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Cyber-Prudes Ganging Up on Sexiest Plane Alive (1 Viewer)


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Jul 21, 2005
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Cyber-Prudes Ganging Up on Sexiest Plane Alive - TMZ.com


Porn? Are you for real?!

I have to agree the prudes are out in full force here.
they should have moved the door 30 feet to the right. Now thats a plane i would not mind getting into.
I'm outraged as well.

Why is she wearing anything at all?

But anyways, yeah calling a bikini "pornographic" or "half-nude" is ridiculous. I'd expect it of the Amish, but not anybody whose grown up with electricity.
I don't consider it porn. But I do think it's tacky as all hell on an airplane.
Swimsuits belong at the beach, but I don't understand why this is worse than any of the other public places we can expect to see people running around less than half-dressed.

Hell, rather have people dressed like that on billboards and airplanes than dressed like that at the Mall.
Boeing should put up the nastiest filthiest scat-play-bsdm porn they can find instead. That should teach the prudes the difference between a girl in a bikini and porn.
You'd be surprised by what some people consider porn. It's beyond absurd. It's crazy to think that our country is more prudish now than it was back in the day. One would think that things like that would progress over time, but apparently not.

There's a very easy explanation for this... it's called 'becoming a parent.' Becoming a parent turns some of the most open-minded, fun-loving individuals into the ultimate prudes.

So no, we aren't any more prudish than we were 'back in the day.' I'm not sure which 'back in the day' you're even referring to... the 90's? The 80's? The 70's or 60's?

There's a very easy explanation for this... it's called 'becoming a parent.' Becoming a parent turns some of the most open-minded, fun-loving individuals into the ultimate prudes.

I don't think that's necessarily true. Obviously one doesn't want to expose their children to such things, but it doesn't mean that one has to become a prude in order to do that.

So no, we aren't any more prudish than we were 'back in the day.' I'm not sure which 'back in the day' you're even referring to... the 90's? The 80's? The 70's or 60's?

In the 20's - 40's people were far from prudish. The whole "decency" thing didn't really kick in until the 50's and that was fairly short lived once the 60's happened. Sometime around the 70's until now is when the fundamentalist watchdog groups started to gain power and really watch closely for anything offensive. It's gotten downright ridiculous. Nudity and porn are two completely different things and I'm sick of people trying to equate the two. This particular issue doesn't even feature nudity. That's how bad it is now.
I've flown on SW, I don't what the hubbub is all about. No bikinis.

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