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Exxon ordered to turn over 40 years of climate change research (1 Viewer)

On the grounds that they defrauded their shareholders with false information. It's one thing to have an opinion, it's another to use false information to sell that opinion to shareholders.

All Exxon climate research was published in scientific journals and Exxon participated in multiple IPCC reviews and reports.

[h=1]The “Exxon Climate Papers” show what Exxon and climate science knew and shared[/h]If they withheld or suppressed climate research from the public or shareholders, it is not apparent in these documents. Guest essay by Andy May New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman has accused ExxonMobil of lying to the public and investors about the risks of climate change according to the NY Times and has launched…

This must be the most retarded excuse ever made. Makes the deniers look like geniuses.

I am sure you feel your post is pure genius. Ignorance is bliss for far too many.
It should be, that's the point.

And they aren't doing research now, save the kind that yields the results they want, so who cares...

If it is not illegal, then there is no point, and we don't know what the research says, nor should we. It is their property. Tax payer money is being wasted investigating a crime that doesn't exist, and the state of Massachusetts has no control over anyway.

If Exxon has already shared their research with the public....then why are they in court trying to prevent the release of their research on global warming?

Exxon doesn't seem to be denying they did the research...only that they don't want to share it with the public because of their constitutional rights. But there is no constitutional protection for lying, misleading or defrauding their shareholders.

Because of course you ignored:

State the elements of "defrauding shareholders," and show how anything they did regarding this research fulfills them.

Not that I didn't expect it.

They want to rid themselves of a meritless nuisance lawsuit.
They want to rid themselves of a meritless nuisance lawsuit.

I doubt it's meritless or Exxon wouldn't be trying so hard to keep the research secret.

Why is the Mass AG refusing to turn over her records on the Exxon investigation? Is she afraid of what they might reveal?

Healey refuses to turn over climate change records
Why is the Mass AG refusing to turn over her records on the Exxon investigation? Is she afraid of what they might reveal?

Healey refuses to turn over climate change records

She's also got trouble with a federal judge.

[h=1]Federal Court Delivers Stunning Blow to Mass. AG and #ExxonKnew Campaign[/h]By Katie Brown. (h/t to Matt Dempsey) In yet another stunning blow to the #ExxonKnew campaign, a federal judge today issued a discovery order against Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey to determine whether “bias or prejudgment” influenced her decision to initiate a “bad faith” investigation into ExxonMobil, just days after she appeared before news cameras with…

October 13, 2016 in Climate News.

It begs the question: is Healey refusing to turn over the records, because she's involved in anbunconstitutional (illegal) investigation?
This will be killed 20 Jan.


Elections have consequences ...

witch hunt tries were deemed illegal a long time ago.

this is why witch hunt trials are deemed illegal.

it is there to stop malicious prosecution or bias prosecution.
Why is the Mass AG refusing to turn over her records on the Exxon investigation? Is she afraid of what they might reveal?

Healey refuses to turn over climate change records

Wow...a republican congressman is abusing his power to interfere with a States investigation into corporate wrongdoing....is stunning...but not surprising. The House of Representatives is getting more like a nazi inquisition with each passing day.

McCarthyism is alive and well in the House of Representatives.
It begs the question: is Healey refusing to turn over the records, because she's involved in anbunconstitutional (illegal) investigation?

It's more likely that congress is engaging in McCarthyesque inquisitions.
Please see #162.


Read the OP.

Last week...not last year ...last week, a Superior court judge ordered Exxon to hand over more than four decades of the company's climate change research....

"....The court rejected Exxon's emergency motion to kill the demand from Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, who is investigating allegations the company ignored internal scientific research going back to the 1970s....

In Wednesday's ruling, the Massachusetts court declined to put the proceeding on hold until the Texas court rules.

Exxon tried to kill the demand for documents by arguing the investigation is politically motivated. The company cited a March speech from Healey where she said, "We can all see today the troubling disconnect between what Exxon knew, what industry folks knew, and what the company and industry chose to share."

But the Massachusetts judge said the remarks are not evidence of "any actionable bias" and that it "seems logical" for the attorney general to inform the public about the basis of the investigation....

Exxon ordered to turn over 40 years of climate change research - Jan. 12, 2017

Former acting general counsel to the House and law professor at the University of Baltimore, Charles Tiefer said the committee’s subpoenas exceeded its authority....

"...He testified that Congress has never in more than 200 years issued a subpoena to a state attorney general. Tiefer said that “fraud investigation is the legitimate bread and butter of state attorneys general” and that if ExxonMobil did, in fact, say one thing about climate change internally and another publicly, that was something that could be investigated.

As for discussions between environmental groups and the state attorneys general, Tiefer said any contacts the groups had fell well within their rights to association and for the environmental groups to urge government to take action...."


And that's where it stands.

How is he abusing he power? Can you explain that?
Why is congress for the time in US history interfering in State investigation on fraud?

Why is a Federal judge involved?

Now, explain how Congress is abusing it's power.

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