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Fear of Coronavirus is rising and we are unprepared (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
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Jan 21, 2013
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Post-Trump America
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Information about the spread of the virus has managed to be kept in control until now. While a few weeks ago, you had some people declaring that this is the thing to destroy us all in a joking manner, and social media did their best to contain fake news about the virus, that seems to be reaching it's limit...With news that the Olympics may be cancelled things are going into full widespread panic mode...

Rush Limpaugh is spreading fake news about the cornavirus because he's about to die and wants to scare everyone else.

Trump supporters are currently ecstatic about the fact that Trump could declare martial law if things get worse, and thus remain President until the disease is cured.

Yet, the WH seems to be taking early steps to calm things by overstating the impact the administration has had on the quarantine efforts. Which is to say...none.

We are unprepared for the things to come.
The percentage increase of daily cases in China is on the wane, and has been for weeks. No one is reporting this because the media wants to sensationalize it.
You destroy what ever message you're trying to convey with your idiotic slams at Limbaugh and Trump supporters. Oh . . .wait . . . maybe THAT was your message.

You destroy what ever message you're trying to convey with your idiotic slams at Limbaugh and Trump supporters. Oh . . .wait . . . maybe THAT was your message.

Yes, We wouldn't want to expose the new conservative message before they got it out to the mainstream now wouldn't we?
AIDS DNA strands found in the flu? Wonder if its manmade......

Whats scary is if you get COVID virus twice it uses your own immunities against you and kills you even more.

And what should we do to 'prepare?'
You destroy what ever message you're trying to convey with your idiotic slams at Limbaugh and Trump supporters. Oh . . .wait . . . maybe THAT was your message.

I believe it's a manisfestation of an anxiety disorder. Leftists are frightened right now because they know they are fixing to get another ass whooping by DJT this November.

My:twocents: anyway.
And what should we do to 'prepare?'

Interesting question; remember the run on duct tape and plastic wrap in 2003? Ever find any milk, bread or striking paper when a snow storm has been predicted?

Fear and herd mentality are scary things......
Yes, We wouldn't want to expose the new conservative message before they got it out to the mainstream now wouldn't we?

What is this new message? Trump is out there playing down the fears you are trying to drum up. Face it, you want an outbreak here and lots of people dying so you can blame Trump for it. Thats twisted and ghoulish, but thats pretty much where you are at.
Interesting question; remember the run on duct tape and plastic wrap in 2003? Ever find any milk, bread or striking paper when a snow storm has been predicted?

Fear and herd mentality are scary things......

Was there an answer to my question in there somewhere?
I believe it's a manisfestation of an anxiety disorder. Leftists are frightened right now because they know they are fixing to get another ass whooping by DJT this November.

My:twocents: anyway.

Interesting side note: of the list of medical conditions that make you able to get a medical card for marijuana in PA, anxiety disorder is one of them.

See Anxiety Added to Pa. List of Qualifying Medical Marijuana Card Conditions

People With Anxiety Disorders Can Soon Get Pa. Medical Marijuana Cards

Getting Medical Marijuana

Getting Medical Marijuana | PA.GOV

Qualifying Medical Conditions
Only patients suffering from one of the following medical conditions can participate in Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana program:

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Anxiety disorders.
Last edited:
The percentage increase of daily cases in China is on the wane, and has been for weeks. No one is reporting this because the media wants to sensationalize it.

China isnt testing dead bodies and Wuhan was only issuing a few hundred tests a day. SO you can't trust China's numbers. Italy's spread will probably be much more honest than China's was.

What should have been done against this virus from the outset? Let us put aside Donald Trump for a second, and just play the game of armchair quarterback with me for a minute. What could realistically be done about a virus that takes two to three weeks for symptoms to manifest, and can be spread by asymptomatic carriers?
Other than prepare hospitals for massive numbers of severe respiratory illness cases?

Here's an idea, let's cut funding to the center for disease control. What was that, it's already been cut, well cut it some more. It's nothing but another welfare program right?
You destroy what ever message you're trying to convey with your idiotic slams at Limbaugh and Trump supporters. Oh . . .wait . . . maybe THAT was your message.

Well maybe idiot limbaugh shouldn't be telling people like you it's a common cold. The sad part, folks like you believe him since you're defending him.

What a bunch of bull. The administration has been working on the coronavirus for over a month. They have asked for extra funding and the first of that a month ago before the threat was a great as it is now. There is a Coronavirus Task Force, the administration has asked for funding to combat the outbreak, now up to 2.5 billion. Loony toones liberal/democrat Trump haters are always trying to make a chaotic situation of every thing that happens.
Most people just do what everybody should do in a modern society. Going to the grocery store? Use those wipes that are just inside the store to wipe off the bacteria that the little baby put on the seat (Fecal matter) and handle just before you got your cart. Not blaming the child...they do what they do. Also the person who sneezed all over the same cart that you're using now.
Everybody knows the above but might not know this one> Going to the bathroom in a store? When you're done and washing your hands and drying them with a paper towel..keep the towel in your hand to open the bathroom door again, to avoid getting Sh*t on your hands that was placed there by the person (S) in front of you that took a crap and gleefully walked out of the stall straight to the handle that you're about to place your hand on. You'd be amazed at how many people put the finger in their eye (to scratch) after going to the john.
No thanks. The above is no-big-deal, just felt like Betty Bowers for a moment..
Well maybe idiot limbaugh shouldn't be telling people like you it's a common cold. The sad part, folks like you believe him since you're defending him.
So, you're going to join the OP's slobber-slinging idiocy rather than discuss the issue. Imagine my surprise.
So, you're going to join the OP's slobber-slinging idiocy rather than discuss the issue. Imagine my surprise.

When medical people are calling it a pandemic because it has crossed national borders and limbaugh calls it a cold and you agree with him, what's to discuss?

Can you folks on the right, write anything without name slinging. You sound like trump.

Yes. Leftists are trying to create chaos because that is what they know best. Well that and hate and violence.

Watch the left and how they go frickin bananas over this ChiCom flu.
Yes. Leftists are trying to create chaos because that is what they know best. Well that and hate and violence.

Fear mongering meant to keep the ignorant and bigoted in line.

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