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Tire dust (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 27, 2019
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Political Leaning
The dust which comes off the tires on vehicles and commercial vehicles causes 90% of the particulate emissions from vehicles. Surely we've all seen the dust flying around low on the roads as we drive, but 90%.....damn.

Very interesting solution to this problem in the article. Now, this is something I can support, but will it gain political forward motion in this EV push? EV's are heavier than internal combustion vehicles and will substantially increase the rate of particulates from tires and brake dust.

I think this is something we should be considering with the advent and mandate push to electric vehicles.
The dust which comes off the tires on vehicles and commercial vehicles causes 90% of the particulate emissions from vehicles. Surely we've all seen the dust flying around low on the roads as we drive, but 90%.....damn.

Very interesting solution to this problem in the article. Now, this is something I can support, but will it gain political forward motion in this EV push? EV's are heavier than internal combustion vehicles and will substantially increase the rate of particulates from tires and brake dust.

I think this is something we should be considering with the advent and mandate push to electric vehicles.
If your EV is making more brake dust it would suggest that something is wrong given that regenerative braking is usually a key feature?
The dust which comes off the tires on vehicles and commercial vehicles causes 90% of the particulate emissions from vehicles. Surely we've all seen the dust flying around low on the roads as we drive, but 90%.....damn.

Very interesting solution to this problem in the article. Now, this is something I can support, but will it gain political forward motion in this EV push? EV's are heavier than internal combustion vehicles and will substantially increase the rate of particulates from tires and brake dust.

I think this is something we should be considering with the advent and mandate push to electric vehicles.

"Ultimately, Anderson hopes that all cars will be automatically fitted with a device like theirs before they hit the road."

I don't see the problem as it seems like a workable low tech, low cost fix. The part I wouldn't like is taking it to a mechanic once a month. It would be more practical if a cartridge could be changed out once a year or so, by a typical driver, similar to the effort needed to change windshield wipers.
"Ultimately, Anderson hopes that all cars will be automatically fitted with a device like theirs before they hit the road."

I don't see the problem as it seems like a workable low tech, low cost fix. The part I wouldn't like is taking it to a mechanic once a month. It would be more practical if a cartridge could be changed out once a year or so, by a typical driver, similar to the effort needed to change windshield wipers.

Ultimately it solves the question of even going the EV route. The device could be placed upon internal combustion vehicles and reduce particulates by up to 90%. That's huge, effective, cheap and simple.
If your EV is making more brake dust it would suggest that something is wrong given that regenerative braking is usually a key feature?

Heavier vehicles, which in turn will produce a significant increase in particulates, increasing pollution.....the idea suggested in the article is an interesting way to lower pollution in a fast, cost effective way.....this is good.
Until they find a better substitute for petroleum based synthetic rubber, the problem isn't going away.
The dust which comes off the tires on vehicles and commercial vehicles causes 90% of the particulate emissions from vehicles. Surely we've all seen the dust flying around low on the roads as we drive, but 90%.....damn.

Very interesting solution to this problem in the article. Now, this is something I can support, but will it gain political forward motion in this EV push? EV's are heavier than internal combustion vehicles and will substantially increase the rate of particulates from tires and brake dust.

I think this is something we should be considering with the advent and mandate push to electric vehicles.

Why electric vehicles? Yank tanks are becoming increasingly common, the three most sold vehicles in America in 2023 were the Ford F Series, Chevy Silverado and Ram Pickup. each of these is heavier than the Tesla Model Y, the most commonly sold electric vehicle.

You'd be better off limiting car sizes, like in Japan. Or, God forbid, properly fund public transport, instead of whining about a small aspect of the problem.
On a tangent; it always amuses me when I see a hi-end vehicle wit blackened front wheels. This come mainly from brake lining particles and will eat the finish on the wheels if not periodically cleaned. t also shows that the owner doesn’t rotate tires very often. I am speaking of the brushed aluminum wheels, the mfgrs are now offering black finished wheels.
When I lived in the inner city I noticed the coating of black dust that traffic left on everything. I assumed it was diesel particulate, but maybe it was at least partly tire dust.

