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Recent content by Bonhoeffer

  1. Bonhoeffer

    It's a flag. Who cares

    A 2/3 majority vote in each chamber of the legislature is required. So far all that has happened is the legislative leaders have agreed to debate the issue of removing the rebel flag.
  2. Bonhoeffer

    Virginia governor orders Confederate flag removed from license plates

    Since some people think the rainbow flag stands for perversion, and some people think the rebel battle flag stands for racism, why don't we just say, to each her/his own?
  3. Bonhoeffer

    Farrakhan: ‘We Need to Put the American Flag Down'

    Sounds something like: The Confederate flag represented the states that fought in the War of Northern Aggression, not slavery.
  4. Bonhoeffer

    U.S. Government vs. Church After Gay Marriage Passed

    Recognition and accommodation of same sex marriage is going to bite religious entities and individuals of faith in so many ways that haven't been thought out. e.g. Immigration attorneys have to represent that a client is in a bona fide marriage for certain residence status applications. Can...
  5. Bonhoeffer

    Ban the Confederate Battle Flag? Ban the Democratic Party!

    True. Dem. Gov. Ernest Hollings and the Democratic legislature had the Confederate battle flag put over the capital in 1962. Hollings then served 28 years up to 2005 in the U.S. Senate - as a Democrat.
  6. Bonhoeffer

    Breaking: US S.Ct. Rules Same Sex Marriage Constitutionally Protected[W:320]

    What this decision did not do is declare LGBT's a protected class. So discrimination against LGBT's is allowed; except where local ordinances forbid it.
  7. Bonhoeffer

    It's a flag. Who cares

    Not a good sign for removal since a 2/3 majority of the legislature is required to change the current flag display.
  8. Bonhoeffer

    It's a flag. Who cares

    Hi. I'm new to debatepolitics and don't wish to start out disagreeably, but your maxim is a bit trite. Observe a person in uniform: every little patch, ribbon, medallion, defines the person. A guidon defines a unit. A color, mascot, emblem defines a team. A past event or time period can be...
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