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Obama to propose $1.5 trillion in new tax revenue (1 Viewer)

I am simply flabbergasted by the fact that modern day liberals are attacking old and poor people rather than our unjustified wars. Their priorities seem to be out of whacked.

Now, not only brown babies are the enemy, but old people are too.
Is this the beginning we needed? Maybe so, but the Republican candidates are pretty adamant that they do want to repeal it, in which case we will be back to square one, just as you said. Where do we go from here? We urgently need to rein in the costs. As it stands now, no one in Washington has any idea how to do so. Mostly, they either want to keep what we have (Democrats, since it was a Democrat that supported it) or get rid of it (Republicans, since it was a Democrat who supported it.)

A great portion of the debt that the current Congress is not willing to face in any realistic way is due to the cost of health care.

I don't think democrats feel secure enough to move forward with any plan to improve, and can't seem to articulate how moving forward might lower costs. After all, we spend a lot now before anything is done. So, they bunker down and try to hold the line. This is their failure IMHO.

Repulicans smell blood in the water and think repeal will hurt democrats more than anything else. In the reverse, democrats would be doing the same thing, sadly. I wish more saw that it would be best for the country to find something that worked, lowered costs, and allowed access to more people. I don't see congress tackling this as a problem to solve, but as a wedge to push between their oppenets and the voters.
I prefer we cut the debt by at least $3 trillion over ten years.

and for every dollar of spending cuts, there should be 33 cents of revenue increase.

whether that extra revenue comes from tax-increases, closing loopholes, higher fees and tariffs, I don't care.

however. the 1:3 ratio must be stuck with. This is what Obama wanted a few months ago and I hope he adopts it again.

beyond this, we should also negotiate a plan, maybe next year, to cut the debt by half within 20 years. and again, using the 1:3 spending cuts to revenue increase ratio.
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true. class warfare seems to be what both parties aim at right now.

Welcome to the forum fubar. I think I understand what you are saying here, but to be sure could you expand?

Obama keeps wrapping the same old crap in a new wrapper but when you open the package it's still crap.

He talks about compromise but when comes push to shove, he's saying my way or the highway.
Obama keeps wrapping the same old crap in a new wrapper but when you open the package it's still crap.

He talks about compromise but when comes push to shove, he's saying my way or the highway.

That's not Obama dude.

That's American politics in totality. Republicans and Democrats.
Question: How is it "Class warfare" to ask the wealthiest Americans to pay the same tax rate as the middle class?

And why don't you same people cry "Class warfare" when the wealthiest Americans are given the largest tax cuts and the middle and working class get smaller cuts?


Were wealthy Americans given a 33% tax break like low income families did under the Bush tax cut ???

Why do you hate low income folks and why do you want to harm them???
What do I think about raising taxes on the rich?

because that is a lie.

Tax Brackets 2011 | taxbrackets2011.com

tell us what the effective rate is on "most middle class americans"

The problem comes with where income comes from. Middle class get the majority if not all their income from taxable salaries. The higher class gets it from investments which are taxed at 15% and not the 35% taxable income.
The proposal seems to be good politics for Obama. Instead of begining with a reasonable comprimise as he did with the debt-ceiling fiasco, this proposal is farther left. If this process is correctly viewed as a negotiation, it only makes sense to propose a partisan plan, and then walk back to the middle. Looks like it took the centerist administration 3 years to figure out a rational way to deal with a center-right congress. Say what you want of the plan, but it is something the Dems can get behind.

This proposal goes another step farther in insuring that Obama's butt will only serve one term as president.
Question: How is it "Class warfare" to ask the wealthiest Americans to pay the same tax rate as the middle class?

And why don't you same people cry "Class warfare" when the wealthiest Americans are given the largest tax cuts and the middle and working class get smaller cuts?


Everyone got the same tax cut.
very funny. class warfare is what the gop is waging.

Really?Define class warfare for me then because it appears to me that the GOP doesn't care how much you make or how much anyone else makes. How is that class warfare? When are you going to stop believing the lies of this Administration? You want so badly to believe what you are told that you ignore reality and the facts regarding who pays the taxes and at what rate.

IRS Data Show Most Millionaires Pay Taxes At Higher Rate Than Middle Class | Fox News
The problem comes with where income comes from. Middle class get the majority if not all their income from taxable salaries. The higher class gets it from investments which are taxed at 15% and not the 35% taxable income.

Hasn't that money that is invested been taxes already? How many times should income be taxed?
well not quite, but close. and how many long term cap gains do you think poor people have?

You can't cut taxes for people that don't pay taxes. It's totally impossible.
I have only one question - What's wrong with the CEO of a major corporation paying at least the same rate that his secretary pays?
Hasn't that money that is invested been taxes already? How many times should income be taxed?

no, it hasn't. cap gains taxes are paid on the profit from investments, WHICH HAS NOT BEEN TAXED. jeez.
I have only one question - What's wrong with the CEO of a major corporation paying at least the same rate that his secretary pays?

60%+ of the country agrees with you.
no, it hasn't. cap gains taxes are paid on the profit from investments, WHICH HAS NOT BEEN TAXED. jeez.

What about losses? What is the Federal limit on losses? There would be no profit or loss if someone didn't take risk. Why should someone be penalized for taking risk?
I have only one question - What's wrong with the CEO of a major corporation paying at least the same rate that his secretary pays?

Does Buffet really pay a lower rate than his secretary? Or is that another version of truferism, like, "Bush was AWOL", or, "9/11 was an inside job"?
no, it hasn't. cap gains taxes are paid on the profit from investments, WHICH HAS NOT BEEN TAXED. jeez.

If an investment goes belly-up, is that loss tax deductable?

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