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9/11 Conspiracy?[W:1551] (1 Viewer)

Real? You spread lies about 911, have a fantasy you can't explain. Claims you have but can't back up with much more than a fantasy.

911 fiction claims are so far from reality, nothing is needed to debunk 911 fiction; 911 fiction is self-debunking.

911 truth can't do radar. Why? Because the ball passed east of tower 1 less than two seconds before the second one exploded. Flight 175 could have done that, nor does the government officially claim that it did, because it was impossible for any plane, large or small.

"I believe that could be a police helicopter".


Ignore radar, it proves you have fantasy.

Flight 175 could not have flown over the Verrazano bridge at any time according to official flight data. This is what happens in a coverup. What really happened is hidden in plain sight, and mostly ignored. It was captured in real-time by atc's and provides conclusive proof of something else, the ball which moved north of the towers, then flew west into Jersey and circled back toward the towers. Of course this was not any type of plane, but the object that cbs, wb11, ny1, and nbc filmed.

The Verrazano approach is completely different from the 911 commission's fiction. It's southeast compared to the official southwest approach. The blue line represents the official flight myth and the Verrazano circle around is the closest that anyone has ever gotten to the real flight path that is backed by countless witnesses, for the ball.

Varcadapane: He says to me, “As a matter of fact, do you see that target coming over the Verrazano Bridge.” I went over to the radar and looked at the radar. The Verrazano Bridge is depicted on the radar. And I looked over there and I saw the aircraft descending out of 4700 feet, 3600 feet, 2700 feet."

Greg Callahan: And I could hear him calling on altitudes. “I have a target in sight, he’s descending rapidly.” And he said—“Look out to the southeast,” and the gentleman working ground control said, “Hey, who’s that by the Verrazano Bridge?” "And here comes a very large target descending rapidly, very fast." The skies over America - Dateline NBC | NBC News


The ball has its own last minute flight path.:mrgreen:
7forever, do you feel like you don't get the respect that you're due, both personally and professionally?
I don't even respond to 7F anymore. While he probably would see that as a Victory!!, the actual reason is quite a bit more humane.

You don't have the answers for the evidence that contradicts the official flight path. Did flight 175 float over the Verrazano bridge or was that the ball?:2wave:
I've told him that he needs to doctor the videos more - the plane wings are still obvious.

Two ATC's confirm something came over the bridge, which was southeast of the towers. That wasn't flight 175, SORRY.:mrgreen: It's that simple to refute your delusions.
Ignore radar, it proves you have fantasy.

Sudzie's flight myth belief is thoroughly obliterated by a simple NBC interview. It's that simple to fracture fiction that no one has really defended and certainly never proved.:lamo

Flight 175 could not have flown over the Verrazano bridge at any time according to official flight data. This is what happens in a coverup. What really happened is hidden in plain sight, and mostly ignored. It was captured in real-time by atc's and provides conclusive proof of something else, the ball which moved north of the towers, then flew west into Jersey and circled back toward the towers. Of course this was not any type of plane, but the object that cbs, wb11, ny1, and nbc filmed.

The Verrazano approach is completely different from the 911 commission's fiction. It's southeast compared to the official southwest approach. The blue line represents the official flight myth and the Verrazano circle around is the closest that anyone has ever gotten to the real flight path that is backed by countless witnesses, for the ball.

Varcadapane: He says to me, “As a matter of fact, do you see that target coming over the Verrazano Bridge.” I went over to the radar and looked at the radar. The Verrazano Bridge is depicted on the radar. And I looked over there and I saw the aircraft descending out of 4700 feet, 3600 feet, 2700 feet."

Greg Callahan: And I could hear him calling on altitudes. “I have a target in sight, he’s descending rapidly.” And he said—“Look out to the southeast,” and the gentleman working ground control said, “Hey, who’s that by the Verrazano Bridge?” "And here comes a very large target descending rapidly, very fast." The skies over America - Dateline NBC | NBC News


Spreading lies of no planes, debunked and closed on 911.

