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Recent content by PaulWolfowitz

  1. P

    Scarves are gang related now?

    High school administrations sometimes act in mysterious ways. I think it has something to do with being drastically out of touch with today's youth. It is hard for older people to understand the trends that younger people participate in, especially when they see and hear about gang violence in...
  2. P

    Flat tax

    "More important" work is such a relative term. Most people would consider the guy who works in a car factory and installs seatbelts to have a more important job than a Hollywood actor or a sports agent, but we both know who earns a higher salary (other occupations that don't bring back as much...
  3. P

    Flat tax

    Yes, obviously the rich still pay a higher dollar amount. A progressive tax rate might not be fair, and that is why I said I didn't want to sound like Robin Hood because I do recognize that some people paying a higher tax percentage isn't exactly "fair." I'm just saying that someone who makes...
  4. P

    The New "American"Adolph Hitler

    Why would you do that to your child?! Even if you are a neo-nazi, it seems like you have to common sense to recognize that you are about to ruin your kids life. He should have changed his own name to Adolf Hitler if he really wanted to pay his respect that badly. Some people....
  5. P

    Flat tax

    I couldn't really support a flat tax. The way I see it, if you make a lot of money then you probably have much more disposable income than someone who makes less money. Therefore, people who have a large salary that lands them in a higher tax bracket will, in most cases, be capable of paying a...
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