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Me Too Movement (1 Viewer)

Do you support the Me Too movement?

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Doesn't know
DP Veteran
Apr 11, 2011
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Across the street from the family across the stree
Political Leaning
I've seen a few remarks about the me too movement referencing people who oppose the movement. I cannot imagine a scenario where someone can view this as a bad thing. Women are calling out sexual predators and abusers and making so that future generations won't feel the need to hide it. I decided it would probably derail the threads to ask there so gonna put it out here.

Do you support the Me Too movement?

I don't like a movement that pits men against women.

Of course I support the actual movement. Anybody that doesn't probably has real issues or is a predator themselves.

Now with that being said, OF COURSE there are going to be INDIVIDUALS that tarnish or try to tarnish the movement and pollute with other things or false accusations that attempt to water it down but the movement still stands strong.

Normal people against > sexual predators
How does this pit men against women?

It factually doesn't and any claims to the contrary are simply dishonest retarded nonsense.

The problem is the call8ng out. You can call out a movie producer because this is the historical culture of Hollywood, but if you call out a boss unnecessarily and it doesn’t rise to a high enough level you can be sued.

And why hire lawsuits? There are plenty of men to fill those high heels.
I don't like a movement that pits men against women.

What if the movement is intended to undo the men-vs-women thing? What if they see that men are already pitted against women? Not all men, obviously, but some few.
What if the movement is intended to undo the men-vs-women thing? What if they see that men are already pitted against women? Not all men, obviously, but some few.

So women had an even power structure and were unfairly fired and punished so the movement is intended to reverse roles and have men become unfairly fired and punished?

Here is a comment from a feminist:

Here's an unpopular opinion: I'm actually not at all concerned about innocent men losing their jobs over false sexual assault/harassment allegations.

Feminist Emily Lindin Doesn't Care if Men Lose their Jobs over False Allegations - Victory Girls Blog
I don't like a movement that pits men against women.

WTF kind of reply is that? Why the hell would it matter who's predominately on one side versus the other? What matters is who is being a **** head, and who is the victim.

This movement doesn't pit men vs women. I'm a man, and any guy that would sexually assault a woman doesn't deserve to call themselves a man. This movement pits ****ty sexual predators vs everybody else who is sick and tired of them getting away with it.

Too much of Me Too is band wagon hopping, exaggeration, posturing, attention seeking, virtue signalling or a combination of some or all of these. (This is btw my wife's opinion. I'm too timid to comment).
I don't understand how anyone can be against a movement that helps prevent abuses of power.
I definitely support it. That doesn’t mean there aren’t some people taking advantage of the movement or using it to damage people who were merely jerks as opposed to predators. But it is taking down some powerful predators.
I don't like a movement that pits men against women.

I don't like men making movements on women causing us to have to start a movement against them.
Too much of Me Too is band wagon hopping, exaggeration, posturing, attention seeking, virtue signalling or a combination of some or all of these. (This is btw my wife's opinion. I'm too timid to comment).

It's the swinging of a social 'pendulum'.

Reactions...takes time to stabilize.

The Me Too movement is inclusive. I am a man who was sexually assaulted. And like many said nothing after my initial complaint was waved away as a lie. I applaud these woman for speaking out. I just wish more men who have been in my situation would do the same.

What? This makes no sense at all.
Too much of Me Too is band wagon hopping, exaggeration, posturing, attention seeking, virtue signalling or a combination of some or all of these. (This is btw my wife's opinion. I'm too timid to comment).

So when you hear women coming out to discuss harrassment and assault you assume they are bang wagon hopping, exaggeration, posturing, attention seeking, virtue signalling or a combination of some or all of these?
I don't understand how anyone can be against a movement that helps prevent abuses of power.

Thats what I thought but in some of the specific threads about people who have been abused people are making anti me too comments. I would have figured that both sides universally condemned this.

This is an often overlooked portion of this movement. Women aren't the only ones who have been sexually assaulted. Sexual assault is wrong on every side.
Lots of accusations with almost no evidence... not good.

Ruins lives...
While I supported the initial purpose of the movement and those brave enough to become public with it, it has grown to include what I consider nonsense claims, that lessen the importance of the initial purpose.
I'm neutral. I've heard good arguments from both sides. Can't decide.
Lots of accusations with almost no evidence... not good.

Ruins lives...

If an adult molests a child, what evidence do you expect that child to produce? If a man in a position of power assaults a woman who evidence should she collect before getting out of there?
I don't understand how anyone can be against a movement that helps prevent abuses of power.

Yet no one wants to prove that these abuses of power are actually taking place. I'm all for people who legitimately harass or attack anyone else being held legally accountable, but this isn't about legal accountability, this is about the court of public opinion who don't care if there's any evidence, they don't care if there's any legitimacy to any of these accusations, it's just a giant unsupported witch hunt done for emotional, not intellectual reasons.

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