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Jesse Jackson Urges Obama To Issue Pardon For Clinton (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 28, 2008
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North Texas
Political Leaning

Pardon for what? I thought she didn't do anything wrong?

A blanket pardon? So....she is like a get-out-of-jail-free card?
Hillary needs to go to trial

I suppose if obama pardons her thst will never hapoen but I want her to habe her day in court

Pardon for what? I thought she didn't do anything wrong?

A blanket pardon? So....she is like a get-out-of-jail-free card?

The Clinton Foundation possible pay for play is the one that bothers me the most. But I'm beginning to believe that charge isn't strong enough for prosecution.

I seriously doubt Obama will do that because it would take Trump off the hook. Then again, HC may have had that commitment from Obama long ago.

It's all smoke and mirrors, folks.

Pardon for what? I thought she didn't do anything wrong?

A blanket pardon? So....she is like a get-out-of-jail-free card?

Jesse Jackson? That guy's still around? I'd have thought he'd have suffocated as a result of being stuck up his own *** by now. I suppose he's got a respiratory bypass system or something....

Anyway, the question of pardon isn't all that clear. They spent several years going after her in congress, through law enforcement, in the media. The FBI cleared Clinton, then re-opened its investigation in a bid to sway the election, then cleared her again - but too late. It seems obvious that if she is now charged, it will be purely motivated by Trump's desire for political revenge (and his supporters' desire for jailing their political enemies). If anything seems to merit pardon, it's this kind of persecutory atmosphere.

Of course, the people calling for her to be jailed are just going to flip that statement on its head and claim that the fact that she hasn't been jailed is because of political favoritism. This claim will be made without the slightest shred of evidence that there is in fact such a conspiracy, the only thing behind their claim being the speaker's pre-existing hatred of Hillary and therefore, their personal opinion that she must be guilty.

(By "no evidence", I mean for example that nobody has ever disproved the FBI's claim that it had never recommended charges in Hillary's circumstances, only having recommended them in cases with additional aggravating factors. Disproving that would be evidence of favoritism. But nobody disproved it. They just chose to ignore the need to have evidence).

(Nevermind that the very same people calling for Hillary to go to jail have no problem with myriad accusations of fraud and sexual assault against their guy. That alone should be enough cause to ignore anyone jeering at the possibility of pardoning her.)

If someone goes to jail simply because of whom becomes President at a later date, then we really might as well call it quits.
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yea hes still around. hes still a great friend of Obama

You're ignoring a mountain of facts, but please carry on. Sheesh.
pardoning means there was guilt.

Not really. The Constitution allows the POTUS can issue a pardon for whatever he wishes, including any offense, which can be defined as both those offenses proven to have been committed and those offenses that have not yet been proven but are accused of occurring. It's pretty wide open, and it is a power of the POTUS that is unchecked, unreviewable, and unstoppable if he chooses to use it.

Ford pardoned Nixon of all offenses Nixon may have committed while POTUS:

US Constitution, Article II, Section 2, Clause 1: “The President...shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.”

You're ignoring a mountain of facts, but please carry on. Sheesh.

Incapable of hearing or reading anything other than what you agree with, eh?

Carry on indeed.

Pardon her for what? I do not believe there are such thins as blanket pardons, but I may be wrong. I have the feeling that Obama will do no such thing, firstly she is not exactly his best buddy and secondly I think he would have fun watching the circus continue and put trump on the hot seat by looking like he is being vindictive and petty. No I think it will all slip away and she will enjoy her retirement and Millions. Life aint fair but it is not the end of the world if she gets off.
Trump isn't going after Hillary.

He doesn't need the DNC out their paying protesters for the next four years.
I actually hope he does just that. Obama should pardon her. Mind you...it will put a certain stink on her permanently, but it will end a lot of this and allow us to move forward.
Trump isn't going after Hillary.

He doesn't need the DNC out their paying protesters for the next four years.
The biggest reason Trump wont go after Hillary is because frankly...he just doesnt care about her anymore. Hell I would bet money he could sit down with her tomorrow over lunch and he would be fine. She on the other hand would have to be denied metal flatware and access to anything pointy...but Trump...he's done with her.

Congress on the other hand will likely have a different take.
Jesse Jackson? That guy's still around? I'd have thought he'd have suffocated as a result of being stuck up his own *** by now. I suppose he's got a respiratory bypass system or something....

He's a stalwart of the DNC. Been that way for many years. His son was a Democrat congressman for 17 years before going to prison. Upon being released, he claimed disability, and was issued $8,700 a month in Social Security. Gotta love those DNC connections.

The people of the United States are sick of her. The election should prove that fact. Why are you still defending the woman? Her career in crime stretches back to the 1980's. People are fed up seeing black people go to jail for minor personal drug charges, while Hillary repeatedly breaks felony laws and gets away with it.

Right. Rich white people with power face the same justice system that poor people do. :doh :doh :doh :doh :doh

If someone goes to jail simply because of whom becomes President at a later date, then we really might as well call it quits.

Ha, tell that to the dozens of children who died at Waco.
...and I think technically requires a conviction.
Nah. I was schooled on this the other day. He can pardon her for any crimes she has committed or may have committed. Now...if she does something the day after the pardon is signed, or two years down the road...fair game. If she testifies again before congress and lies again, she would be subject to charges. But I HIGHLY DOUBT she will ever step foot in front of congress again and if she is forced, she will plead the fifth and refuse to answer any questions ever.
Did she commit crimes? A simple question...yes or no. Did she violate federal law?
I've said it on other threads and I believe it to be essential. For President Trump and the Republican Congress to be successful they have to act as if the Clintons don't exist. Wipe them from memory and refuse to discuss or refer to them at any time during the future. The American voters put a stake in their hearts - don't resuscitate them and make them sympathetic figures - don't consume your days and weeks with petty revenge and political games. Get on with the business of the nation. Work on "making America great again". If the President and Congress do that, they have an opportunity to solidify Republican control for a long time - if they play political games and keep the Clintons in the news, they will both suffer and fail.

Grow up, move on, get busy.

So then it's not really a pardon, but rather a grant of immunity for any crimes possibly committed, rather like FISA II granted the various telecoms for crimes they committed for the Bush regime.

Pardoning would be an admission of guilt. I don't think she's guilty of anything regarding her infamous emails. She's a slime ball politician no doubt. Of course Trump isn't going to pursue anything. They've been in bed for years.

I think he calls in Ryan.

Ryan quietly puts the word out to the GOP.................. to let the Clinton's sail off into the sunset.

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