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SD Governor Kristi Noem turns down $70 million in federal energy rebates (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Governor Kristi Noem’s administration recently turned down more than $70 million of federal funds from energy efficiency and environmental programs, according to her top budget official. The Home Energy Rebates program would have provided the state with $69 million to give South Dakotans rebates for energy-efficient home retrofits and high-efficiency electric appliances. The deadline for indicating intent to participate was last week. Earlier this year, the state passed up $1.8 million to help administer and set up the program. Kelly Moore is a consumer advocate from Piedmont who planned to use the rebate to offset the bill for a new heat pump. "South Dakotans will see no direct return on their federal taxes,” Moore said. “Other states will benefit from our contributions.”

The funding comes from the 2022 federal Inflation Reduction Act, which the Biden administration described as the most significant action ever taken by Congress to address climate change. The legislation includes provisions to raise revenue through increased taxes on corporations and high-income individuals. The federal government would have provided funding to cover administrative costs. There was no requirement for the state to contribute. Some lawmakers on the legislative budget committee disagreed with the decision to pass up the money. “We’re missing out on some funds that could help our people,” said Sen. Larry Zikmund, R-Sioux Falls.

If you were a South Dakotan counting on a federal rebate for your new energy-efficiant appliances, windows, and solar panels, you're shit out of luck. Gov. Kristi Noem metaphorically said "**** you". Noem has also previously rejected $7.5 million to feed low-income kids while school is out for the summer, a federal grant program to support solar energy projects around the nation, a share of $1 billion in nationwide cybersecurity grants for county and city governments, and extra federal unemployment benefits during the COVID pandemic.

Why South Dakotans keep voting for Kristi "gravel pit assassin" Noem is beyond me. And no, Noem isn't a poor waif. She and husband Bryon own a large cattle ranch near rural Hamlin County, with a hunting lodge and restaurant on the property (pay-to-play).

If you were a South Dakotan counting on a federal rebate for your new energy-efficiant appliances, windows, and solar panels, you're shit out of luck. Gov. Kristi Noem metaphorically said "**** you". Noem has also previously rejected $7.5 million to feed low-income kids while school is out for the summer, a federal grant program to support solar energy projects around the nation, a share of $1 billion in nationwide cybersecurity grants for county and city governments, and extra federal unemployment benefits during the COVID pandemic.

Why South Dakotans keep voting for Kristi "gravel pit assassin" Noem is beyond me. And no, Noem isn't a poor waif. She and husband Bryon own a large cattle ranch near rural Hamlin County, with a hunting lodge and restaurant on the property (pay-to-play).

I love it when a patriotic American eschews welfare, but I'm not so sure about the dog killings.

The money was meant for people who installed, or will install, clean energy sources like solar panels. Ms. Noem can't accept the money because she's in the pocket of big frackin' oil.

If you were a South Dakotan counting on a federal rebate for your new energy-efficiant appliances, windows, and solar panels, you're shit out of luck. Gov. Kristi Noem metaphorically said "**** you". Noem has also previously rejected $7.5 million to feed low-income kids while school is out for the summer, a federal grant program to support solar energy projects around the nation, a share of $1 billion in nationwide cybersecurity grants for county and city governments, and extra federal unemployment benefits during the COVID pandemic.

Why South Dakotans keep voting for Kristi "gravel pit assassin" Noem is beyond me. And no, Noem isn't a poor waif. She and husband Bryon own a large cattle ranch near rural Hamlin County, with a hunting lodge and restaurant on the property (pay-to-play).
In a perfect world they will never again be offered extra federal money.
Were there any strings attached to that money?
To answer my own question: yes. In fact there's a 100 page document of requirements for getting this "free" money. From pg 54 of the "PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS & APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS"

"To support program goals, the Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates are expected to (1)support meaningful community and labor engagement; (2) engage and support a skilled and qualified workforce; (3) advance DEIA; and (4) contribute to the Justice40 Initiative with the goal that 40% of the overall benefits of certain federal investments flow to disadvantaged communities."

So you have to use union workers, implement DEI bullshit, and 40% of the benefits need to go to "disadvantaged communities" aka minorities.

**** that shit. I'd tell the Feds to keep their money too.


If you were a South Dakotan counting on a federal rebate for your new energy-efficiant appliances, windows, and solar panels, you're shit out of luck. Gov. Kristi Noem metaphorically said "**** you". Noem has also previously rejected $7.5 million to feed low-income kids while school is out for the summer, a federal grant program to support solar energy projects around the nation, a share of $1 billion in nationwide cybersecurity grants for county and city governments, and extra federal unemployment benefits during the COVID pandemic.

Why South Dakotans keep voting for Kristi "gravel pit assassin" Noem is beyond me. And no, Noem isn't a poor waif. She and husband Bryon own a large cattle ranch near rural Hamlin County, with a hunting lodge and restaurant on the property (pay-to-play).

Yeah, way to stick it to the citizens, Noem! 🤦‍♂️
Is there any way that money could go to a blue state?
Lets just join the dakotas already with North Dakota leading.
Like holy shit will this bitch ever ruin south dakota and they keep voting for her.

If you were a South Dakotan counting on a federal rebate for your new energy-efficiant appliances, windows, and solar panels, you're shit out of luck. Gov. Kristi Noem metaphorically said "**** you". Noem has also previously rejected $7.5 million to feed low-income kids while school is out for the summer, a federal grant program to support solar energy projects around the nation, a share of $1 billion in nationwide cybersecurity grants for county and city governments, and extra federal unemployment benefits during the COVID pandemic.

Why South Dakotans keep voting for Kristi "gravel pit assassin" Noem is beyond me. And no, Noem isn't a poor waif. She and husband Bryon own a large cattle ranch near rural Hamlin County, with a hunting lodge and restaurant on the property (pay-to-play).
She needs to be removed from office.

Typical MAGA moron.

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