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Republican candidate announces 'deportation bus tour' for undocumented immigrants (1 Viewer)

It's people like you who don't get the principles this country was founded upon.

That's a pretty silly observation.
The colonists and most of the founders were WASP supremacists who drove the Indians over the mountains & established
a society of white christian men & women along with African slaves.
Another GOP candidate tweeted about euthanasia for food stamp recipients. This is surely the party of the people.
So, the rapist, murderers, kidnappers, child molesters, and other criminals are being stigmatized for breaking the law to enter our country illegally?

I am all tore up.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

All Trump supporters are white supremacists, yes?
Another GOP candidate tweeted about euthanasia for food stamp recipients. This is surely the party of the people.

lol Are you for real? I have to go check that one out.

EDIT: Yes, it's true. To be fair, it looks it might have been the account admin but still holy **** are these people losing their minds.


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So you are against deporting people who have broken our laws?

If they have committed no other crime than coming here illegally, yes I am against deporting those people.

If people want to come to our country to work and contribute to our society I have no issues with them and would be against deporting those people. Some of our main problems here are not securing our borders and properly vetting the people coming in.

But let's not go down the "broken our laws" road because I am pretty sure there are more than a few laws you don't mind being broken.
That's a pretty silly observation.
The colonists and most of the founders were WASP supremacists who drove the Indians over the mountains & established
a society of white christian men & women along with African slaves.

You want to talk about silly observations. You just basically said that this nation was founded upon establishment of white christian supremacy. So then, if that what we were? Is that what is we should remain? The man credited with writing that most famous and elegant phrase in our Declaration of Independence; "We believe that all men are created equal" was a white slave owner from Virginia named Thomas Jefferson. But I think we would be wrong in assuming that he wasn't aware of the inherent hypocrisy of what he wrote. Jefferson's relationship with slavery was a complex one. While he did own many slaves, many of them inherited, he worked passionately, albeit quietly, behind the scenes to bring the practice of slavery to an end. That is not to say that Jefferson was not a racist. He definitely was one. He believed that the black slaves were inherently inferior "in mind and body" and would never be able to make the successful transformation to becoming 'freemen' in this country because they were not intellectually equipped to be able to do so.

Jefferson's voice on slavery went largely silent in the late 1780s and 1790s. Likewise when it came to what to do about the Indians Jefferson didn't appear to have any answer for it. Jefferson was also forced to come to the realization through his enormous debt being primarily offset by the wealth associated with his owning of slaves. Which were a valued property asset just like any other business or personal asset of the time. That he could reasonably suspect that such was probably the case with many southern slave owners and for the South in general whose economy relied heavily on slave labor. Also many in South were fearful that continued talk of the immorality of slavery would lead to slave revolts. This Jefferson knew was an issue that could threaten the union of our then very young nation and Jefferson believed that for our union to hold together that an appeasement or compromise on the issue would be necessary for the nation to survive the challenges facing it.

This compromise became reality in the Constitutional Convention of 1787 with the Three Fifths Compromise. Which allowed for 3 out of 5 slaves to be counted as 1 person toward the population of each state for the purpose of determining it's representation in the House. The effect of which was to give the "southern states a third more seats in Congress and a third more electoral votes than if slaves had been ignored, but fewer than if slaves and free persons had been counted equally, thus allowing the slaveholder interests to largely dominate the government of the United States until 1861" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-Fifths_Compromise

Now that would appear to a shameful chapter in our nation's history and on a certain level it was indeed shameful. But the reality is that without that compromise there would almost certainly not be a United States of America now. Many of our founding fathers, including Jefferson would go on later in their lives express their clear disdain for the practice and the industry of slavery. But there was the business of founding a nation that could survive that had to come first before we would be able to move on to becoming our better selves. And that is what those golden words in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution were really about. Which is not what we were at that particular juncture in time. But instead what we could and should become and continuously strive to become. That was the American experiment and it continues on till this day in our constant if sometimes stumbling march forward to becoming our better selves in the hope that one day we can say we fulfilled the greater promises of our forefathers to betterment of not only ourselves. but for the rest of the world as well.
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So, the rapist, murderers, kidnappers, child molesters, and other criminals are being stigmatized for breaking the law to enter our country illegally?

