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Hidden harms of trump's corruption (1 Viewer)

What's wrong with them? Decades of exclusive Democratically controlled local government. But it is the local's choice to vote for. Seems they've voted for those conditions. Why is anyone guess.

Yes. My question was a satirical one asking why these "awful" Southern states don't want to look more like the places described since we're told how enlightened liberal rule is.
Yes. My question was a satirical one asking why these "awful" Southern states don't want to look more like the places described since we're told how enlightened liberal rule is.

Fair enough. Fair enough.

As if there's something wrong is demanding and expecting a responsible government that promotes wise and insightful policies rather than far left unrealistic, damaging and un-viable SJW / excessive PC bull**** with the hidden agenda of instituting the tyrannical 'administrative state'.

Enough to make you puke.
I smell, no I observe, a significant desperation to drag this thread off-topic into the gutter of distractions, irrelevancies, and disparagement, an environment in which Trump's minions thrive. But there is much significant discussion to be had on the actual topic.

A serious historical argument can be made that this administration is the most corrupt in our nation's history. It dwarfs Teapot Dome, Watergate, and even the scandals of the Grant administration because it includes all of them, and more: bribery, theft of government resources, self-dealing, nepotism, cronyism, election manipulation, dirty tricks, a cover-up, obstruction of justice, witness tampering, the list goes on. No other chief executive has ever been credibly accused of violating the emoluments clause. No other chief executive has tried so hard to profit from his position while in office. No other chief executive has thwarted the basic functions of Congress to this extent - not just resisting subpoenas, but refusing to even nominate cabinet and senior executivess for the Senate's "advice and consent" (even though they virtually rubber-stamp almost all of them), and spending money in direct contravention of Congress' "power of the purse".

It will all eventually come crashing down, but the havoc raised will take decades to recover from - that's how we got the Great Depression.
Just think. The head of the CIA accused the POTUS of treason and the partisan hacks on the left did not have a problem with that.

trump protected a foreign dictator who stole him the presidency. The FBI investigated that theft. Which is treasonous?
trump protected a foreign dictator who stole him the presidency. The FBI investigated that theft. Which is treasonous?

What a dumb assed response!
trump protected a foreign dictator who stole him the presidency. The FBI investigated that theft. Which is treasonous?

Which is attached at the hip to Putin?
Which is attached at the hip to Putin?

I won't even hold that against him past a cause for suspicion, without more evidence - but it is suspicious. Presidents get leeway on different views of foreign leaders. But defending Putin's attacks on our elections, is treasonous Not in the legal sense, but in the moral sense. (trump's use of the word is an incorrect use in the legal sense).
trump protected a foreign dictator who stole him the presidency. The FBI investigated that theft. Which is treasonous?

Still on the 'Russian Collusion' narrative even though the Mueller report didn't find any.

Now that's founded in facts, isn't it?

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