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Emergency rooms turn away pregnant women due to overturning of roe v wade (1 Viewer)

You go, girl!

The problem with that post though -- Virginia, on the whole is not a Southern state. It may be geographically and it may be run by conservatives, but it acts way more like a (classic) Democratic state than a (Classic, pre-Trump) Republican state. The Congressional map also shows a mixture of red and blue, and Tim Kaine (D-VA) is a Democratic who was re-elected in spite of basically being a whiner-in-chief in the 2016 Vice Presidential Debate (next to the dignified statesman of Mike Pence, say what you will about the content of what he said) -- which aided in Trump righting the debate ship and ultimately winning the 2020 election. If that's not like … a true blue state just waiting to bloom, I don't know what is.
I'm gonna bow out. I seem to have misread the room.
Whats silly...no....stupid...is for you to pretend that there is anything different between those two images but age.

Still a baby...and you still support its slaughter. I can understand why you would do your best to dehumanize the baby you support killing.
I've answered these questions many times. Of course we can, and should, treat the life of the unborn equally with the mother. Each one is a human life.

You cannot treat them equally, it's not possible. Or...explain how?

It's not so please stop typing it, arguing it, pretending. Or...show how.

IMO it would be proper to include justification for an abortion if the life of either is endangered by continuing the pregnancy, but never just for life-style choices. That is murder.

You are in the majority with your opinion. The majority of Americans support elective abortions.
That statement is correct. Abortion is probably the only medical procedure during which someone dies every single time...100% fatality.

And that is the correct outcome of the procedure ending an abortion...so what's the problem with a medical procedure that protects the patient?
Women already have bodily autonomy, but not to kill another human life even if it's in her womb.

@Ganondagan Now please directly address my post instead of making a complaint about the accuracy of the procedure. Obviously if there are laws denying women abortions and forcing us to remain pregnant, we do not have bodily autonomy...correct?
Move to a blue state where you can kill your child at will.
Since when is a bloberul embryo a child? Oh, you are just making emotive shit up!! LOL
You want to force women to be slaves... LOL.. Disgusting.
You cannot treat them equally, it's not possible. Or...explain how?

It's not so please stop typing it, arguing it, pretending. Or...show how.

You are in the majority with your opinion. The majority of Americans support elective abortions.

If you think it's OK to kill the child in the womb because it's existence is an inconvenience for someone, make it OK for the mother to be killed because her existence is an unconvenience for someone.
If you think it's OK to kill the child in the womb because it's existence is an inconvenience for someone, make it OK for the mother to be killed because her existence is an unconvenience for someone.
Well, at least we have gotten to the crux of it.

You are ok with women dying because they are unable to receive proper medical care in pregnancy.
This is why abortions belong in the realm of doctor and patient.
This is why abortions belong in the realm of doctor and patient.
Doctors and nurses are the ones making these decisions. The left seems to be arguing that there is a place for pro-abortion activists in that relationship.
Doctors and nurses are the ones making these decisions. The left seems to be arguing that there is a place for pro-abortion activists in that relationship.
Doctors and nurses are making these decisions because legislators passed laws restricting their ability to practice medicine.

Funny how you fail to mention that.

If you’d like to counter otherwise - take note of states where restrictions are NOT in place and where these things are NOT occurring.
There is no State law that prohibits emergency rooms from accepting pregnant patients. Doctors and nurses are turning them away and have been since before Dobbs.
Those are tragic cases that shouldn't happen, but they pale in comparison to the hundreds of thousands of innocent babies killed in the womb every year.

And this affects you personally, how?
If you think it's OK to kill the child in the womb because it's existence is an inconvenience for someone, make it OK for the mother to be killed because her existence is an unconvenience for someone.

Answer the question...you brought up bodily autonomy, now defend it or admit you just threw it out there to cover up your 'religiously-based' view.

And I have answered your question and discussed ALL the OTHER people affected by a woman's 9 months of pregnancy and also if she dies or is permanently debilitated by childbirth. All her own potential in society....do you tell your kids that their obligations to their employers is 'just a convenience?' Her ability to earn an income and support her dependents, uphold her commitments to church, community, etc...should EVERYONE ELSE be "inconvenienced" just for the unborn? (Your word...so support it...are all your obligations and responsibilities to others "conveniences?")

IMO, no. As I've written, I value the unborn but I value all born people more. And the majority of Americans support elective abortion so you are on the religious fringe with your disrespect of women's lives...reducing everything in our lives to "conveniences."

So here's the question again:

You cannot treat them equally, it's not possible. Or...explain how?

It's not so please stop typing it, arguing it, pretending. Or...show how.
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Those are tragic cases that shouldn't happen, but they pale in comparison to the hundreds of thousands of innocent babies killed in the womb every year.
What babies? Cite your source!
Not a baby. So you're still wrong.
Human life at the beginning stages of development is always a baby to me. Whatever you want to call it in those stages, abortion is still wrong.
Then you are wrong, plain and simple.

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