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Germany Arrests Suspected Islamist Mole in Spy Agency [W:19] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 14, 2009
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In an effort to Curb Islamist activities and monitor a Million refugees, it appears the German intelligence agency hired a Muslim (recent convert) whose sentiments weren't as they thought.
Recent converts can oft be more ideologicial.

Germany Arrests Suspected Islamist Mole in Spy Agency
Prosecutors said they had arrested a 51-year-old German national on suspicion of preparing an attack
Nov. 30, 2016 - 7:38 a.m. ET
Germany Arrests Suspected Islamist Mole in Spy Agency - WSJ

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should we change the law to allow water boarding and lashing of terrorists?
The whole affair would be hilarious, were it not so sad. And worrisome.

Bunch of amateurs and incompetents :roll:
im not an interrogator so ive never waterboarded or non sequitered anyone

Whenever you and your partner engage in non sequiter, make sure you have a safeword prepared and plenty of lube.
Whenever you and your partner engage in non sequiter, make sure you have a safeword prepared and plenty of lube.
and mke sure to spell it properly or none of all that is going to be of any help at all.:mrgreen:
Whenever you and your partner engage in non sequiter, make sure you have a safeword prepared and plenty of lube.

you remind me of my grandson
To add to the hilarity (and I use the word with caution here) of a "domestic" intelligence agency whose goal is the security of the state, the mole apparently starred in a gay porn film at some time prior to his joining the BfV.

At least that's what certain German media are reporting and the fact that they can be classed as part of the yellow press doesn't make this impossible (in view of other absurdities).

As such he apparently "burned" himself in an online chat with a supposed IS sympathizer, by outing his Islamic jihadist beliefs, attitudes and intentions.

The chat partner :lamo:lamo:lamo turning out to be a colleague.

You just can't make this stuff up.:roll:
Arrested German spy was a onetime gay porn actor — and a secret Islamist

BERLIN — Two weeks ago, German intelligence agents noticed an unusual user in a chat room known as a digital hideout for Islamic militants. The man claimed to be one of them — and said he was a German spy. He was offering to help Islamists infiltrate his agency’s defenses to stage a strike.

Damn! A German spy/porn actor/Islamist. The world is getting so complex! :lamo
Re: Arrested German spy was a onetime gay porn actor — and a secret Islamist

The Pourne Identity.
Re: Arrested German spy was a onetime gay porn actor — and a secret Islamist

Someone has to make a movie about that.
Re: Arrested German spy was a onetime gay porn actor — and a secret Islamist

I already have a string on this in This section, and his 'gayness' already pointed out in it.

We hardly need another string just to repeat/singleout the detail of his sexual preference.
You're just betraying a bias by doing so.
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Re: Arrested German spy was a onetime gay porn actor — and a secret Islamist

Missionary Impossible?
Re: Arrested German spy was a onetime gay porn actor — and a secret Islamist

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