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My Message To Bob Iger: Scrap Snow White (3 Viewers)


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
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Disney stock is in the gutter. The reason why is because of a poisonous woke ideology. Your successor Bob Chapek was super woke, endorsing putting woke elements in classic films that destroyed what made these films magical in the first place. He was obviously fired in disgrace.

I have no problem with remaking classic films with a twist but distorting these films with woke themes and hyper-feminist elements is what's destroying Disney right now.

Bob, please call a meeting with the Disney board to scrap The Snow White remake. It's going to be a complete flop.

This movie was doomed before it started. A white girl should have been cast to play Snow White because the story says Snow White's skin is as white as snow. It isn't racist to cast a white girl to play Snow White; that's just the story. Just like it wouldn't make any sense to cast Bradley Cooper or Matthew McConaughey to play Nelson Mandela or Malcolm X., You would obviously cast a black actor.

Also, the seven dwarfs are not even dwarfs. I think one of them is over six feet tall, and one is a black woman.

And the actress playing the Evil Queen is another left-wing nutjob whose career is nosediving after being involved in flops like Red Notice and Heart of Stone.

The lead actress Rachel Zegler is super woke and entitled. Her comments are laced with narcissism, ungratefulness, and hate. She went on a crazy feminist rant about how she hated the original Snow White.

“The original cartoon came out in 1937, and very evidently so,” Zegler said, interviewed by Extra TV. “There’s a big focus on her love story with a guy who literally stalks her. Weird! Weird! So we didn’t do that this time.”

Snow White is a classic film, but people like Rachel Zegler are destroying it.

You can tell that a radical progressive ideology has poisoned Ziegler's mind. She is obviously a beautiful/talented young actress, but she trashed the original movie and doesn't even understand the central theme of the movie. This is what happens when your mind is warped by social left-wing ideology.

Young girls don't care about True love? What???

My advice, scrap it. Rachel Zegler should go on a 1-year sabbatical if she wants to save her career and dissociate herself from this abomination. After a year, make a public apology after going through therapy, or something like that.

Bob, the movie will be a complete flop. Get out of it now before Disney's reputation is further sullied.
They could have just made a different movie and called it something else. It may have been a fun musical. Disney is a wreck. They've lost touch with reality.

Rachel thinks it's creepy that a prince saves a poor girl from death with a kiss.

What a stalker!

She must also think of a male EMT performing CPR on a girl not breathing as "creepy" and "weird."
Must be nice to have absolutely no problems your life where a remake of a cartoon triggers the shit out of you. Maybe later you can yell at kids if they step by on your lawn.

The film is going to be a box office bomb.

Bob Iger is not a dumb man! He is a great businessman! I am shocked he is allowing this to happen.
They could have just made a different movie and called it something else. It may have been a fun musical. Disney is a wreck. They've lost touch with reality.

This isn't so much of a remake of a classic fairytale but a biopic of Meghan Markle's life.
Nice way to excuse bigotry.
The irony of that meme seems kinda lost on them.

They don't get why people may not want to see stereotyped/cliched representation of minorities on a product, but they absolutely lost their minds because a trans person they've never heard of appeared in an instagram story with a beer.
They are ok with playing in the mud too if it can be used to denigrate a group of people they don’t like.
Like Barbie was going to be a box office bomb?
Eh, the Disney live action remakes have all been pretty...whelming. Their most financially successful one...The Lion King...just barely doubled its budget at the box office. I think the problem with them isn't that they're woke, but that they're just not really very good and come during at time when people are generally pretty sick of unoriginal remakes/reimaginings. The right-wing crowed on about how Sound of Freedom topped Indiana Jones (a week after IJ released), but after the stinker that was Crystal Skull, and Covid, it shouldn't be a surprise that a lot of people just weren't going to the theater to see another lemon Indy Jones movie.

Barbie was kind of a flash in the pan, it seems. It's been particularly well-received. The Barbieheimer phenomenon showed that people will fill the seats to see something new and fresh.
As if Bob cares about what some rando on DP has to say...
The Little Mermaid (the black version) has made $289 million stateside, and $253 million internationally, for a running global haul of $542 million.

“Barbie” has topped $537 million.

I mean this is getting to be SO silly it is no longer laughable, but pathetic. I want everyone on here to just try and imagine what it must be like to be LOOKING for something to be offended by day in and day out and picking movies because they present themes THEY DON'T LIKE.

If you think a movie is "too woke", don't watch it. But to come running online and bleating all over it because you are oh SO SO sensitive is just ridiculous. I don't like country music, and particularly some of the newer conservative themed songs, but I haven't and won't post complaints about them, I just won't listen to them.

I never even heard of this movie, but here in Canada people weren't protesting Barbie or a black Mermaid. And they did incredibly well in the theaters. I guess we just don't have as many Snowflakes - when compared to Americans - as I thought.
Disney makes movies for kids. I don’t think they are particularly concerned if a bunch of anti woke adults don’t think they made a masterpiece. Most if these movies are streaming a month after they are out of theatres. When taking a family of four to a theatre can cost $100, I can see why people would wait.
Considering how well the black Mermaid and the pink Barbie did in the movies, I don't think most families give a rat's ass what some uptight rightwing cultists think.
Considering how well the black Mermaid and the pink Barbie did in the movies, I don't think most families give a rat's ass what some uptight rightwing cultists think.

Black mermaid did not do well considering the budget of the film.

Can’t believe they get triggered by the skin tint of a character in a Disney film.
This is why people ignorant of what they are talking about should educate themselves before speaking. It keeps them from looking stupid. Disney stock is down, but so is most other theme park stock. FOr example, 5 years ago Six Flags stock was at about 60$, now it is just over 21 and trending down. Cedar Fair, which owns Cedar Park and a number of other theme parks went from 60 to 40 a share. Seaworld down about 20 dollars this last year. So maybe one single issue that only a handful of idiots care about is not why one company saw stock prices go down like the whole industry has. https://www.finder.com/theme-park-stocks

Lol Disney is a "theme park" company.

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