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LSD relieves anxiety (1 Viewer)

I've taken it. I suffer from major depressive disorder and a few other anxiety related disorders stemming from PTSD from being raped and physically assaulted (the assaults happened multiple times throughout my life and seemed to become a pattern.)

I am a painter/sculptor and I take it not just to help with the chronic depression but it helps open up my creative centers when I'm feeling blocked. It does help me a lot plus it's fun and entertaining.
Are you sure?

That's actually the second person I've seen say this just this week online. I don't know where they are getting this information because there's so many advances in neuroscience and psychology in just the last decade.
Maybe the government will legalize it some day but, yeah, I’m done looking for it
I've seen that there's new clinical trials with it. And they use ketamine now in monitored settings. Now that marijuana is being legalized across the board i'm waiting to see shrooms being sold in convenience stores. We already see amanita muscaria but seeing psilocybin will be nice.
I wonder if I'm the only person here who has never taken any recreational drugs other than alcohol.
I doubt it. I meet people more these days that don't use any drugs than do. I mean there's a lot of weed users now but I still meet more that don't than do.
Ketamine treatments can be done at home now legally (and they give you therapist/practicioners that monitor and assist you with it) and that has been proven to snap people out of chronic mental health problems faster than most treatments. Ketamine effects are similar to LSD.
Duration of the trip?

This never happened to me but I did often taste sound.
Led zeppelin was particularly tasty.
I dunno what the poster is referring to. When I take LSD I go into my own little world and don't even feel the need to socialize during the effects. I'm too busy watching and interpretting all of the visual hallucinations. Favorite spot to go is they shower and watch the movie of wild animals and alien faces and stuff on my shower wall lol.

I enjoyed looking at posters of fish or animals and watch them swim around the room in vivid colors.
And I have no issues with that. My point was that people who take it for recreational purposes are idiots.
@Allan - related thread topic:


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