I am all tore up.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

With an attitude like that I wouldn't be at all surprised that if you were to have been born in a different time and place. Say 1930s Germany. Where of one of Hitler's fascism tenets was persecution and stigmatization of minorities by casting them as the 'other' to be blamed for all the past failings of the state and deemed as being criminals and enemies of the state. That you probably would've blindly and gladly swap out that Screaming Eagle for this;

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If you're defending people breaking our laws to come here, then you obviously don't have the first clue about what this country's founding principles are...sad, public education.

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First off do you even know what the laws are? It's estimated that 2/3 of the 'illegal' or 'undocumented' immigrants came into this country legally via temporary work visas and didn't return to their countries of origin when the visa expired. Overstaying a visa is a civil offense. Not a criminal offense. And the claim that immigrants bring with them increased crime is a myth. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/03/30/upshot/crime-immigration-myth.html

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Williams was a former co-chair of President Donald Trump's campaign in Georgia. The senator describes himself as "anti-political correctness, anti-liberal, anti-establishment, and pro-Georgia."

I see this as a smart move. There is a lot Millennials(such as myself) that do not share this sense of collective white guilt, which a lot of libtards( aka hard leftist: most regressives and neo- Marxist SJW's) unnecessarily feel the need to bear and we're tired of the PC culture that resulted from their retardation. So his message appeals to a lot of younger people.

According to his emails, Williams is a big supporter of the federal 287 (g) immigration program, which allows local and state law enforcement to work together with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to arrest undocumented immigrants based on criminal charges unrelated to immigration.

So when you read “Danger! Murderers, rapists, kidnappers, child molesters and other criminals on board.” (illegal immigration is a crime) it means just that.

The ironic thing is a lot of older people offended by this, are the ones that would laugh at old conservatives for spreging out over offensive lyrics in music and violence in video games during the 90's

Is this what the GOP really wants to become?

With the influx of young brash voters idk if they have much of a choice.
"Can't fight against the youth, 'cuz we're strong. Them are rude, rude people."

just more, right wing socialism on a national basis. We already have a Second Amendment and should have, no security problems in our free States.

Williams criticized the move in a statement, calling YouTube "the latest liberal California company stifling conservative free speech to appease the hard-left."

Considering there are a lot of Neo-Marxist in this commie ****hole that want to bring a end to "White Supremacy". (aka commie newspeak for a white majority running the government" I could see how this would really piss them off.

"Perhaps YouTube's executives would like to move their families into an area that has been destroyed by illegals. It might give them perspective."

I was born and raised in a heavily diverse/low income part of the San Fernando Valley. I can attest that to that, It really does change your perspective.

Sorry I'm not buying that at all. Surveys done about Millennials show them to be predominantly to be more progressive and liberal than their parents. Those young folks that aren't offended by that Senator's sign simply aren't educated enough yet to know better.

I was specific in mentioning murders, rapists, etc.
Sorry I'm not buying that at all. Surveys done about Millennials show them to be predominantly to be more progressive and liberal than their parents.

Link? I would like to see how they gather the data. I've heard this before and don't doubt it but there is a lot more of us then you think.

Those young folks that aren't offended by that Senator's sign simply aren't educated enough yet to know better.

:lamo Keep telling yourself that comrade.
Don't believe in Capitalism, right wingers? nothing but socialism on a national basis, is all y'all seem to know.

Ah you're trying to insinuate that I am a National socialist. Swing and a miss cupcake, care to try again.

read it yourself. it clearly states what is necessary to the security of a free State.

Irrelevant to the topic.
Link? I would like to see how they gather the data. I've heard this before and don't doubt it but there is a lot more of us then you think.

Yeah sure, ok. :roll:



That's quite a response, so when did diversity & multi-culturism become national treasures because they certainly were not as
I alluded to in colonial times nor in the times of the founders!

History will not look back favorably at late 20th century Americans who felt the great republic they inherited would be enriched by
bnringing in millions legal & illegal from the failed states of the 3rd world.

You do know that the people of colonial America and our founding fathers hailed from Europe don't you? So I suspect that they may have known just a little something about multiculturalism even though they would never have thought to call it that. Also the 20th century world saw the rise of this nation to being the preeminent superpower in all the world. A nation built by immigrants. And so if historians will unfavorably look back at anything about this great republic of ours in the late 20th century and the beginning of this one it will be that America at one point decided to turn inward and away from the rest of the world. Thus dimming, hopefully just briefly, the beacon of hope and freedom that it had always shone out to rest of world at a time when it's leadership in the world was very needed.
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