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Do you support the Trumpcare plan that just passed the House (1 Viewer)

Do you support the Trumpcare plan that just passed the House

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Leaning Yes

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Leaning No

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • No

    Votes: 24 80.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Jul 27, 2010
Reaction score
Political Leaning
See the poll.

Leaning no - we do not benefit from ObamaCare lite. I fear that Trump and the republicant congress critters are so desperate for for a legislative "win" that they will fool themselves into accepting damn near anything as "phase one".

The demorats thought that PPACA would help them and soon found out that the sheeple are just not that stupid. When you advertise a $2.5K annual savings on insurance premiums and then try to say we really meant to say "the cost would go up more slowly" even the demorat leaning sheeple will react.
There are three kinds of people who support the bill.

1)Rich people.
2)People who think getting sick is something that only happens to bad people.
3)Republicans who think getting sick is something that only happens to liberals.
I have no opinion yet. I haven't studied the plan.

I could say no, on the basis of my support for either staying free-market or going whole hog for a single-payer plan.

But since I don't like the ACA for the same reasons, saying no would imply I was saying yes to the ACA.

I don't like either...so I choose "other."
Last edited:
We need a bi partisan "WE AGREE" plan to get the medical system out of the ICU till such time as we get Washington fixed enough to craft a long term solution.

This is not that.

We need a bi partisan "WE AGREE" plan to get the medical system out of the ICU till such time as we get Washington fixed enough to craft a long term solution.

This is not that.


Gosh, if only Republicans cared what you thought.
This poll should really only be answered by people who have actually read the bill. Not sure why it is important to know what the uninformed think.
Gosh, if only Republicans cared what you thought.

If only the American people understood how important Washington is, how broken Washington is, and demanded better.
If only the American people understood how important Washington is, how broken Washington is, and demanded better.

We did demand better, but you voted in the worst to make a statement. Good job with that. No, seriously, you really hit that out of the ball park.
We did demand better, but you voted in the worst to make a statement. Good job with that. No, seriously, you really hit that out of the ball park.

That's funny. Hillary may have been lots of things, but she was certainly not the result of 'demanding better.'
This poll should really only be answered by people who have actually read the bill. Not sure why it is important to know what the uninformed think.

That is why I am so surprised at the posts. Have you read it? How many pages is it, anyway?
We did demand better, but you voted in the worst to make a statement. Good job with that. No, seriously, you really hit that out of the ball park.

Trump has woken a LOT of folks up. Not enough, but it's a start.

Instead of picking a fight how bout you admit that I am correct and then we move on?
Trump has woken a LOT of folks up. Not enough, but it's a start.

Instead of picking a fight how bout you admit that I am correct and then we move on?

And yet you support Trump religiously. That don't look much like "woken" to me.
That's funny. Hillary may have been lots of things, but she was certainly not the result of 'demanding better.'

You didn't have to believe she was going to make things better, but if you reacted to this by deliberately choosing somebody who would break the country, that's 180 degrees in the opposite direction of "demanding better." So as I said, great job.
We did demand better, but you voted in the worst to make a statement. Good job with that. No, seriously, you really hit that out of the ball park.

Better means not forcing insurance to function as a service plan. Cash healthcare is an unmitigated ripoff. Compare the billed amount for the same insured versus uninsured service.
This poll should really only be answered by people who have actually read the bill. Not sure why it is important to know what the uninformed think.

Why? Many who voted to pass the bill did not.
Better means not forcing insurance to function as a service plan. Cash healthcare is an unmitigated ripoff. Compare the billed amount for the same insured versus uninsured service.

Very nice. You should make a bumper sticker out of that meaningless post.
That is why I am so surprised at the posts. Have you read it? How many pages is it, anyway?

No, Ive not read it so I don't really know if I support it or not. It doesn't matter, really, since it probably in no way reflects what the final law will look like.
That's funny. Hillary may have been lots of things, but she was certainly not the result of 'demanding better.'

She might have been a tad better than Bernie Sanders - even demorats seemed to think so.
And yet you support Trump religiously. That don't look much like "woken" to me.

See this is what I mean, trying to make this all about me..... making this idiotic claim that I support Trump "religiously" when I jam him plenty and in a thread where I am saying clearly that the so-called "TrumpCare" is a bad act which I dont support...and I give reasons.

Come up to my level, please.

You can do better.
With every development it got worse and worse. Nope.
See the poll.


This poll is premature...until the bill goes for reconciliation after the Senate gets to mark up the bill and vote on it (which isn't a given) and the house agrees to the changes it is premature judge to the house bill.

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