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NBA 2023-2024 (1 Viewer)

Pacers got hosed last night. Horrible officiating and horrible replay center decisions.

Minnesota looked incredible!
NBA officiating is as bad as it's been in the last decade.
Seriously? Gobert is missing tonight's game because his WIFE had a baby?
WTF is wrong with society today?
Your priorities are out of whack.
The Denver Nuggets this morning:

Did he need to deliver the baby? Is that the big deal? No doctor available?
Good grief. Please
Thanks for supporting my claim.
Did he need to deliver the baby? Is that the big deal? No doctor available?
Good grief. Please

He’s there to support his wife. Let’s get back to basketball
He’s there to support his wife. Let’s get back to basketball

It's ridiculous. I have been a big Minnesota fan all year, I wish last nights score had been reversed.
It's ridiculous. I have been a big Minnesota fan all year, I wish last nights score had been reversed.

we’re all wondering what happened. I feel like a banker who walked in to see his bank got robbed
these are problems Bruce brown and Jeff green alone cannot fix..

I mean it was like the wolves were playing the hornets last night

I don’t feel so good
Yeah, that's what happened alright.
The nba’s L2M should be adopted by other sports where betting is involved. The L2M on this game forgot to mention that Turner’s screen wasn’t a consistent 2024 playoff foul. The league continues to devolve in its back to the 80s/90s ball since the ASG.
Fact is, Indiana played exceptionally well and I'd be surprised to not see this go 7.
I wouldn’t call Haliburton having 8 assists, 6 shots, and 2 rebounds exceptional. The Pacers bench played 72 minutes (46 pts) to only 27 and 3 for the Knicks. That’s not sustainable for the Knicks, especially on the road. All Pacer starters had a negative +/- and all Knick starters were positive.
The difference, Indiana does not have a Brunson. Nothing to do with hoses.
The Man can hardly wait for Brunson at Tatum.

Only ten assists for each team at half for CLE/BOS.
Pacers had a chance to steal this one.. oh well
I expected Denver to respond like champions. Lotta game left to play but, they have done about what I thought they would do. They are playing like a team with their backs against the wall.

I don't expect them to win 4/5 games, without home court. But, if anyone can do it it's this team.
Do the best teams win or the least injured team?

Least injured team.
Do the best teams win or the least injured team?

Least injured team.

NY is banged up. If the Pacers pull this off it will be heart wrenching for the big apple
The Knicks have been playing outstanding basketball given their injuries. Today, they simply hit a wall and the Pacers exploded on them. The depth of the Pacers is their advantage in this series and their starters finally came through today. I did not expect the Pacers to demolish the Knicks like they did today. I expect game 5 will be much more like the first 3 games - tight, but only if the Pacers play with their backs to the wall.

What has surprised me the most this series is how little influence Siakam has had. The Pacers bench play has been they key to their success.
NY is banged up. If the Pacers pull this off it will be heart wrenching for the big apple

I have no expectations that NY, with 3 starters out and a 4th at 50% can win.
Brunson should not be out there. He is hurting the team not helping.
The experts had Denver buried.
So, i thought Minnesota would get a game at home but they didn’t. Since Denver took both of those games; momentum is back on their side. This series has surprised me. I wouldn’t put it past it to surprise me again by Denver dropping game five at home. I feel like I’ve gone with the odds in this series at every turn and then been proven wrong at every turn. Heading into the series I thought Denver would win in 6. When they dropped 2 home games, I thought well Minnesota can’t lose now.. can they? Then they did. Now heading back to Denver with the series tied, I think Denver will win in seven but like I said this series has surprised me.
Hoping for three ‘game sevens’ while Boston rests and heals.
Dallas Mavs beat #1Seed Thunder in 6 games. So much drama tonight! Final score: Thunder 116 - 117 Dallas.

Dallas came back from 17 points down. Wow!
Dallas waits for the winner of Timberwolves v. Nuggets game 7.

Celtics wait for the winner of Pacers v. Knicks game 7.
Pacers +9.5 at Celtics Tuesday at 8:00 et with a total of 221. Nuggets -4.5 tonight with a total of only 200.5 with the notorious Scott Foster as lead ref.

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