Radar proves 175 and 11 hit the WTC towers, no fantasy born in ignorance can change reality. Fantasy is all that is left for the failed no evidence nonsense from 911 truth.
Invisible electromagnetic radiation closed the case, and some people never do science or reality. The Tin Foil world of no planes is not funny, it mocks those murdered.
Case closed on the silly dumbed down no plane claims.

Radar debunks no planes, and other 911 truth delusional lies.
Why can't 911 truth do radar? Is science too hard to comprehend? Who started the idiotic fantasies of no planes?
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9/11 was done by American Pentagon/CIA. They staged plane into building exercises war games over NY on Sept. 11th.

The media (including Left Gatekeepers like Chomsky and Pacifica Radio) are paid by CFR and CIA connected foundations, to conceal the U.S. CIA covertly created Al Queda, still arms, funds and trains them as mercenaries for wars in Syria and Libya, created ISIS to control oil producing nations, and to re-assert U.S. dominance and install puppet leaders in Iraq and the other oil producing nations.

The same government paid hacks in astroturf anti-war movements also hide the fact that American corporations sold steel to Germany to build up the Nazi war machine prior to WWII, and that America had prior knowledge of Pearl Harbor.

Astroturf Democrat Party controlled and fake anti-war astroturf CIA fronts also push the phony 'war on ISIS' narrative to conceal that the CIA still controls ISIS, is using it as a Psy-operation to justify ongoing Pentagon raiding of the U.S. Treasury for illegal wars and the National Security State.


Resurrecting a thread that died more than 2 years ago. A real class act.

The OP in this thread will take you "there" in a few quick steps.

Resurrecting a thread that died more than 2 years ago. A real class act.

You're peddling a story that died way more than 2 years ago. How classy is that?
Resurrecting a thread that died more than 2 years ago. A real class act.

The 'alternative', now essentially mainstream counter culture of progressive intellectual blogging, MUCH LIKE 9/11 TRUTH BLOGS -yes, we are navel gazing in my comment - has become so thoroughly infiltrated that when one realizes that 80% of intel work is disinformation, you recognize you are being fed steady diets of agitprop which in many cases you have no means to check the veracity of. Whether its govmnt paid hackers making trouble posed as astroturfed 'Anonymous' ( there was that story in the news about the Guy Fawkes tale - the mask used in astroturfed anti-govmnt protests and 'V for Vendetta' film - and the news item said the bomb plot never happened and/or was a British Govmnt idea to scare the public into enslavement, Guy Fawkes never existed, and his holiday and story were a fiction, much like American story of Hellen Keller and Sally Fields multiple personality 'Sybil' - all FICTION) or the psyops (but not necessarily Assange or Manning or Greenwald) Omidiyar financed Ukraine overthrow and 'the Intercept' donor, or some of Wikileaks misdirection during the 'arab spring' to agitate the citizenry of US foreign adversaries - WAKE UP AND SMELL THE FASCISM already - jesus!

Real 'Sybil' Admits Multiple Personalities Were Fake

"As for Mason, she quickly got the message that if she raised questions about the veracity of her multiple personalities, she'd quickly lose her support network."

Real 'Sybil' Admits Multiple Personalities Were Fake : NPR

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and there are those who peddle all sort of alternative explanations to 9/11. All claiming to be correct.
But hey, it keeps the economy going for the likes of Gage and DRG.

You should seek out a mental health specialist. With the right amount of hard work and therapy you just might be able to live a happy productive life once you get rid of these delusions.
and there are those who peddle all sort of alternative explanations to 9/11. All claiming to be correct.
But hey, it keeps the economy going for the likes of Gage and DRG.

It was non expldoing radioactive nuclear bombs that emit no radiation!!!!
Nuclear bombs bringing down the Twin Towers and Bldg 7 is about as scientifically credible as the "official version" is, lol...

To believe the "official version", you have to believe the laws of physics ceased to exist for 1 day in the history of the world, then resumed their normal place amongst the other scientific laws the next day!!!

Anyone who thinks buildings can come down in freefall without the supporting structure below it being removed, is really too dumb to try and even have a discussion with.

Tell us all about your full theory of the events of 911. Be the first truther here ever to do that.

Good thing that isn't what actually happened then. No laws of science inexplicably violated.

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