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Could you live without power (1 Viewer)

Could you survive without power

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I'm not sure you understand.

I had no sources of central power/heat/whatever, at all. None Zero Nada.

All I had was candle power, and since I needed a bit of bracing exercise anyway the walk in near freezing temperature to the nearest Curb Market with power was my best option. My feet were damn cold and soggy by the time I got there, but God that 24oz piping hot coffee in a Styrofoam cup was so-o-o-o-o good!
Sure, if gas (butane or propane) is allowed. But even without that, yeah.

I have a wood burner as well.

But it's a climate zone thing in that, come summer, I couldn't preserve foodstuffs via freezer and fridge. Butane powered fridges are practically off the market by now here (Spain).

Don't have A/C, it screws up my sinuses. Hot water is mostly off the solar as is some power (I feed mostly INTO the grid but the amount that's paid by the local power provider decreases year by year and the battery went about two years ago so I can't store anymore, my not having bothered to replace it).

There were times when power cuts were so frequent and prolonged that I WAS self-sufficient for longer times but they've heavily improved the grid by now.

Internet? Well, what one becomes used to one can become unused to again.

I'd be far more unhappy with a gasoline shortage, I'd have to buy a mule. Something I'd hate, having been married to one once. :mrgreen:
Yes, but I'd prefer not to...

I could but God would it suck.
I have been dabbling with less power here and there in the shop.

I know it is hardly roughing it, but my next boat will be completed with 100% hand tools.

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Taking a guess we are looking at a river row/fishing boat used in northern waters, I am not sure there is a name for them but those types are not by expertise. Looks like fun and the satisfaction of doing it all by hand is priceless. Cool.
I have been dabbling with less power here and there in the shop.

I know it is hardly roughing it, but my next boat will be completed with 100% hand tools.

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It'll be like watching that old PBS show New Yankee Workshop where he did all work with non powered hand tools. I'd watch it just because he was always bloodying himself up and on the verge of swearing all the time from the nicks and cuts he'd get. Be careful.
We lost power for close to three weeks - I think it was 17 days in total - right after Sandy so I know i can make it at least that long. Noticed myself going to bed when the sun set and waking when the sun rose - I normally get up well before dawn and don't usually get to bed until near midnight normally. Spent a lot of time reading - I read a lot to begin with, probably 2 hours a day, but I was probably doing double that.

Biggest pain was having to go into the yard to make coffee on the gas grill.
In the event of an electricity black out and a breakdown of society liberals would be some of the first to die.

Why would you believe that?
I would scrounge materials to build a Tesla coil and wind a transformer.

Maybe one day offline.
Yes. Our power goes out all the time up here.
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I would scrounge materials to build a Tesla coil and wind a transformer.

Maybe one day offline.

I'd get a stationary bicycle, connect it to a electric motor and get Gilligan to start pedaling like a madman.
I'm a server administrator, it's how I make the money to buy those luxuries like food. Sure, I could survive without electricity, but I sure wouldn't want to at this point in my life. I've done my share of sleeping on the ground and hauling my own water, hunting my own food. Not an old man's game, at least not this old man's game. :mrgreen:
Could you live without power?

if the other choice was death, yes, but i sure as **** wouldn't want to. that means no internet.
I could but I'd sooner save myself the trouble. What a miserable existence that would be.
I would scrounge materials to build a Tesla coil and wind a transformer.

Maybe one day offline.

No you are doing it wrong a tesla coil produces dirty high frequency ac current, you need a tesla turbine and a couple gm 1 wire alternators taken from chevy trucks at the junkyard.
No you are doing it wrong a tesla coil produces dirty high frequency ac current, you need a tesla turbine and a couple gm 1 wire alternators taken from chevy trucks at the junkyard.

I happen to like dirty high frequency AC. Fewer parts.

Raw power comes from the atmosphere.
I happen to like dirty high frequency AC. Fewer parts.

Raw power comes from the atmosphere.

Most electronics though would not function on it, some can not function well on professional generators because the power is too dirty, and need a ups to clean it up.

Fyi nikola tesla was a freakin genious, for example his tesla turbine could run long times once up to speed. Second choice would be a sterling engine, which can run on any heat source.
Well despite my rant on how people have a hard time surviving without electricity, I bought a new generator. My old 700 watt 2 stroke was too noisy for backup, but the main reason was I could not power many tools with it. My new generator is 3.4 kw running and 4250 surge, and can run both my welders with go beyond what a 20 amp 110 volt outlet should handle, so they should handle an air compressor or other tools no problem.

Mostly bought it for the ability to use welders, air compressors, grinders etc mobile, but I guess backup power is beyond sufficient for it.

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