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Beyond Utopia (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 15, 2019
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Political Leaning
One of the most harrowing documentaries you will ever see:

North Korea is a murderous authoritarian regime, and anyone playing footsie with it or its cult leader is either willfully ignorant of the horrors that people there endure, or utterly indifferent to their suffering.
Did anyone actually grow up in North Korea thinking it was a Utopia? Aside from Kim Jong Un.
Did anyone actually grow up in North Korea thinking it was a Utopia? Aside from Kim Jong Un.
How could they not? Nowadays it might be different but until information could be snuck into NK, how could people know they weren't living the best lives in the world?
How could they not? Nowadays it might be different but until information could be snuck into NK, how could people know they weren't living the best lives in the world?
Living in Utopia, one would have no unfulfilled needs or wants.
Living in Utopia, one would have no unfulfilled needs or wants.
When the message everywhere you look is that you are living the best life in the world, who needs electricity all the time?

People gauge their happiness and success relative to how they think everyone else is doing. When you believe no one else has it better, you will feel like you’re living in Utopia.
When the message everywhere you look is that you are living the best life in the world, who needs electricity all the time?

People gauge their happiness and success relative to how they think everyone else is doing. When you believe no one else has it better, you will feel like you’re living in Utopia.
Somehow I seriously doubt that to be true, one would only have to look at their Supreme Leader and any of his associates.
How could they not? Nowadays it might be different but until information could be snuck into NK, how could people know they weren't living the best lives in the world?
There are JW's there...due to their own safety we get no personal reports about them...just that we have brothers and sisters there...
One of the most harrowing documentaries you will ever see:

North Korea is a murderous authoritarian regime, and anyone playing footsie with it or its cult leader is either willfully ignorant of the horrors that people there endure, or utterly indifferent to their suffering.
i cannot understand anybody visiting there as a tourist
Did anyone actually grow up in North Korea thinking it was a Utopia? Aside from Kim Jong Un.
He spent alot of time in private schools abroad, so I doubt he grew up thinking the DPRK was an utopia. He probably just grew up thinking it was his private property.
How could they not? Nowadays it might be different but until information could be snuck into NK, how could people know they weren't living the best lives in the world?

There is a black market for DVD, and thumb drives in North Korea, typically for Chinese or Sk dramas
There is a black market for DVD, and thumb drives in North Korea, typically for Chinese or Sk dramas
In the end, given the chance, the international trade in information and culture might well accomplish what no degree of militarisation could.
That might be true in lots of venues.

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