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Arizona will require students to pass civics test to graduate (1 Viewer)

"Certain groups" may have pride in their history, achievements, ect, while "one group" can only feel shame, about all the bad things their ancestors did, they every other culture, nation, and people at one point did.

I know this is the wrong thread I am crossing threads with you on subjects but don't you think this same statement applies to the multi-cultural debate we have been having? Most cultures can overcome the issue of the past, the only one I question is the Islamic ones.

Tell that to "some Ideologies" to them, this is the America of were blacks are still coming of slave ships, Salem is still Whites only, ect,
Truth is “hate” to those who hate the truth.

That is sig worth......

Alas, I cannot claim credit for it, nor give proper credit. I read it somewhere, some time ago, and do not now remember where. Whenever I read it, I don't think was the original source, nor do I think that source gave credit.
Tell that to "some Ideologies" to them, this is the America of were blacks are still coming of slave ships, Salem is still Whites only, ect,

I think you are a bit out of touch with that rhetoric.
Alas, I cannot claim credit for it, nor give proper credit. I read it somewhere, some time ago, and do not now remember where. Whenever I read it, I don't think was the original source, nor do I think that source gave credit.

Truth is eternal, knowledge is changeable. It is disastrous to confuse them. Madeleine L'Engle,
I think you are a bit out of touch with that rhetoric.

Maybe, but have you seen leftist race bait?

I mean for **** sake`s its like they can not understand the 60`s are over and many of their ideas have been tried and failed...
Maybe, but have you seen leftist race bait?

I mean for **** sake`s its like they can not understand the 60`s are over and many of their ideas have been tried and failed...

Yea, but using a leftist defense tactic is a bit degrading isn't it?
Yea, but using a leftist defense tactic is a bit degrading isn't it?

Some what, I am just using their tactic to show their hypocritical nature, actions, views, ect, but that is trying to make a deaf person hear you..

I have learned you can not convince them, but you have to convince everyone is it not like them, which is thankfully A. Far easier, and B Fair less time consuming.
This should be required in every school and there should be more civics classes in general - and by that I don't mean political correctness and sensitivity classes.
This should be required in every school and there should be more civics classes in general - and by that I don't mean political correctness and sensitivity classes.

Who trust me, it will be so Anti PC but so fact based I promise 7 out of 10 students will vote Libertarian - Right/Conservative.
No Honey, its fact speech, truth speech, if you hate it, that is your problem.

Quick, tell me the top 10 states in educational achievement, and then tell me the bottom 10 states. Go!
Willing to bet you'll likely just dodge and throw rhetoric at me.
Quick, tell me the top 10 states in educational achievement, and then tell me the bottom 10 states. Go!
Willing to bet you'll likely just dodge and throw rhetoric at me.

Look at the amount of funding and what schools are used and you tell me.
Hilarious how this has devolved into a liberal hate thread lol

On topic: I think it's fine kids have to learn this stuff. It's always good to appreciate where you come from.
Hilarious how this has devolved into a liberal hate thread lol

On topic: I think it's fine kids have to learn this stuff. It's always good to appreciate where you come from.

Really? I don't think it is funny that liberals, who are mostly in charge of education, have created an environment that negates the ideas of rights and freedoms to promote their big government agenda on the minds of our future.
Really? I don't think it is funny that liberals, who are mostly in charge of education, have created an environment that negates the ideas of rights and freedoms to promote their big government agenda on the minds of our future.

Remember they love "diversity" as long as everyone thinks and votes just like them.

Under competition via private schools funded bu school vouchers, public schools would not be able to hold a candle.
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Okay, I took the test. I missed one (darn it!). I got 24 out of 25. Pretty easy, but it IS for children, so maybe not as easy for them. All kids should know these basics.

Actually, it is a sample of a test for for US citizenship. I missed one too.

Here are 25 sample questions provided by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, which requires immigrants to pass a 100-question test to obtain their citizenship.

Yawn, what were the bottom 10?
Forcing out the middle and working class...or rather you're giving them a proper chance by offering a good education. Something that the deep south wouldn't know if it hit them in the face.
I think this is a terrible idea. Sure, it's wonderful to indoctrinate students in public schools about what a wretched country this has always been, from its creation by white, slave-owning men, to Uncle Tom's Cabin, to the Trail of Tears, to Hiroshima, to McCarthyism, to My Lai, to Iraq, and all the rest of the standard litany of this country's sins. That has done a great deal to advance the collectivist goal of filling up America with millions of dopes who think it isn't worth defending. We have progressed far enough that even after 9/11, these useful idiots regularly side with Islamist savages who want them all dead.

But by itself, this indoctrination is not enough--even when combined with two terms of Barack Obama. If collectivists are really to do a thorough job of reducing the United States to the low, shameful state it richly deserves, we need to keep the floodgates open to let even more millions of ungrateful Third World scofflaws come in for handouts. And it is vital to keep both them and the native, politically correct lumpenproletariat ignorant of basic civics. Teaching these drones about the Constitution and the form of government it designs is very dangerous, because it tends to create positive feelings toward America in them. That must be prevented at all costs.
John Dewey was big on history and geography and their unique role in preparing students for citizenship, a universally accepted goal of the social studies.

Many people now see themselves more as consumers than citizens due to conditioning. I believe schools need to stress the latter rather than the former. After all, 'in a democracy, knowledge is power.'

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