It's undeniable that the rubber which wears off tires has to go somewhere. It's not sticky enough to stay on the road.
Why electric vehicles? Yank tanks are becoming increasingly common, the three most sold vehicles in America in 2023 were the Ford F Series, Chevy Silverado and Ram Pickup. each of these is heavier than the Tesla Model Y, the most commonly sold electric vehicle.

You'd be better off limiting car sizes, like in Japan. Or, God forbid, properly fund public transport, instead of whining about a small aspect of the problem.

Good call. To which I will add that wear off tires probably has more to do with driving habits (accelerating, braking, turning suddenly) than weight of the vehicle. Tires wear from the tread, not from the side wall which flexes due to weight.
If your EV is making more brake dust it would suggest that something is wrong given that regenerative braking is usually a key feature?

EVs go though tires about three times faster because of their weight, but the brakes last so much longer, because the majority of the braking is regenerative braking.
I think this is something we should be considering with the advent and mandate push to electric vehicles.
You don't give two shits about tire dust, you just want to attack EVs.
You don't give two shits about tire dust, you just want to attack EVs.

Merely pointing out the insanity. You believers of the Biden reign have been duped, fooled, conned and the wealthier are only getting wealthier. In the meantime you have weakened our National Security......it's like watching in real time the lemmings run off a cliff.
Merely pointing out the insanity. You believers of the Biden reign have been duped, fooled, conned and the wealthier are only getting wealthier. In the meantime you have weakened our National Security......it's like watching in real time the lemmings run off a cliff.
These sheeple who think they are championing a good idea never understand the reality if it all. Then when questioned about their lack of critical thinking, they attack with stupidity.
Merely pointing out the insanity. You believers of the Biden reign have been duped, fooled, conned and the wealthier are only getting wealthier. In the meantime you have weakened our National Security......it's like watching in real time the lemmings run off a cliff.
The insanity of... slightly more tire dust because EVs weigh more?

lol! ok buddy.
The insanity of... slightly more tire dust because EVs weigh more?

lol! ok buddy.

Maybe you should educate yourself on the effects on our health and environment and the pollution from billions of tread wear happening each day. Not exactly out there in the msm, because it's a big no, no for EV guru's right now, but open your mind and learn.

I think we will do most of our traveling in autonomous flying machines much sooner than any of us think.

Tires won't matter.
Maybe you should educate yourself on the effects on our health and environment and the pollution from billions of tread wear happening each day. Not exactly out there in the msm, because it's a big no, no for EV guru's right now, but open your mind and learn.

We should really do something about those pickup trucks then, right?
We should really do something about those pickup trucks then, right?

Definitely need to do something with the myriads of pollution coming from tread wear...no, ifs, ands, or buts.
The dust which comes off the tires on vehicles and commercial vehicles causes 90% of the particulate emissions from vehicles. Surely we've all seen the dust flying around low on the roads as we drive, but 90%.....damn.

Very interesting solution to this problem in the article. Now, this is something I can support, but will it gain political forward motion in this EV push? EV's are heavier than internal combustion vehicles and will substantially increase the rate of particulates from tires and brake dust.

I think this is something we should be considering with the advent and mandate push to electric vehicles.

Given that EVs are much heavier due to their batteries the enforced shift to those will obviously compound this issue :(
Definitely need to do something with the myriads of pollution coming from tread wear...no, ifs, ands, or buts.
And weirdly you only call out EVs. Ok then, what's your solution? Have you stopped driving?

After all, rich people in private jets can't talk about climate change. Do you still drive?
Given that EVs are much heavier due to their batteries the enforced shift to those will obviously compound this issue :(
It's worth it if it can save the planet. /sarc
What is it makes you think that by any observable and measurable data the planet is currently doomed ? :unsure:
Did you miss this: /sarc
And weirdly you only call out EVs. Ok then, what's your solution? Have you stopped driving?

After all, rich people in private jets can't talk about climate change. Do you still drive?

And 500+ of those jets turned up at Davos this year just to tell us 'little people' how to live poorer more wretched lives for their benefit :rolleyes:

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