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CDC Still Ignoring Autopsy Findings by Eminent Pathologists That COVID Vaccines Are the Cause of Most Worldwide Excess Deaths (1 Viewer)

Give me one good reason why the Nazi Fauci and Biden deserved my trust?
Why should we trust incoming President-elect Trump since he started the covid vaccine concern with Operation Warp Speed?

Gives us one good reason why we should trust Trump if he has to deal with another medical crisis like covid?

Do you trust President-elect Trump to handle another medical crisis like covid? If so, why?
Why should we trust incoming President-elect Trump since he started the covid vaccine concern with Operation Warp Speed?

Gives us one good reason why we should trust Trump if he has to deal with another medical crisis like covid?

Do you trust President-elect Trump to handle another medical crisis like covid? If so, why?
I don't lean on the government to handle my medical needs.

So there's taht.
I don't lean on the government to handle my medical needs.

So there's taht.
yes, there is that.
Interesting how you bashed Fauci in other threads, but you don't rely on the government to handle your medical needs. Then why be upset about what Fauci says.

If Fauci was bad regarding covid then so was President Trump.

Merry Christmas
yes, there is that.
Interesting how you bashed Fauci in other threads, but you don't rely on the government to handle your medical needs. Then why be upset about what Fauci says.

If Fauci was bad regarding covid then so was President Trump.

Merry Christmas
Good catch.
Interesting how you bashed Fauci in other threads, but you don't rely on the government to handle your medical needs. Then why be upset about what Fauci says.
Because he is an example of why people don't lean on the Government to handle their medical needs?
I don't lean on the government to handle my medical needs.

So there's taht.
Sure you do.

If you go to a licensed doctor and take licensed pharmaceuticals…you absolutely “lean on the government” for your medical needs.

Even if you get advice from kooks on the internet? The government is what is keeping the internet and power flowing to your house that enables you to look that up. 🤷‍♀️

And that’s not even touching on whether or not Medicare pays the bills.
Because he is an example of why people don't lean on the Government to handle their medical needs?
and yet no comment on Trump and the covid 19 vaccine via Operation Warp Speed.
Why is that?
and yet no comment on Trump and the covid 19 vaccine via Operation Warp Speed.
Why is that?
Apples and oranges

That is why.
Look, it's another anti-vax woo article from a ct blog. This must be a day that ends in y.
I don't lean on the government to handle my medical needs.

So there's taht.
By all means. Accept only healthcare that the government has never had a hand in. 🤣

I think that would leave you leeches....but you better find them in the wild ......because Medical Grade leeches are FDA regulated👍

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