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Democrats will destroy Trump for Pence Pick (1 Viewer)

i just did but you cannot understand


Yeah, you did just pile more blather on, but no, you didn't support anything.

Yeah, you did just pile more blather on, but no, you didn't support anything.

you cannot understand what is SUPPORT...

Rhodesia to Zimbabwee has the whole west shaking.. because that shows what happens when wide democracy comes with lower IQ's voting ...... logic helps understand this easily
you cannot understand what is SUPPORT...

Rhodesia to Zimbabwee has the whole west shaking.. because that shows what happens when wide democracy comes with lower IQ's voting ...... logic helps understand this easily


No. Support is not you making claims about another country and acting as if it correlates to our country. Support is providing empirical data, quotes, statistics and the like that apply to your contentions. You've provided none of that...despite repeated requests.

you got it WRONG AGAIN the perfect example that DOES support..... rhodesia changed to zimbabwee supports how changing high IQ voters to low IQ voters affects the result
you got it WRONG AGAIN the perfect example that DOES support..... rhodesia changed to zimbabwee supports how changing high IQ voters to low IQ voters affects the result

Again...don't give examples that satisfy nothing but the thoughts in your own mind. Give me data.
you got it WRONG AGAIN the perfect example that DOES support..... rhodesia changed to zimbabwee supports how changing high IQ voters to low IQ voters affects the result

Do you have any facts that support your claim that Rhodesia changed to Zimbabwe due to lower IQ's of voters? Are you saying that the US will have secessions, creating white states and black states? What empirical proof do you have that that situation mimics what is going on in the US?

Did he say that Rhodesia became Zimbabwe because of low-IQ voters?

Trumps the antitheist of Pence. Whereas, Pence seems, on the surface at least, to be deeply religious. Trump scorns religion, yet evangelicals (which Pence claims to be) love him. Go figure.:doh
Trumps the antitheist of Pence. Whereas, Pence seems, on the surface at least, to be deeply religious. Trump scorns religion, yet evangelicals (which Pence claims to be) love him. Go figure.:doh

Trump only scorns religions IF the religion harms a nation..... he is a christian because that religion helps a nation Islam is a religion that harms nations

states rights has it where any state can make their own laws.... let people be free to experiment and then they can compare which system is the best to copy.... lets some states make wisdom test for voters and let other staes allow everyone to vote including 3 year olds and then copy the one that brings the best progress

Your posts are incoherant. You shouldn't post too quickly after smoking the whacky weed.
is it good to let everyone vote including 3 yr olds?

Do you have any facts that support your claim that Rhodesia changed to Zimbabwe due to lower IQ's of voters? Any facts to show that 3 year olds vote?
Trump only scorns religions IF the religion harms a nation..... he is a christian because that religion helps a nation Islam is a religion that harms nations

Care to reveal the"a nation"you're talking about?
Care to reveal the"a nation"you're talking about?

check the progress of christian nations and muslim nations to judge which religion helps or harms a nation
Democrats will destroy Trump for Pence Pick

No they won't.
America's pinheads will finally meet their Waterloo.
Up until now, the Democrats have been disintegrating our once great country,
damage that being felt throughout the globe.
But a half-year from now, the Trump Train will be leaving the station
and the Chump Train will be decommissioned.

check the progress of christian nations and muslim nations to judge which religion helps or harms a nation

How does religion help certain nations and how doe sit harm others?
"Clinton's political network" says it all.
I am not voting for either Trump or Hillary. However if someone held a gun to my head and forced me to vote, I would pick the clown over the crook. At least the clown would be good for a few laughs. I could never trust a crook.

Actually, with the clown you get a two-fer, as he is also a crook....

Trump University: It’s Worse Than You Think - The New Yorker
Trump University: Yes, It Was a Massive Scam | National Review

The "Crooked Hillary" thing is cute, but mainly plays into a perception that has been crafted. All the Dems have to do his put up a nice mirror and the real crooked candidate will be well exposed. The problem for the Republicans in this election is they have already shot their negative wad, while the many, many Trump scandals haven't even taken stage yet.
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check the progress of christian nations and muslim nations to judge which religion helps or harms a nation

We don't really have Christian nations, unless you are referring to the Vatican.
We don't really have Christian nations, unless you are referring to the Vatican.

the people inside a nation tells you if its a christian nation or a non christian nation

BIG BIG news china's christian population is exploding upwards... but its the protestant version and not the catholic version..... the reason is china is conservative and catholics are too liberal

How does religion help certain nations and how does it harm others?

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