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Are you willing to post your tax returns on the Internet? (1 Viewer)

Are you willing to post your past and current tax returns online?

  • Total voters

Every president since Nixon has released their tax returns. Every major presidential candidate since 1976, but Trump, has released their tax returns.
Joko is having a complete meltdown. Its hilarious.

He seems to spend his entire life in complete meltdown. It is more pathetic than funny at this point.
He seems to spend his entire life in complete meltdown. It is more pathetic than funny at this point.

Its why ive been thinking we should only respond with laugh emojis and nothing more.
Its why ive been thinking we should only respond with laugh emojis and nothing more.

There are a handful of posters on here that make me think deinstitutionalization may have been a mistake.
You are right. He clearly misjudged just how underhanded and devious the left is.

Do you want someone of such poor judgment to be president?
^ This

Can't provide your tax returns? Then go back to bankrupting casinos.

He upgraded to attempting to bankrupt a country. Next stop : the world!
Remember the outrage from the Con media and future Trumpsters over Obama's college transcripts..

They really meant nothing... But their heads exploded over that..

Now we have a president who promised MANY times he would release he returns..Of course that was a lie. He has a history of lying, cheating, and conning people..His charity and university were total con jobs.. With possible ties to foreign governments and banks. But Trumpsters now run to their dear leaders defense.. Something as important as financial records mean nothing to Trumpsters.

Cult indeed.
My point is as the head of state I think making sure they've paid tax and hasn't screwed the system is a bare minimum we should expect.
If Trump has no issues why is he so adamant we can't see his tax info?
Sorry the "If he's got nothing to hide . . ." line or argument is pure mindlessness. We have a constitutional right to be secure in our persons and papers - including Presidents. It just became something some politicians did for no explicable reason.
a private citizen has no reason to post them online....Trump isn't posting them on line either...he is going to have to hand them over to the state of NY, because he is under investigation. If you were under investigation, you can damn sure bet, they would already be in possession of your tax return.
I personally have zero interest in seeing anybody's tax returns. At this point, I would be thrilled if the IRS just got off its arse and mailed me my refund check that was filed March 1 and still hasn't come.

Absolutely I would. I have nothing to hide. If I ever ran for president, I would make all of my tax returns public.

Like candidates have for decades.

Well. Except one.
So what? That is completely irrelevant. The question is does doing so create harm and/or danger to the person - and not whether or not you hate Trump and business officials.

The larger issue is whether a president or candidate my be compromised in his decision making, in foreign policy, for example, due to investments, holdings, etc.
Funny. Yep. A nobody in politics. Just like you.:lamo

As far as finance. None of your business. Though I suspect I am much better off than you.:mrgreen:

Comparisons between people on an anonymous forum is rather pointless, wouldn't you say?
So what? That is completely irrelevant. The question is does doing so create harm and/or danger to the person - and not whether or not you hate Trump and business officials.

Let's have the Congress, the Senate and the Supreme Court justices be required to submit their tax returns since they are voting on matters of corporations and finances and we need to see where they have stock in.
The larger issue is whether a president or candidate my be compromised in his decision making, in foreign policy, for example, due to investments, holdings, etc.

Shouldn't all candidates and elected officials be routinely required to be alcohol and drug tested? Required to take a polygraph test? Given an IQ test? Take psychological profile tests? Their family's tax returned made public?

Should the Supreme Court order all of that too?
if you read the thread, perhaps you'll figure it out.
If you plug in your sense of humor, maybe you'll figure out my post.
Let's have the Congress, the Senate and the Supreme Court justices be required to submit their tax returns since they are voting on matters of corporations and finances and we need to see where they have stock in.

And all their relatives. China Joe launders money thru his children - why he always brought one along to make the mega million or billion dollar private deal or loan.
Not sure that would fall into SCOTUS bailiwick.
And all their relatives. China Joe launders money thru his children - why he always brought one along to make the mega million or billion dollar private deal or loan.

Why don't the Republicans demand right now that Joe submit HIS tax returns so we can all find out how he became a multi millionaire on a government salary??? The Republicans need to start laying REAL dirty like the Dems do. Why shouldn't Joe's son do the same? Every member of congress, especially Pelosi who chairs all the committees and is a billionaire by now.
It’si no defeat for capitalism.
Your post reflects opinionated ignorance as always.
Not sure that would fall into SCOTUS bailiwick.

We need a constitutional amendment that all justices, including SC MUST show their annual tax returns as well as all congress and senate. They are voting on matters that affect their portfolios.

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