no stinkin' facts! Read the reports of embedded reporters? Oh, heck no! Pay attention to what the law actually provides? What are you, nuts?

I don't think any court will accept a plea that they feared for their lives

In fact I posted the first defense that their (former) attorney filed, that protesters were not under any threat of being shot because the safety of the AR-15 was engaged at all times !

It's a weak defense at best.
Hawley, a Missouri Republican, wrote in a letter to Barr that Gardner abused her power in seizing the couple’s guns, investigating them and pursuing a possible indictment. He called her actions “an unacceptable abuse of power and threat to the 2nd Amendment.”

“There is no question under Missouri law that the McCloskeys had the right to own and use their firearms to protect themselves from threatened violence, and that any criminal prosecution for these actions is legally unsound,” Hawley wrote. “The only possible motivation for the investigation, then, is a politically motivated attempt to punish this family for exercising their 2nd Amendment rights.”

Barr asked to intervene in case of St. Louis couple who wielded guns at protesters - Los Angeles Times

The thing is: the McCloskeys were violating the protestor's right to peaceable assembly.

If the DA doesn't do her due diligence, she can be arrested and put in jail for violating the protestor's Constitutional rights.

A letter released July 1 by more than three dozen of the McCloskeys’ neighbors condemned “the behavior of anyone who uses threats of violence, especially through the brandishing of firearms, to disrupt peaceful protest, whether it be in this neighborhood or anywhere in the United States.”

That's what happens when you're a huge asshole, people gang up on you. In this case, their neighbors.

They're not going to get many character references.
THIS answers the question of guilt or innocence.

What did the Democratic police department do? Disarm her and her - and leave the criminal anarchist terrorist his rifle.

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